장음표시 사용
The Ubii e re transporte to the westeria an with their own Consent, and the date a probab ly Mil. C. When Agrippa is mentioned by Dio as hau in Cros Sed the Rhine 48, 49, 3 .L3. Chattorum the mos formidabie en emi es of Rome beyonditie Rhine, at this period Thei districi sor med par of the extensive mercynius saltus', and their nam is thought tostar vive in Hessen'. hicli illi par of assata, represent their locali ty.
Vangionas a Nomotas: Sittiate Mon the est bank of the Rhine in ermania Superior'. equite alario, cilli excavat ry force of mounte allies . anteiront, uel besore them', o thei lineis retreat. k4. inclustria : sed os soldieri vigo urs f. Ch. 2 I.
Chaptor 20 Vannius is mentioned in iii as of the race 20 of the uadi, and was et up asining ove sonae of the Subjects of the deposed Maroboduus by Drusus Caesar Tiberius' on , in I A. D. his hingdom, calle linere Suebic seem to have include lthe whole territor of the Marcomani and Quadi moliemi and Moravia , a the enem ies of annius are Hermunduri an Lugii, who ere on the west and norit os liat is no Bohemia, hi lehis allies are the Iazuges L i, who hordere on the vadi to the
mox, c., tu subsequently through the long duration of his rule in lapsin into tyranny . mutans here in trans. a in ii 23, 4, and osten in Livy. s. theus os vertere', vi 46, 3 serres', ii 23, 4. octio : ith circumventus . et Vibilius is mentionedos chiestat of the ei munduri in
Hormuncturi describe in Gramania friendi and privilege peopte adjoin in Raetia, et ween the Marcomani and Chatti . Palpollio Histro this name, Corrupi in the S., is restoredhom an inscription, hicli states his fuit nam and the offices held by him.
Pannoniam DraeSiclehat for the CaSe f. h. 4, 7. Pannonia vas ne of the moSt important Caesari an provinces, an it S
Euhsictio . . . et torPorem notice the variation of the CaSe S, both ord expressing the effectis legionem . . . Componere'.
4. Vangio a Sicto. The alter a stili re igning in 69 A. ., whenae oine Vespasian, as did ais Italicus, ho hau succee ded
parti vero This active sol in is archaic. The past participi is hori ex er Sed in passive ense by Caesar an Livy. egregia . . . ficte : abi. Os quali ty, ait also 'multa caritate an d maiore odio . ' Subiectis is dative, parallel, ith adversus nos , a bove. Di Splaying oward us an admirabie ob alty whils by thei subjecis o in ei the to theiriwn fictile temperament orto the character produce by en Slavement abi. Os auSe ,-theywere vieri e with warm flection unti the won thei hingdom, and with stili, armer atre aster the had won it'. clominationi the case Cf. rerum adeptu e St', iii S. I. Chaptor 31, Q. At in Eritannia, c. the narrative here goes 3Ibach to the date of the appo intinent of Storius, ho Succeededi' liuitius Silvanus in 7 A. D. P. Ostorius Scapula is known to have been consul sustectu S ith a certa in Vellius Rufus perhaps the Suillius Rufus of xi I, I in Claudius re ign. a. primis eventibus, 'by the firSt resulis of mea Sure talien'. rapit, turries ob force marches). caesis qui In tr. II 2I. Dormitteret, sol lowing ne'. In case a peace, sorme without Diendi Peling or loyal intentions, hould amor no securit togenera an arm althe. Cunctaquo castris Antonam o Salarinam so Med. The passage is uia intelligibie ithout so me alteration. The read ing cunctaque cis Trisantonam et Sabrinam ' involves the Change fone et ter ni scis for cas-J. Τρισaντων occur in Ptolem a thenam os a rit isti rive flowin to the solith coasta his is nottaken to e the ne reserre to ere, but the nam may et beone applied like Avon', to severa rivers. Trannonias occurSas the nam so the Trent in the nintli Centvry, and this may belli forna into hi Chori sanion, o Tris antona, assecl. his interpretation Suggest S, then that Storius, engage in protecting the friendi tribes of solith Brita in stom attach sto the orth, prepare to bring into subjection a large tractis the Midiands, here describe as eas of the Severn and solith of the Trent, an his operations provoked risings Dona the Iceni o the east the BriganteSon the north, and the wel Sh tribes o the west. 3. quocta . e. Ostorius operationS.
7. filium his death, o a charge of conspirac against Nero in 66 A. D. is describe in vici 5. servati civi cteous thes civica corona 32 Chapto 32 I. compositi, ,ere quieted ' S in h. O I. hollum intor: In tr. II S. in Decangos Med. hac inde angos . Tacitus account, that the arm reache a potnt ea the IrishChannei and the indicatio that iis operations provolae the hostitit of the Brigantes wholived north of the Mersey and the Humberas far a the Sol way an Tyne), Suggest that this tribe live sonae-where in the orth os ales Pig of lea have been Mund in Chesli ire an Stafford shire engraved DECEA DECEAN G, and DECE-ΑΝGI, and these are thought o have come froin the lead-produc inguis tricis os lintshire, probabi on both si des os the De i. e. Domamong the tribe here Calle Decangi'. It is a disputed oin tu hether DE, O the pigS i partis the naine or a preposition Theread in o Med. is in favour of the lalter interpretation ut thewelfh nam Tegenigi, stili applied to the district between the Dee an Clwyd, malae it probable that E is the rst syllabi os the
cia era haras ' s also in Caesar an Livy. temptarant Subj of repeate action, in a dependent clause. 3. estinationis ortum, in averin in his resolution ' Intr. II 24. 4. arma cooptabant: ses coeptare seditionem , t 38 Ι. Silures These, illi the indre tribe Demetae est of them, hel a territor nearly correspondin to Out Wales, Mon mouth Shire, and Hereford Shire.
s. voniret eveniret'. Intr. II 28. Camuloctunum Colchester, a tow of thes Trinobantes'. Thenaine is derived rom the Celtic war-go Camulos . Tacitus cloes no mea that a Colon a Colche Ster ould overari e rebel tribes in the est ut, o facilitate the transfer of the legion stom Ssex vest Wards, a militar colon wa est ablished a Colchester, hi cli
I. astu locorum fraucto fraiis loci or locorum ' is a poetica expreSSion, occurring in Verg. en i 397 an Ov. r. iv 2, 33;it is adde to expla in the more generat Nor astu Getting the ad vantage by stratagem through the difficult of the country, although in serior in militar strengili, he hi fled the seat of war. 'The Ordovices occupied the hie partis Central and North ales, and thei nam is thought to e derive frona the Celtic or sorthei characteristic enPon the RXe-hammer. Paeera nostram the pax Romana', of hicli Calgacus is represented in Agr. 3O, , a Saying ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem Appellant'. novissimum, extreme', ut ternaost', a in vi O, Rished the ultimate deci Sion o Fortune.' aha cessus, Mean of e Scape , o uti et Sy. inportuna S in h. I 2, 3. montihus arctuis: abi. abs. Intr. II a The sit os the batile is describe to vaguel tot identi sied. Si qua nom. Plur. Sulla. to accedi poterant'. olomonteP, i an eas aScent' cf. colles clementer adsurgen
Cti apter 34, DI Actioo besides ' a in h. o 2. 34 2. Enimvero emphasiges Caratacus a the principat figureamong the chiestains ho ere deli verin exhortations f. h. 64, 6. 3. DeDulissent an Xaggeration. O Caesar' invasio os Britai Tacitus Say quamquam prospera pugna terruerit incolaSac litore potitus sit, potest videri ostendisse Britanniam posteris, non tradidi SSe , gr. 3, 2. J 4. obstringi obstringere se each wore b his tribalgodi' the ellipse of se te res cessuros ' se In tr. II 3, a. Chapte 35 I. nihil nisi atrox, α the orbiddin aspecL 35 of the whole position cro ded illi defenders' CL nihil . . .
ctooectero, dest thei position'. The wor osten indicates thede partur os a provincial governo frona his spherei administration.)ῆ6. forentarius the auxiliaries, justos gravi miles means the legionaries. The wor is applied, Ccordin to arro, to equites . . . qui ea modo habebant arma quae errentur, ut iaculum . Vegetius speah of Mot-Soldier so called, apud veteres', who ere light-arme an Statione With the Stinger o the wings, and pene the batile by kirmishing. The wor is Sed in figure, by Plautus, an occur in SalluSt, probabi a an archai Sm. As Such, Tacitus seem to have adopte it rom Sallust.
Conferto gractu, in log order'. resisterent . . . veYterent frequentative, a in h. 32, 2 temptarent'. AD attiis: gravis armatura . . . habebant . . . gladio maioreS, quo Spatha vocant' ; Vegetiti S.
I 2. uncto: i. e. rom hi prolonge resistance. Quoeta insulam S evadere ' ch. 33, 3 an egredi si o, et inare sollowed by accusative in Tacitus. insulam naturali plural, as a Roman would thinio I reland , Mona Vectis , and the fland north and est of Scottan asforming one group illi Britain. quis illo se quis ille esset qui . . . ' Cf. i , I. 4 in armis usualty in the ity the oldiers ere 'togati'
ctoctignatus esse . . . Recipero S ii 43, 2 ' fratris filio
patruus parere dedignabatur . t Dedignor is usuali confine to P t S. lpluribus gentibus. The fovere igni in herite Dona his ather Cunobelinus h ad extende ove many tribes inu. p. X l . an evenaster his a b rohen up he had been accepte by the Silures and Ordovices a thei leader. 3. Aequitur, loes it sol low8 The omission os an interrogative partici add energyrio the question. 4. si statim octitus tracteror, had been de livere toyota aster mali in prompt Submission'. Deditus reser to his possibi actio in Britani, traderer 'to his arriva a Rome thel alter ord doe no meret repent ille dea iready expressed by
the forme r. moi cf. 'Sui'. Ui . . S. ad ea, ' in epi to thic'. Suggeatu tribunali'. iSctem . . . venerati, in id the Same expreSSion si honoti and gratitude .gratibus et Se here the nona an a c. of this ord are lone
D6. signis Romani praesictera: i. e. to Sit like the em peror, on tribunal ' Surrounde by the Standard S. parti a maioribus . he wa great-granddaughter of AuguStu S.
b Scipio Africanu S. O B. Perses appea re at the triumph of L. Aemilius Paulus in I 6 B. C. A qu alii, c. Jugurtha appeare at the triumph o Marius, Io B. C., and Uercingetorix a Julius CaeSar in DB C. neque minus, C. declared that it a nodes glorious an eventilian the exhibitioni Syphax by P. Scipio, o Perses by L. PauluS, the Succe S of an other generat who ad displayedaings in cha in to the Roman eoples'. for the displa by an other
generat os hings in cha in Shown to the Roman eople'. J a triumphi insignia: Cf. i O, 3. axict, i to that time'. 3. Praefectum Castrorum. This officer as usualty one promote froin the an os centurion, a a reward os long and good service Even in a Cain incontaining more than ne legion a single praesectus castrorum , ould e appoin te in Charge of it. Cases occurri Tacitus of a praefectus castrorum takin Charge os legion in the absence of the degatus . Aster Domitian orde redilia each legion Should have a separate canis', his officer is called praefectus caStrorum legioni.' and in the secon centur be comeS
circumfunctunt the earlier sage of the passive illi dative, also occurs in Tacitu O. g. h. 27, 3.
I . ni nuntiis, e the ex of this paSSage is uncerta in andit is heresore do ubi fui hether iis constructio is correct Itappearciso the early par of the ex Chapter that the main bodycam to the suppor of the beleague reduroops, So that ex castellis' may be connected illi iuntiis', though Stricti for his purposeth phras require the additioni Somesuch participi ac missis'. Had not hel p in consequence of a me Ssage dispalched Do in theneareSt foris, been Sen to the beleaguered forces, the would have been absolutet wipe oui. Obsidio', dative frona obsidium .)oh Aictio copiarum copiis obsessis Intr. II 57. 30 Chaptor 39 I. sistabat, ni . . . AeePissent Intr. II 38. Dro molior fuit, 'was equivalent to a succeSS'. Cf. pro firmato Stetit magistratus eius ius ' Liv. VI, 3. D3. in moctum latrocinii, inster the fas hionis guerilla figli ting'. ut cuiquo, α ah in place ac Cordin to the opportunit orvalour of eachiarty, On the Spur of the moment, or Dom prearrange dde sigi'. Proviso ' oes no occur et sewhere in hi sense re ante provisa', but is probabi forme o the mode os improviso', common in Cicero. For the change rom asyndeton to connexio by particles f.
D4 imperatoris i. e. Stori u S. Sugamlari. The destruction o par of this tribe and theseitlement of the restis them on the west si de of the Rhine eem toliave been carrie out by Tiberius in C. Referen es to their Conques are madet Horace in Od. iv 2, 34 ; 4, I. Jin Gallias i. e. on to the Gallic si de of the Rhine. It was on this si de that the wo German province lay but the west si de of the Rhine continue to e spolienis ac ripa Gallica', even aster the
two German provinces ad been constructed alon it. s. avaritia : causal ablative. tamquam Ιntr. II O. 4O Chaptor O, I. A. Dictium se ch. 3, The date of his appotniment i generali taken to beri A. D. andae Seem to avehet it for rather more than fiVe earS. integras i. e. in the state in hic the death of Ostorius adtest them. Manlius alona mentione in Hist i 64, 7 a legatus os anewly-rai sed legio ini A. D. He a Consul in A. D. at the
auetaque, C. The Sentence S awkward. Et apud hostes' seem tot ans vered by atque illo augente'. The account of the affair a magni fled, bothin the par of the enem Who thus oughtto intimi late the approachin commander, hi te herio exaggerate dili repori, that he might procure the greater hono u stoin thei subjectio an have a belle excuse is the maintaine thei resistance.'oompositi s Med. The participi may be ahen a nom. l.,
with forent understo od that thei pacification might e thegreater credit'. Ome editor prefer compositis', to e alien as
3. Venutius mentione in HisI. iii 43 an also in the ost
In Hist iii 43 it is state that the wealth and prosperit whichCartimandua gaine frona her service to the Roman in the betraue alos Caratacus te herclo reject enutius, and to tali in his stea his armiger Veliocatus ut the nation too the si de of the injuredhuSband, and she was reduces in extremum discrimen'. S. feminae. Et se here Tacitus states that the Britonsa ad noobjection to the rule of a oman. Neque enim sexum in imperiis di Scernunt', gr. 16 I. Cf. also Boudicca' declaration solitum quidem Britannis seminarum ductu bellare', iv S, .
Ioeta insignis ' or praestans '. 6. initio amhiguo, c. In the His ories nothiniis sa id about the employmentis an legion and the auxiliar sorces are state toliave ac compli She no more than the rescue o Cartimandua hersei leavin Venutius master of the siluation. The rigantes e re stilli arm unde him in 69 A. D. and were ni partialty reduce by Cerialis in the timem UeSpaSi an r. 7. i. 7. multa Copia honorum: abi. os quali ty parallel with, and no dependent on gravi.'. 8. DI EA Per annos : Vig. 47-S A. D. The treat mentis affairs in Brita in is resume in i 29. hau Dorincto, tot as etl a the should . Chaptor o, Q. Sarvno Cornolio Orfio. He is mentione 41 again in vicia, in author of the proposai sor Changing the ames of the monilis Ma and June into Claudius an Germanicus', in hono uris Nero, 65 A. D. in addition to the previ ou alterationis April , Neroneus'. He appears to have peris hed in the a St yearso Nero Hist. V 2, IJ. maturata, Mas hastened' i. e. be Sto ed earlier than usual Nerohad just completed his thirteenthlear the toga virilis was usual lyno assume besore the completionis the Murteenili ear. CRPESAenctu ro Dunlicae. The phra Se is applied to imperialiunctions in X 24, I but here reser rathe to thos attache to the office mentione in Da. I 2. Vioensimo aetati anno,&C. his privilege, with the exemption rom passing through the lower magistractes, and also the ille principes iuventutis ' had been granted to Gaius and Lucius Caesar, the grandSon o Augustus Other member of the imperial house, as Tiberius an his brother Drusus, hau been allowe to tali thequaestorshi prave ear besore the usual age, paSSing on to praetor- Ship and consulfhip aster the ordinar intervat Thus the hel the
Consul ghi at bout the age of thirty. The ordinar age so thecon suis hiriat this perio is put by Mommsen at thirty-five. intorim this ord goes closely ith designatus', an does noti mpi that he was to a down his proconsula power on e oming
xtra rhom these Wordidistingui Sh Nero' proconsulario ersrom that hel by the emperor, hi Ch extended, illi in the pomerium' a weli. DPincos iuvontutis the ille is analogous to that of princeps Senatus', an appear to have been ne when conferre din Augustus' grandSOnS. The Monumentum An ranum Spealis of ito an hono urconferre by the equites . D3. onativum: his ord is always speciali used os largessio soldier. Cf. h. 69, 3 . Congiarium : a present of mone to the populace. Originalty the word denote a presentis,ine, oil, o sali,-from longius ' thevesse in hi Ch it a stores Liv XX I). In his case Suetonius states Ner. 7 that Nero himself announce these gii is, as eli asa public paraderi decursio' of the praetorian S. k4. Rctquirenctia Intr. II II. triumstiali veste this, Comprising the tunica palmata', 'toga picta sembroidered, illi gold . an lauret wreatli, was no Confinedio perSons ho ad triumphed, ut as also orn by the clites magistrates of the Republicii certain Solem occasions and after their Xample by the em peror, henc it is calle belo habitus imperatoriuS', and was no doub assumed by Nero in virtve of his pro ConSula imperium. spectaret indirect jus sive expressing the thought of Agrippina an her party, de theseopleraee'. Some insert ut after sunt', or in iis plaCe.
tion . The expression is no qui te identica with alii . . . alii', but distinguishes a malle bod fro in the large ; so XV 54, 2 libertate et alii pecunia donati'. tali occasiono, intakin an opportunit of the ollowin sori . This interpretatio is supporte by commotus hic in I. 6. illo Domitium Britannicus ignore Nero' adoption SClaudius son, an his Change of name. Suetonius ahes him se the nam Ahenobarbus ' on this occasion Ner. ). 7. Quae iusserit Dosulus referring to the dex curiata', hichforme par of the ceremon os adoption Ch. 26 I. Thisiadaeen precede by a decree of the Senate, Ch. 23, 3. nisi, inles a Chech were put o the evi influence of those hoprompte Such offensi veness, it ould rea out with fata resulis to the State . eruPlura a Subjec ma be supplied rom insensa'.