Annalium; with introductions and notes

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 303페이지


분류: 미분류


in o A. li iv 29, ), an hi data gliter as the irst , is is Vitelliu S. 3. n. Acerronius Proeulum: aster ard proconsulis Achaia. C. Pontius an inscription ives his ullisam a C. Petronius Pontius NigrinuS. impulorat, illi infin See In tr. II I.

vinciro in spite os his both Ennia an Macro ere orce tocommit sulci de in the secon year of Gaius rei gn 38 A. D.). aDisceretur here alone Sed illi genitive adipisci in iii 33 xii 3o, probabi in imitation of τυγχανειν. commotus, passionale a notae Insane. simulationum falsa: In tr. II 23. Chapto 46, ci gnarum S in vi 33 4 In tr. II 3I. 6ctubitavit, te hesita ted whom to designat achi SucceSSOr'. novotos Tiberius Gemellu S, hi Own grandSon the Son ofDrusus, and GaiuS, his grandSOn by adoption. nonctum Duhortatem ingressus he was in hi eighteenth year, but had not et ahen the toga virilis Suet. Cui Is). Potiu iuventam Gaius as in his xventy- fifth year. 2. agitanti so, ithout the more sua a companiment of animo , in i 23 I. composita aetate : Claudius as in hi sorty-fixili ear. Bonarum artium : histor an literature Claudius as an industrious Student, ut a regarde a stupi hebes', i 28, 2)and of wea intelleci. D4. illi, α, te care notis muchrior innin popularit with his own generation a sor ah in a favo urabie impreSsion ponposteri ty . s. fato Dormisit, te est the decision in the and of sate', i. e. he est evenis to talae their own CourSe. 6. non lactita indago riddie pia in to read'. For ambage ' cf. ii 63, 2. occictentem: C. solem'. 7. abiturum: c. ium'. Intr. II 3.gra truci alterius vultu abi abS. oceictes, C. Tiberius Gemellus a nam edi Tiberius in his vili scio in heir illi Gaius, ho adopte him, ut ut in tocleath in the course of theirst year of hi rei gn. Gaius vas himselfassasSinate in an . 4 A. D. k9. in patientia not in ' or by' his indurance', hic hwouldie expresse rathe by a simple ablative, ut lana id si his suffering '. ChaDto 47, D I. Laelius Bathus mentione by Ouintilian AT X I, 24 asin amous orator of the time. Seerat So ch. 48 6. P. Vitollit See V 8 I. DPaemium in iv O, in quarter of the properi os a person condemne sor maiestas is sal to e the re vard due to the accuser Secundum neces Situdinem legis the 'ex Iulia de maie-



State , passed by Augustus). his ould belli legat minimum the

Senat could grant more, at iis discretion. Iuniu Ottio : perhaps ora of the praetor si A. D. iii 66, 2). illim Balbus an Otho. mota probabi unde Gaius. 2. AtDv illa : See Ch. 48 6. Satrius Secunctus, mentione in iv 34, 2 a D cliens Seiani an done of the accuser of the hi Storia Cremutius Cordus. The tense here an in h. 8, Io Suggest that he wa no dead.)coniurationi : that of Seianus See P. 4. Cn. Domitium: husband of Agrippina. Vilatu Marsum Se also X IO, I. He ac Consul suffectus in I A. D. Procon Sul of Africa 27-29 A. D. an legatus of Syria xi Io I abo ut 42-44 A. D. L. Arruntium: See io, I. D4. Commentarii, alie record ' the minutes of the proceeding : in Such Cases a thi the emperor Sent a ritte account of the tria hel in his privat cour to the senate, for them to paSSSentence. Cf. h. O 2. Here the tria ha been conducted by Macro, an Tiberius himSeltiadiso Sent the Sual announcementos condemnation. forohant, Showed . nullaeque, α the ab Sence of an letter sto the emperor against them'. Intr. II 2.

invalicto suppi eo', sto imperatoris above. 4 Chastor AS I. Proctuxero vitam : Domitius die in O A. D., three ear after the hirth of Nero Marsus a stili live in

ctominationis, ab Solute Power'.

6. AIBucilla: he probabi ouilive Tiberius an die in

prison, herideat hie ing one of thos allude to in the opening ordSof ch. 47. Carsictiua Saoorctos mentione in iv 13, 3 a Charge in et A. D. Villi Supplyin Tacfarinas illi provision but acquitted.

He a praetor in 7 A. D.


in uncto mMolorem, to the a me pit eous effect cf. verba in eandem clementiam . io I. cliu ' at length ferret equivalent , proserret'. In tr. II 8.1ularicum iuvonta et In tr. I 23. Chaptorio, o ictem animi rigor, the fame uia ben lingwili'. et Ointonius, inergetic'. qua sita comitato, illi orce galet '.

et villa iis sit uation is described by Phaedrus ii 3 93,

prospectat Siculum et respicit Tu Scum mare'. 3. supromis, iis laS hour', a in h. 48, 3. consilii copiam, opportunit o Consuli in him . 4. De Apsolem moli, ins a mar os respect' he was

tali in his han to his scit. s. noque fefellit Tiberium) Tiberius noti exit'.

instaurari, tot rene wed .ctiscumhit, c. rem aine at table longe than usual . firmavit Intr. I 28. 7. septimum ocimum sor a simila omission os ante seech. 23, 3 intorclusa anima, respiration e in Cheched a naturaldeat licis meant. oroctitus o At so introspicere Creditus', In tr. II 33. mortalitatem, the conditions os mortali ty', i. e. liabili into die. o Iovis so, have sulfilled'; vestram meamque vicem explete', VI, 7. concursu: In tr. II 57, a. 8. maoatum aut nescium, concerned sor Tiberius o un- conscious o anythin unusual on Doti'.

summa, α, deli rom the highest hopes to the apprehensionis his ore doom For novissima ' Cf. VI, I. D9. opprimi Senem, Q Suetonius Tib. 73 states that Tiberius made ait he would give pii ring an diu itin agaim; and then, after callinisor assistance, trie to is an fel liseles by the ed. This stor is quote a sto the histor o M. Seneca sather of Nero' tutor , an is probabi the versio circulate by Gaius

at the time. iniectu multa vesti : In tr. I 57, a. octavo et Esptuagesimo : he a bor Nov. 7, 42 B. C.

Chaptor 51, ' On Tiberius sat he and mollier fee notest v I 51 familiam : so gentem ' in X 23, 3. 2. Dros oristum not apparenti in the pro Scription os 43 B. C., Sincerit appearche was praetor in I . . but the term de Scribes his condition aster the sali o Perusia, hen e sed to Sext.


introiit on the death of his sa ther in 33 B. C. aemulis rivals for succession to the imperia throne. Prosperiore, Q, i ob ed a Stronge mensure of populari ty'. 3. in lubrico, in perit'.



inpuctioitiam, α, ,henae must need subnaitrio, or illi drawbefore, his i se' unsaithlaliaesi'. Tiberius a force to marryJulia in II B. C., and went into reti rement a Rhodes, win to heradulteri es, Dona 6 B. C. t 2 A. D. 4 vacuos, C. Tacitus rections rom 2 A. D. , ut Augustus' hous was no stricti devoid of heirs illia A. D. the dat o Gaius Caesar' deat h.

5. morum, C., his character, too, passe through Vari edphases fas etllas his life . grogium: illi his, as illi 'occultum ac subdolum , supply tempus irst came a period o nobi lis an hono ur', α, then dissimulatio an an hypocritical assumptionis virtve . fingondis virtutidum probabi dative, Cf. h. 24 4. Germanicus die in I A. D. Drusus alberius Son in 3 A. D. D6 ictem suppl3 erat', asiniso illi obtectis libidinibus'. Eu tantum ingonio uiolaretur, te a follo Wing solet his iundisposition ' On Tacitus estimate o Tiberius Character fee

I Chastora, nam, C. the subjectis credidit is messalina , anes eius ' refers to Poppaea See Ch. 2, Ι). Poppaea a thedaughter os Poppaeus Sabinus v IO, ), an mollier, b T. Ollius xiii 45 I), of the Poppaea ho hecam Nero's iis Messalina asprompte to this attach on oppaea by the alter' adulter Withheriwn paramour Mnester Ch. 4, 2 28, I). hi Consulom he was Cos. Suff. Some time e re the death os Gaius, and ordinar Consulci 46 A. D. hortis inhians inhiare dominationi , v I 2, 5. The gardensos Lucullus ere the hie ornament of the Pincia Hili. oestos, laid ovi'. Qxtollohat, was beauti sying '. P. Suillius Rufus had accompani eo Germanicus as hi quaestor

tv 31, 33, ut a exile for a timem Tiberius for judicia corruption. Under Claudius e carrie o the trade os accuser an de oyed the imperiat avour ut in the eigia os Nero a tri edunde the de Cincia an banished in s A. D. xiii 42, 33.

death a contrived by Agrippina oon aster her arriage illi, Claudius Dio X 32, ). Eritannici Son o Claudius an Messalina bor in I r42 A. D. hi murderi Nero, in s A. D. is describe in iii 3-Ι7.

moneret avore Drao monet . . . petere', xiii 37, 2 In tr. II I.

DPREEiPuum auetorem he hadiso himself ahen par in the Conspirac against Gaius but ad publici glorified the ac is


th assassin s. and ad been regat dedis an aspirant to the principate Josephu Sin He was the resore Seriousi compromised, uth ad participate in the amnest grante by Claudius on his accession to nil except the ac tua in tarderers. victita fama : abi. o quali ty, parallel, ith Clarum .

Vionna Vienne in Dataphine was the chie town os the Allobroges of Gallia Narbonensis It is thought to have been madea colony, probably illi Latin righthi Augustus Pand Subsequently, probabi unde Claudius, it hecam a Roman colony, but evenie ret his an individual citi ensis Vienna ad received fuit civitas',

gontilos, is his sat herland . Dromptum natioret, te had ready means . 3. citis cito agmine ductis Q So ii I, 2. opprimencto dativm Intr. II II. Rufrius Crispinus a colleague in the praefectura praetorii 'Nith Lusius Geta, ii 42 I. He a the firs hvsband of Poppaea aster ard wi se of Nero), iii 43, 4. An account of his exile and death unde Nero salven in v I M XV I7, I. Chaptor 2, Q. Senatus costa, incce S to the Senate', i. e. the privilegem triat besore it Cf. Qui copia', i 8 6. Private tria is e fore the princeps ere ver frequent under Claudius, and Nero at his accession promise to abolisti them, xiii 4, 2. Under Tiberius a repor of the proceed ings Sexto besen to the senate ho ere eXpected o paS Sentenceri s. Vi 47, 4.)Such triat si ad occurre even unde Augustus, an aro Se frona theem peror' privilege of holdin proconsulare imperium', involvingpo ver of life an death ver his subjecis, even illi in the


*4. quihus dative In tr. II II. L. Vitollium consul in his ea for the thir time, an colleague illi Claudius both in that office and in the censorship. Hewould on his occasion e sit ting illi the em peror a SSeSSor'with him in the trial Seerat So vi 28 I. s. suhclitis qui Intr. II 2I, C. terrore Cur seri A i. e. of being Strangled by the executione in the

commoniunge On.

acto ignaro for this trait in his Character s. Intr. , P. tui. Scipionem mentioned as a legatus legionis in Asrica in 22 A. D. iii 4, 2 he was aster ard con Sul, and i mentione againin xii 3, 3 Chaptor 3 I. Oct resum ing the accountis Asiaticus tria l.



consultanti dependentin the notioni Speah in or ans ering latent in permisit'. non Α, c. Vitellius affecte to belleve that Asiaticus asdoomed, and begge i hin permis Sion to Choos the mode of his death, as is his oui die a grea lavsur Claudius was thus diveri Dona his inclination to pity ch. 2, 3Τ, and e grante Uitellius' request, asci the permission to Commi Sulcide were an ac of mercy. Antonia the oungeri aughter of Augustus sister Octavia by Antonius the triumvir. he marrie Drusus, brother of the Emperor Tiberius, and was mother of Germanicus, Livi sor Liuilla), and the Emperor Claudius Antonia received the ille of Augusta n the accession of her grandso Gaius, ut soon sterward die or asput o death. oh servavissent perhaps reser to the honoursia id to her asterher de ath nolint to acts of respecti uringier lilati me. Postonii militia : he had probabi been o the persona stas of Claudiu S.Conoilianctas misericorctino a genitive os qualit Intr. II 26, b. Der ait permittendum cenSuit . in sanctom olomontiam ascis,ith spectantia ' the word os Claudius hicli sol lowed bestowed merc in that very hape'. Da inoctiam si lonam oritum the niter expression is appliedio et D starvationis no tessia insul hut les violent than other forinsos sulcide, an more regemblin a natura death. Pomittoro, decline the favour', i. e. os an extensio os time he would hillaimself at once For omission of se ' cf. Intr. II 3.

exorcitationitius, gymnasti CS'. Deriturum : C. sui S se . quam quoct, C., instea os fallin a victim to , c. Dartem in aliam: C. hortorum . VRDoro, heat', a Constanti in Lucr. Epouritatis novissimae, Composure at his ast our' cf. novissimis , VI, Ι.Clianto quito inlustro se me os senatoria Census I,OOO,OCO Sesterces), whooematne With in the equestri an rankDom Choice. o suci, men ere ive important post Conferreddi recti by the emperor, a the reat iraefecturae ' in Rome, and

that of E pl.

Quibus Petra cognomentum more usuali the gentile nam os Such person is ive as etl. ossibi Tacitus here re his informatio Dom Some unofficiat narrative in hi Ch no thermame


was oria hy the Fratres Arvales. The inversion os the ars ouldbe reorde Las an evit omen. a imagino, in the nround of that vision . q. Visam: i. e. on therae ad os Claudius. into rotatum this hould e alien in an active ense, illi eum ' supplied In tr. II 3.3 qualicumque in Somnio, i his ream, hale ver it was'.

Quincto tonset c. 'centena millia . insignia Drast ne a senatorial di Stinction, note worth asgi ven to ne ho a no a Senator So Seianus received

praetoria ornamenta stom Tiberius, an Laco, the praefectus vigilum ' receivel quaestoria ornamenta . Tacitus also record thegistis quaestoria insignia' to Narcissus the pantomimi St, Ch. 38. Se algo ii I, 2. These honorar distinctions ave the recipient the distinctived res an place a sestival S, C., Ccorde to senators, but notrahe right to a seat in the Senate. 6. actiocit in adicienda censuit'; CL permi Sit ' Ch. 3 I. consiliis : aliud inito Ch. 2, 5. 7. missi in delictis . Eleganti temporamento, Mahin a gracesul compromise be-

ne ossitatem a Senator a unde Compulsion to ans e thequestion ossiciali puto him thi S a the cas also unde the

Republic Liv xxviii 48, i.

Chaptor I. continuus, incessanti occupie with criminalaccusations ' ; cf. iv 36 postulandi reis continuus annus fuit'. Reis ' is probabi ablat os respect. Cf. Cicero, es ii O, 32 equis assignandis . . . diligentes . J

2. ne quicquam, C., ior ad an wares in the publicinarhet o bris a sale a the reacher of advocates bribe tobetra a Case Committe to them. insignis probabi inlustris'. f. 4 I. Praevaricatio stricti denotes a corrupi agreement enteredinto by an accuser no to malle the mos of hi Case for the prosecution it an howevor, alSole sed of ColluSive advocac o ei therside Here Samius ad probabi reta ine Suillius, o the sumnam ed sor his delance, and ad the discovered that he meant tolet his caseriail. 3. C. Silio Se ch. II, 2. His sather, a distinguishem legatus' in Uppe Germany ha been orce to sulci de in et A. D. iv 8an soli. .

consule esignato: s. h. 28, I propinquo On Sulatu'. His

Hownsali occurre besore he held his ossice, an it is not



this Speech per egressionem' i. e. the senator' right egredi relationem', o reat of ther questions o public interest parthom that on hi Ch he was actuali consul ted). memoratio : Ch. 2, 12 26 and foll. lox Cincia, a plebiscite Carrie by M. Cincius Alimentus, tribune of the plebs o B. , illi the intention o Dee in theseopte Dombondage to the reat latroni ' ho ero SenatorS. It provisions ere Vade by means of voluntar gist an legacies Domclient to thei advocates Augustus revive it in 7 B. C. Dioli 18, 2J, ut evasions ere stili continued. See also Ch. 7, and note . Suillius a trie unde this lax in s A. D. xiii 42. Chaptori, ci contumelia, reprimand '. famam et Posteros an expression similar testamenta et orbos velut indagine eius Capi', iii 42, 7, in hicli the generalterin is sol lowed by a specificine. 2. Duletiorrimam alioquin, C. theSe ord salve the substance of Silius' argument. A talent hicli ould therwis beth nobtest . . . a degradedi Servi Cesai ven or gain.

D3. negotia, litigation . inimicitias, α, laud and prosecutions halred and the practice

of injustice ere en ouraged that jus a the prevalence of Si Cknes bring profit to physicians, o advocates may derive ealthfro in the corruption of the CouriS'.

I 4. Asinii Ch. 7, 3 hows that this is the Asinius Pollio of Augustus rei gn, the insigne maestis praesidium reis of Hor. O . ii I, I 3.

AQEoaeninua Marcollus: son of the consul of 22 B. C., and grandson, o his mother' fide, o Pollio He a a prominent senator an pleader of the alter par of Augustus', and throughout Tiberius', eign. He was a Some time iurator riparum et alvei Tiberis', praetor peregrinus ' probabifin I A. D. and at some time

3. Darahatur ententia: i. e. the Consul a preparin tomahe a format motion to expres the laetin of the house. logo refotunctaPum tenePontuΓ i. e. that Pleaders ho exacteda see hould e liable o prosecutio unde the statute de rebus repetundis Cossutianus Capito notoriou after ard as ne of the

accuser of Thrasea xvi 28, I 33, ). manifostos, itaini guilly', itener illi genitive of the crime, as ii 3, 3 delicti manifesta .

ante aeta eprecantes, 4Sk in Pardon o the past sequiu to poenam ante actorum deprecante ' S facti deprecatio in Cic. . Ctiaster T, o quom illum, Q quem illum esse qui '; cs. xii 36, 2 avebantque vi Sere qui ille tot per annos ope noStra S


AP DPnosumat, anticipat in ope'. I. usui ot robus, a me et the requirements and usinos ostis assistanc is provided by professionat advocates), that nonoma be at the merc of the o versu forda k of men to desen him'.

3. gratuito contingoro, atta in ex ithout cost'. ut quis, in orde that a maia a devote himself to the affati s ofothers'. Ut quis may also mean a cordita a one', C. CLi 23 6 ut quis fortuna inops . . . promptiu ruebant'. 4. The two ursuit open to senators who ere de barre disona ordinata trade are mentioned. OXereor agros: O Sed in xii 43, 4, an elseri here in Tac. So osten in Uerg. e. g. Aen. vii 798 χXercent vomere Colles'.

toleraro vitam salso in v 43, 6 is also a Vergilia phrase Aen. viii O9. nillil &α, io callinii lis is adopte by an man without theprospect of Some remuneration rom it'. Lit excepi that os which he has foreseen emolument.'. in s. magnum animum incluisso, assume a tost spirit' in no acceptin fee sor plead ing). 6. P. Cloctius, C. Curio no credit able examples, o the forme is state to have been ribe to commit praevaricatio by Catiline Cic. de Harus'. ess Io, a), and the Corruption os thel alte by Julius Caesar is atteste by Lucan iv I9 and Suetonius

Iul. 29). 7. mocticos, i moderate means', illi litile more than thebare senatoria census f. modicis equitibus' i 3 I. In realit Suillius see xiii 43 6 a very ealthy, and o Probably ere the therS. Quieta P Dulatio : i. e. While the State enjoye Deedom hom ivit War. illi it attendant confiscations and enrichment of partisans of the victorS. cogitaret, α, me liould thin k of the plebeians ho on distinctioni practice in the Couris'. toga, the emblem os ea esul civi lise, a Sometinae Specificali denote the leader's res an function cf. Cedant arma togae' Cic. ' in toga negotiisque versantur', Pli ny i 22, 6; Martiat, o Quintilian Romanae gloria magna Ogne'. 8 hau frustra, tot ithout grounds'. ctena sestertia a considerable reduction Samius ad gi ven Mur times a much to Suillius Ch. 8, 2 . further change a made a Nero' accession, iii , I, lienapparenti an advocate a sorbidde to mali a bargain soriis Debesore the trini These regulations however, di notistop the paymen o advocates, an me like prius Marcellus an Vibius Crispus ad enorinous fortunes Dial. 8, 2). Pepetunctarum tenerontum the genitive is sed on the analogyos that illi larguere manifestus , and the like Intr. II 4.



Chaptor , Q. Sub icto tompus longet expreSSed, Sincelli date of the roturn o Mithridates, determine by the Contem porar Parthi an histor se below and by that os Vibius Marsus

Mit Pictatos this prince ad hecome in of Armenia by the nidis Tiberius se Vi 32, 3. momoravi in therios partis the Annals dealin with the times

During this perio Armenia ad salien unde Parthia in

eas of the Caspian See Vi 36, 3. Bactria: et ween the Uppe Amoo Oxus and them indoo Kooslis Paropami sus in aster the fallis iis Gree dynast iis possession asdispute between Parthians an Scythian S.Cliusto B, ci. Tun the narrative of the evenis of Armenia is resume hom Ch. 8, .inoortis no hesitating ', ut de quibus incertum erat'; CL Liv XXX s, Italicos, in Certos socii an hostes essent, in

So xiii I9 nemo adire praeter Pauca feminaS, amore an odio incertas