장음표시 사용
tem Dint . . . ubi In tr. II 2I.
subire Verg. Aen. ii O8. Solis aram at Heliopolis Malari et ' about si miles orth- east os atro. 8. hae incorta, α Tacitus ejecis the abies, but belleves in the appearance, at times, of a bir of unu sua hind in consequence of whicli the myth of the phoenix a developed. Chaptor 29, Q. caecto continua: In tr. II 22. 29 Pomponius Laheo, mentione d in iv 47, I as legatus os Moesiain 26 A. D. , he he co- operate With Poppaeus Sabinus in puttingdown a rebellio in Thrace.
a. amnati, cici f. h. 23, 2. teStamenta, C. there e re exception to this, as in the Case os C. Silius, ho was attache on a Charge of maiestaS in et A. D. ,
an committe Sulcide, aster hicli hi propert was Confiscaled iv O, I). 3. morem, Q so Germanicus renounce Piso ' friendship I A. D. ii O, 3 . When the princepSacte so some formis bani Shment a prono unce i domo et provinciis suis interdixit', Suet. A . 66), o was ahen to e implied a in the case of Decimus Silanus, ho en into exile on receivin Augustus repudiation offriend sh ip an returne unde Tiberi u in o A. D. iii 24), after appeat in to Tiberius and the Senate for permi S Sion.
3. stulerat, C., is ad matteris informationi ut of the Subjecti a traged writtent Scaurus ' accordin to Dio si viii 24,4 , the traged wa Atreus', an containe a line, imitate from Eur.
whichrae sorce hi in to commit sulcide. necterentur, ,hicli might be applied . 6. Sarvilio et Cornelio : a the are mentione by one nam eonly the may have at ready occurre in the os portion Their sate salven in the nex Chapter.
magorum aera the PraCtice os it Cli Crast the se os spe lis and incantations cf. Verg. cf. M Hor. Od. i 27, 2 o . v). Chapter O LI. Ei . . . in icteret In tr. II I. O Varius Liguri the nameo Cur in iv 42, 3 in CaSe o adultery. et Ahuctius Ruso other vi Se tantino n. Cn. Lentulus Gaatulleus a consul in 26 A. D. ultro i. e. hesides nil in in the prosecution. 3. L. Apronius is mentione in the earlier book as an officeros Germanicus in I A. D. and proconsul of Africa in O A. D. Hewa govemor o Lower Germany in 28 A. D. and appear to have reta ined his command in spite of his ac os succes against the
I . in fraucto, harmi est'. s. inclicium mortis, sentence of death . 7. unus there is reason to th in that even among thos morenearly related the destruction a notis universat for L. Seianusis noti cedi Dio as sparedit the Same time a Terentius ch. in . 31 Chaptor 31, Q. C. Cestius: See Ch. 7, 3. Μ. Servilius Nonianus : Tacitus record his death in the ear 59 A. D. xiv I9 , an spealis of his celebrit as a historia in his
Artabanus ad alien possession of the throne os Parthia ab Out the yearo A. D. eXpellin Vonones ho ad succee de in or 8 A. D. Aitabanus sent en Voy to Germanicu in I A. D. and rene we with in the alli ance of Parthia illi Rome, an Showed mark of respectinster Germanicus deathino A. D. ii Mand 72). 2 aequatillis, without Caprice . Artaxias he was the son o Polemo in o Pontus, and was originali nam e Zeno, ut too the nam Artaxia a the Ceremonyo his investitur as in o Armenia by Germanicus in I A. D. sit 36). His deallicis mentione in his Chapter a a recent OCCurren Ce, an may be attribute to 34 A. D.
Eontumelia : the insuli consisted nolint in his demand it self, but in the ther content of the et ter in hicli Artabanus inve ighed against Tiberius as a murdere an debauchee, an calle uponhim o Commit sulci de Suet Tib. 66). Vonone, C. hi expulsion rom Parthia se above Vonones fora time rei gne in Armenia, but was threatene by Artabanus, and the RomanaoVernor of Syria Creticus Silanus, removedhim frona Armenia for the salae fieace illi Parthia, and eta inedhim firs in Syria and the in Ciliciari Vonones attempte to e Scapeand was kille by a Roman veteran in I A. D. ii 68J. Veteros, C. , he poli boast fuit of the old boundaries o Persia an Macedonia, an ultere va ingloriou threat of Verrunning whatii si Cyrus and afterwards Alexander had held . Such a claimwould Comprehen Greece iself, as ei as Syria an Asia Minor.
3. a Perincto opibus : suppi insignibus .ict, aliis condition ' vig. ademptae virilitatis esse'. 4 Phraaton ogia Phraatis filium this o ut be ne of themur sons os hom the Vonones of as nother sent by Phraates V o Rome Phraates IV ule Domi, to 2 B. C. Heu as the king who inflicted a reverse on Antony in 36 B. C., and reStored
nomino, &α, the royal nam and the imperiat sanction alone ere neede to ensure that there Shouldie Seemon the bank of the Euphrate a de Scendant of Arsaces therei Caesar' Willy. The repetitionis it ' i reta ined Serves to emphasire Sponte Caesaris an genus Arsacis a explanator of auctore' and nomines respectively the ternas ei nil inverte by chiasmus'. J
Ctiante 32, Q. Pnu . . . eoingitquo: i. e. he ave hi in thes 32 insignia os myalty, and the means os en forcin his laim hyintans; cf. auctum pecunia additis Stipatoribus , i 6, 3.
clestinata rotinons, adhering to his determination'. 2. arcturi, modo . . . in arcte Score the firs claus denote Sthe prevalent State the econi the CCaSional.
Dor negotia, ' by constant employment'. 4. cultu, ' way os life habiti'. impar to delicate sor'. Patriis moribus : a hard pen-air iis, illi much id in and hunting. S. sanguinis eiusdem : a grandson os Phraates Iesch. 37 6), and probabi a son fine of the princes sent to Romoe See note On
reeiporancta Armonias dative. In tr. II II. Hihorum. The Hiberi live fouili os the Caucasus, norit os Armenia, between Albania an Colchis. gontiis, is his own nation ' So i 6, 3. Vitellium : See ch. 28 I. As Syria ad been vacated in 33 A. D. ch. 27, 3), it is probable that itellius ad been ali eady sent ut a legatus of that province, an no v received an Xtensionis powersimila to that gi ven to Germanicus in I A. D. ii 43 2).D7. rogressus he was recalle by Gaius in o A. D. to an S vera accusation, an e Scaped by abjec Servili ty. On hi conduci to-ward Claudius, Messalina, an Agrippina e X 2 4 3, G ii 4 42, 4. actulatorii: this adj is no Mun et Seri here. Chaptor 33 I. Derpulit . . . iuvaro In tr. II I. 33
ministros persona attendant S. a scolus, pol Son him ' cf. Sceleris certa , ii 66, 2. 2. Artaxata on the Araxes, ea Erivan. The wor is herelam sing. et Se here it i Sometinae used a a neut plur. auxilia faeorant: i. e. auxiliare Compararent'.
3. Albano on the eas of the Hiberi, Separate on the so ut hironi Armenia maior by the rive Cyrus the extende to the
Caspian ea n the norit an north-east. Their relation to Rome was that os a client-State. Sarmatu : a genera name, o alS Sauromatae' sor many
tribes north of the Caucasus both in Europe an Asia.
quorum referring to the Sarmatae Only.
Portae', a pas in the centre of the Caucasian range the modern paS o Dariel, connecting the Iberian town Hermasta Tisiis withth uppe valle of the Terela. s. Qui i. e. thos Sarmatians ho Si de With the Parthians.
unum reliquum: the rotate long the western hore of the Caspin n.
rogem, the prince' probabi Orodes ad assume also thet ille of hingi Armenia.D3. feruntquo So a legend quote by Iustin xlii I, II states that Iason as riventuti Thessal by the aughters of Pelias,
that hele came reconcile to Medea an reinstate Aeetes, homite Mund in exile, o the throne o Colchis that he gaine great victori es an assigne territor fro his conquest to his followers
The ea origin of the Hiberi an Albani a Scythic, and the Albani utere alii to and somelimes confused, illi the Alaunii Alani.
Inocto, no , in the Style Os a cavali en gagement there Nouldie alternations os ad vance an retreat, again, ascis the inesiuere loche in close figlit, the won or lost round by brute orceand the hoc os arnis'. The subjunctives sol low cum conserta acie balances equestris Proelii more '; the Parthians ni medat maintaining Cavair tacti CS the Sarmatae though n horSeba hiat the lose figlit in more ui ted i insaniry.D3. iam quo no that it ecam a standin figlit those howere in great part oot-Soldier Ch. 34, 2 came into action.
Inti . I 23. The abi is causal ruinous through his ill- succes in the fietes'. 3. occulto consilii, ,ho had socia hept thei determination
on the par of the Communit, , ns in the lustratio of the eopte in the Campus Martius after the census ad been ahen, an it Was speciali used in the religious cere monte in hich the arm Wascon Cerneci, formarS, originali an agri cultura divini ty develope a warlike aspect whicli eventu allybecam his principat characteristic. placancto amni this applie only ille . . . adornasset'. Forthe dative se Intr. II O. Qquum: the sua PerSi an victim, offere to the Sun Xen. Anab. V S, S).ctiactomatis the original formi the diadem is that os a litteband te in a bore bellind a represented on the head of Dionysu S. D3. terra Caelove locat ablativesci se Intr. II 4. quia, α, te cause omen Signifie o the arthis in the hywere more firmi tote reli exon, herea the Changeable Character of riversio ooner hori e signf than it wept them away'. 4. multi equitum mili laus . . . venit the ablat is similario the Gree dative in ἴρειν στρατω so duabus legionibus Armeniam intrat', XVI, Intr. II 16.)auxiliatori: Intr. I SI R. Dolmaticum holium in connexion illi the great annonian rebellion 6- A. D. See In tr. P. XXXviii. circumfluia a poetica worcl.
partium, is his cause'. D6. Phraatis avii See Ch. 32, 3. qua utrolatque Dulchra, ill the nobi qualities in ei ther .
cf. h. 36 Q. The Vent in the ast of 36 A. D. re resumedin h. I. triennio : the real intervat was ather more Seianus having been execute in Ct. 3I A. D. ineorta, α exacte punishment in Cases that weremo provenand things of the past, asci the were mos serious an immediate
Det Fulcinius Pio : See V II, I. tiau Dorpessus frona these and the nexi ord it must beinferre that he committe sulcide. Praecipuo lilaertorum Tiberius Deedmen id not ecome influentia illi the closin years of hi liferi f. modeSta Servitia, intra paucos libertos domus' writte of the ear 23 A. D.), i 6, 7. fluxum, de Cayed' obiectancto Intr. II 22 b. Eoossu for absentia' Causa ablat. explainini exilium'.
3. vulgari suppi Scelera '. 4. Sonator the term thus applied probab ly denotes pedarius
Senator', i. e. ne ho ad notael a curule office. C. Gracetio : See Ch. 6, 3. Tarius Gratianus probabi son o L. Tarius RufuS, Who WaS COS. Suffcin 6 B. C. curator aquarum 23 A. D. an is mentioned by
Clia Dior 39, Troholloniis Rufus mentione in i 67 a. 30 praetura functus', an diu in Charge of Thrace in I A. D. during the minorit both of the child re o Cotys and of Rhoemetalces, bet ween homo he ring m a divide tipon the deposition os
Rhescuporis, ather os ille lalter. Soxtius Paeonianum: Ch. 3, 4. 2 per clomo sanguinem : referring to the cases os sulcide at
3. Poppaeus Sabinum Se U IO, 3. modicus originis In tr. II 24. nequo Eupra: i. e. he hadiso the eminentes virtutes ii o, )whicli might be data gerous in the eye of the princepS. Chapter go, Q. Plautius, probabi irother of Plautius ηοSilvanus, praetor in I A. D. iv 22), an soni M. Plautius Silvanus,
Sex. aDinius: nown rom an inscription to have orne thecognomen inllenius ' anci to have fille the sua magistracies in Succession hesides bet ni quindecimvir sacris faciundis'.
lacuna sol lows his anae. Presum abi Some indulgence to AruSeius, a restoration hom bant Sliment, a recorded, and thensollowe a se con neque quod ' illi them ames of the persons hoare subjects of adfecti forent'. actvertehatur So his ver is sed sor animadvertere also in xii SI, S laqueo vexatas the orna 1 execution in the Tullianum' asCarried ut, o S to ensure the confiscation of his propert sc f. Ch. 29, 2). 2. Tigranos the Murth of the name, of those ho ere ingsos Armenia He a grand Soni Herod the Great, and was nominate hin o Armenia by Augustus, though it is do ubilat iste evera tuali re igne d. Hi appotniment a maderat a period, bet ween D. Q and II A. D. about hicli information is scant an Confusing. Ariobarganes, a Mede had been appo inted hing of Armenia by Gaius Caesar durin his mission to the Easto B. C.- A. D. he a Ssollowed by his son Artavasdes IIIJ, against hom the Armenians rebelle the followed his Tigranes IU , horaeem to have been recalle to Rome o an accusation and there etaine illi now. Vonones ad occupie the throne aster Tigrane I wa removed, untii remove by Metellus Creticus in deferen cera Artabanus hingos Parthia Ch. I, 2). 3. C. Gatha calle C. Sulpicius in ilicia, here his consuis hipi 22 A. D. i recorded. He was the olde brother of the Galba who SubSequently was emperor for par of 68 A. I . o the deathis Nero. Drovinetam: Si or Africa He ad uine himself by X-3I
4. rettulia in the los portion.
liave intrigued with Seianus against heriusband. LoDictum Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, sent a proconsul to Asia in et A. D. iii 32) hecis also mentione in illo a repatring at his own expense the Basilica auli', founde by his grandia ther Aemilius Paulus, the Consul of O . C. He evident ly was a favourite os Tiberius as in I A. D. Tiberius made vero hi in the properi ofa oman who die intestate, instea o lettin it pas into the
41 Chaptor g1 I. Clitarum the Same form of the nam occursin xii 33, here mention is ad of thei hin Antiochus Coinso the perio give the nam as ΙΗΤΩΝ. Thei territory, extendingove a Considerable par of ester Cilicia, forme par of the hing domi Cappadocia, and when that hecam a Roman province,
IMA. D. in the ea aster the eath of Archelaus ii 42 6 56, 3,
this part was allowe to remalit his son. cteferro, mahe a retur of thei property', regularly for theas sessment of the tribute tot paid. The native hin was organi ging the taxatio of his dominion o the Roma modet. ingonio natura'; servitii ingenio , ii O, 4.
n equo in harbarum corrupta, in that ad not degeneraledint barbarism The phra Se S like Such a Gree expression as
opibus aut Easientia cauSal ablatives, equivalent to accusatives aster propter'. sua Populo vis, the eople have their o vn pro per po er'. This in a re Gree state, ould mean that the eo ple forme the Sovereign SSembly, ithio verrio paS or Hec laxus, an to electinagistrates and the senatus' the lalterae in concerne with thedetatis os executi, e. 2. Quotiens coneorcte agunt, ,heneve the citi gens live in
Scytharum : Dahae an Sacae. Paenitentiam, illange os min&'. Daectorom, Sign o neglect'; e remaine 'inluvie obsitus'
I 3. simul fama, α, terrified by the nexus as ei as his rival'spreSence . The omis Sion of the repoSitio marks the effect of the verbis produce by the pre Sence of the person ather than the actua agenc of the person: repentini hostibus circumventi'
ctistrahia sor historic infin following a Conjunctio se Intr. II 34. 4. no animo quictom, had Ot et sufficienti combine eveni the wili tombey', stilleses in readineS to a Ct. 5. amno the Tigris, hici he had rosse to Ctesiphon. Elymasis the live o the coas a the head of the Persian Gulf, and could noties a tergo to Tiridates a Were the Armenian S. Ver probabi thei poSition a mi sapprehende by Tacitus: there may however, have been a ranch of the tribe in another district). t is possibi ais to appi a tergo' Elymaeis et Ceteris only understandin that these ere tot arasS Artabanus in the rear henae advance against Tiridates. 7. Arabum those of Osrhoene round Edessa in W. Mesopotamia, are meant CL licia, ). xsolvit, teli eve ali his adherent Dom an Sham a desertinghim'. flairs in the Eas are resume in ira I. In the intervat, Mithridates secure the ingdomo Armenia, Artabanu regat ned Parthi and madeseace illi Vitellius, and di ed in possessionis thehingdom in O A. D. 45 Chapto 45, ci circi the Circus MaximuS, in the valle be- tween the Palatine and the Aventine. tDEoque Aventino : C. deusto'; deusto monte Caelio , iv 64, .ctomuum, manSions of the rich. insularum, blocks ' of houses,let out in tenement to the POOr. a. Dublico, is bellais of the State': O ii IO, 3. tamvlum Augusto mentione a decree in I A. D. Io 8). Livia was associaled, illi Tiberius in iis construction. It was bulliat the si de of the Palatine nea the Forum. Eoaenam Pompeiani theatri the stage of Pompey' theatre'. It destructio by ire, in et A. D. is mentione in iii 2 4. his theatre a ConStructe in the Campus Martius by Pompe in his se Con Consulfhip 53 and was therars permanent Structure ofili hin in Rome. 3. Quattuor rogonori for Cn. Domitiu se vi I, G sor Cassius and inicius se Ch. 3 for Rubellius Blandu Ch. 27 I. F. Patronium from inscription si is known to have been consul Suffectus in I A. D. and proconsul of Asia foreth unus ual period of Si years, after hic he was legatus of Syria unde Gaius He was a frien o Claudius, in hos rei gn e diem his son a ConSul