장음표시 사용
ingrueret the se of a persona subjecto illi his veri, is reminiscenc os Veror ingruit Aeneas', Aen. xii 2 X. lnt r.
oelebrata C. CasSius, the SubSequent con Spirator, Successsul lydefende the province of Syria, hereae a quaestor, Dona Parthia invasion, aster Crassus deseat an deat h. Excitis quorum In tr. II 2I.
Zeugma This place, nam e originali frona the bridge made by Alexander, a connected by a rid ge illi Apameia by Seleucus Nicator the Munderis both oKns. roxquo Arabum Acharus. The Arabs aere mentione Nereth tribe inhabitin the districti Upper Mesopotamia, oppoSite O Commagene andanown aster ard a Osrhoene. It capital asEdessa. Acbarus cis a nam borne by each re ignin prince of thistribe like the ille Pharaoli ' home by the hings of Egypti. The
correct orna of the a me, ritten Axistiρος in Appian, υγasto in Dio, is hown in coin an inscription to bes Abgarus'. impetus acres, lactive devotion . 4. Quoct, this advice a digregarded thanks to thetreacher of Acbarus'. ignarum, inconscious of Acbarus' reache In his
Eummam fortunam, royalty . luxu, 'sensual indulgence'; S in h. , . aDucta In tr. II 6. Ectessa was about ori mile lao Zeugma, Munde originali in the early times of the Syro-Macedonia dynasty, and atine time known as Antiochia. S. Carenos as evidently governor o Mesopotamia, and Sspolien os here a though nown to the ea de spresum abi Dommention in the los portionis the Annals). comminus, i a direct oute'. ioxu, lyra detour'. importunam, in favourable S in h. 33, 2. Chaptor 13, Exim The insuing narrative seem to 13belong to the sol lowing year SO A. D. i. Thoe mountainx aretho se at the solith of Armenia, viz. the anges of Taurus and
CamPOS POPinquabant. Et Se here Tacitus se dative illi propinquare'. The ver is no found in earlier pro Se authorS, excepi Sallu St, horases accusative illicit. Actiaheno is properi the ortheria par os Assyria, hicli ies between the Tigris and the Lycus Greater Zabin and the ountainsos urdistan. The nam is Sometimes used loosely so the wholeo Assyria ; and the district a containing Ninus may be regardedas the radie of ASSyria. Igatos mentione in Josephus Ant. XX -4ὶ he a Son OfMonobazu an Helena, and ecamera exvisti proselyte. Heiadhelpe Artabanu to recove his throne, ut a s at variance illi
Dalam incluerat, α made public profession os alli ance ith Meherdates, ut ad a secret understandin bindin him to the supportis Gotarge Sy. 2. Ninos. This passage attest the existen Ce, at this time, san inhabite toxv upon the si te of Nineveli, though referen es t itin other aut hors Pli ny Strabo, an Luci an seem to impinthat ith ad holi peris sed. DOStromo . . . Poelio the batile nown a that of Arbela', 33 B. Q though it too place an miles stom that town. astolium. A fori a probabi bulli by one of the Macedonianking on the si te of the batile. 3. Sanhulos. The nam Aeems tot preserve in the modern Sunbulati', a considerable offshoot os t. agros bet ween theplain of Ghilan and Deira). Praeoisua religione arculis, the special ors hi being that o Hercules'. o the abi. cf. Intr. II 22. The deit inquestion a probabi the Assyria go Nini or in Wor-shippe a giving the in succes in huntin an in ar, an didenti fied by the Greelis illi Heracles', a resemblin him in
many attributeS. tomo oro stato, est regula intervali'. Deae quietem, iuring thei fleem'. 14 Chaptor 14, a Corma Dan unknown river perhaps the Mara-Su , o rive of KermanSChat. The campaign mus have alien place in 'Chalonitis , et ween Mi. Zagros and the Tigris. De insectationes Et nuntios, i insuli in me SSages'. Intr.
iovitato gontili, with the reacher characteristic of their
For gentilis' in gentis Suae Cf. h. 7, 3 I, 2.D3. rem in Oaaum claro, α, to face the ris and try the fortune
k . forox, Confident, emboldened'. s. Datorni clioniis, a vassa of his father'. 6. non Dropinquum, C. treating himmo as alin Sman, butupbraidin him as of alien biri, Intr. II o. Oatentui . . . cletionestamento Intr. II a The mutilationwould deprive Meherdates of his hance of the crown. 7. sin, C. Evidence froni coin potnis to the death os Gotarge about 5 A. D. an to the succession o Vologeses late in that ea aster his fallieri ad rei gne litile more than wo monili S. The account of Vologeses relations illi Rome is resume in
Tacitus is here, o doubi resum in the account of event in his part of the worid gi veni him in the los portionis the Annass. his Mithridates is state by torio have been a descendant of the great Mithridates, an to have received his ingdona froni Claudiust 4 A. D. in SucceSSion to Polemo, ho a transferre to Cilicia. Subsequently Claudius deposed him, an setis his rother Cotys in his stead 46 A. D. Cf. h. 8 I. This kingdom, hau in Panticapaeum sor it capital, and extendingove mos of the Crim ea, illi an undefine supremaCy ver thetribe eas of the Cimmerian Bosporus, ad been annexed by the grea Mithridates an retaine by his sola PharnaceS, aster lio Sedeath it e came dependentis Rome. Dictium : A. Didius Gallus, actin perhaps as legatu of Moesia. He was aster ardS Overnor of ritain ch. O, I), an is calleda Consula in Agr. 4, 3 ut the date of his consul shi is
combined forces . Et sewhere the phrase osten meant wit orderly', or ,el disciplined forcei'. nostri in armis tote alienisspecialty ith Bosporant'. et Soeta, an also spe, and the rive Panda, elow, are no-where et se mentioned 'ut the line of march may beranderStoo tohave been in a direction north-east stom the Strati ich. 7, 33. popularium, the inhabitants native population ' not here, the count mei of Mithridates. oti, α, explain obtineri visum', ather thai desertum . 3 octitam loco : Cf. rudem iuventa , ch. I S, I, an Intr. I I7. nisi quoct cf. V 24, 2. Meli protected by ali and moat, ni that the walis, o beinginade of stone ut of hurdies and wicherwork with arthiet ween, weremo proos again St arato in party.'moenia non saxo ae oratibus foro his abi. of deScription,
without an adj. Cf. xi 28 iuvenem nobilem dignitate formae, vimentis', an Intr. II 18.1 Chaptor 17 I. Ostor die is eas it supplied sto in the proximit os tundem intra diem ' jus above. sorvitii servitio Blaesi', i 23, 2 an Intr. II I. Quoct, aliis offer ' and rom ha solio S e se that no ther term wer enteriai necl. Belli potius , α, give the substance of the answer made to the enVoys, o the though in the in of the officers ho gave the signum caedis'.
Proeulauit, prostrate himself elare the estim o Caesar', which was carrie with the standarcis. magna gloria: abi. abs. the reat glor of the Romanarmy, hi Ch wa generali known to have Come illi in three clays' march of the rive Tanais ithout os an victoriously. The Tanais a regarde by the ancients as a the extremit of the
4. Taurorum Herodotus represent this eo pleras inhabitingili Crimea iv 99, 3 , an refers to their Savage orshi of thegod desisto hom the sacrifice StrangerS), VHO3 Ι. Diorisque permultis ' so usuali in Tacitus. auxiliarium the oldier of the Cohori S Ch. 5 I. 1 Chaptor 1S, DI nullo . . . Euhsictio Intr. II 22. Proctitor olim a Byzantine riter, Petrus Patricius, states that Mithridates hau meditate revolt but o Leep up the appearan e ffidelit sent to Rome his brother Cotys, wh there informe againsthim, and received the kingdo in as his rewaro. i auotoritatis an expression modelle on id temporis', frequent in Cicero. Hererit is attache attributi vel to nemo' so id aetati corpora', v 9, 3 cum ceteris idem aetatis nobilibus', xiii 6 I. The Roman Commander at and was ni an eques';
3. genidus Provolutus S in X 3O I. Romanis Intr. II IO. Drolo magni Aetinemonia his ancestor the grea Mithridates,claime descent on his ather' Si de rom Cyrus and Darius. Achaemenes is represente a great-grandiather of Cyrus Hdt. vii
Treat as ou ill ne ho boast descent froin the reat Achaemenes the sole possessionio talae stom mea in foes.'quoct no Constructe in grammatical connexion illi proles',
tencta veniuo Intr. II II. 2. Primum . . . um ieitiam, 'Diend shi originates'. For fortuna ' in the ense os rank Cf. i O, 3. 3. quotion S, C., , he neve themaniter is ende by a pardon . So. cum Spe votoque uxori Semel tran Sigitur', Germ. 9, 3.
4. Precari Suppi se In tr. II 3, a. ne triumpharetur, that he ho ut noti ted in triumph . Theu se of the pas Sive of this ver in his sense occurs in Vergil, Horace, an Ovid. Poenus EXPencteret the phraSe occurs in Uergil, Aen. X 669. Chapter 2 O, ci nobilitatibum abstr so concrete Nobili. 2 Otas an nobilis lare also applied to roya descent et se here SOCh. 37, I and 3, 3. u GiPere . . . noto Salutis, to et in into his and as apri Sone by a promis to par hi lila' 'accipere pacto corre
a. hinc, in the ne hand '. iniuriarum his intende rebellion 18, I an hostile altitude,
Auscipi tran State a though - suscipiendum that it involved
The bestowal of the higher honou upon Cilo, ho hadio reatlydone o muchis Aquila, may have been due to the inmience os Narcissus, of hona Dio telis a Stor l 33, 5 , representin him S
us in his interest illi the em peror in Cilo' favour he he was
II 24, C. Lollias: f. h. I, 3.
Od. II ii 7, αὶ Augustus an Tiberius both patroni redastrologers, and the alter as himself a student of thei science vi o). In I A. D. astrologers ere expelle sto Ital by a decree of the senate ii 32 sin and wo ere actuali executed Panda simila orderis expulsion a made in 32 A. D. xii 32, 3). The Charge of Consuli in astrologer about the future of the re igningem peror, o member of the Oyal house,-a an ac indicat in intentionis conspiracy,- osten appears in the account of prosecutions;
cf. iii 22, 2 ii 52, IN XVici 4 4. magoaet de aler in philtres, petis, an incantations Thei artwas soli in Ital as to have falle unde the an of the law of the welve Tabies 449 B. Q). The witchCrast practi sed in the Augusta age may be illustrate stom Verg. Ecl. viii Hor. Od. i 27, 2I Eso I. I. Apollinis Clarii simulacrum the famous oraclemea Colophon consulte byae through person sent for the purposei Tacitus give a hori account of it in ii 4 4. et L. Volusius his death in 36 A. D. at the age of ninet ythree, is mentione in xiii 3o, . e is known to have been legatuso Delmatia unde Tiberius and Gaius, and for a long period towardsthe close of his life was praesectus urbis'. He is sald by Tacitus toliave enjoye praecipuae opes bonis artibus' wealth secured by nocorrupi methods an inoffensa tot imperatorum amicitia'
Derniolosa: Suppi esse', or perhaps Some Such ord S prohibenda by zeugma rom detrahendam . materiam acolori, ter means sor Criminat enterpriSe', i. e. herwealth. oectQPotatalia this sentenc denotes relegatio', hic might no involve confiscationis property, as dix exilium . 3. quinquagiena aestortium : Suppi Centena millia 3, Ο Ο
proconsul os Bithynia in or besore 4 A. D. He Seem to have been expelle frona the senate, to hich he was restorei tu enly
Chaptor 23. Q. Gallia Narbonon Aia was unde senatorial 23rule, and was no complete in Romani gessi Italia verius quam provincia', liny). ut sonatoribus Rc. Unde the Republic senators ho des ire die avem absence frona the capital to atten to thei property, could osten obta in it unde libera legatio conserred by the se nate. AuguStus, horti aster Actium, sorbad senator to reside ut os Italy ithout his permission otiose, however, ho ad States in Sicil might g there hen the pleased A simila conceSSion aSno extendedi Claudius to senator Cominifrona Narbones Gaul.
iure quo, C., inde the privilege applyin to Sicily'. 2. Iturasa ad been subdued by Pompeius Magnus in 63 B. C., and ad par of the dominion o Herod the reat, aster hosedeat licit passe to his son Phili p. Sohaemus made hin os Ituraea b Gaius, in 39 A. D. AgriPPaci grandson o Herod the reat. He ad received the ortheria tetrarchie o Palestine, illi the ille of in g, frona Gaius, an sor his assistance to Claudius at his acceS-sion a re arde by the addition o Judaea an Samaria, Sothat his hingdom asin extensive a that o Herod the reat, and Iudaei here hould e taken in a id sense, coverin ali hi Silominion. His death Acts xii 23 may be referre to 44 A. D. Tacitus perhaps deferre mentio oscit ill now, o as to recordtogether the incorporationis Iudaea an Ituraea. Provincia Surias actctiti these districis ould e under procuratores , subordinate to the legatus of Syria. 3. Saluti augurium. A ceremon in hicli the wil of thegod was oughti divinatio by the augur a to hether public prayer might be offere for the generat health of the State Thismightini be donem an occasion os absolute immunit Dom aror arithe preparation. IXX annis omissum the ceremon ha been revived
by Augustus in et B. Q havin lapse sor many ear o ingto the constant civit an sore ign ars of the lalter perio of the Republi C.
L4. Pomorium : Gellius definitionis his drawndrom th booksos the augurs describes Das a bellis ground marhing the circumfer- ence of the city, define by fixed boundaries o the in ner id of thecit wall, an marking the limit urbani auspicii ' the pace With in hicli auguries for the cit couldie alieni. The traditionalderivatio is sto post murum ' so Varro, Plutarch, and Livy). The uter limitis his consecrate bet came tot regarde a os
more importance than the inner : eyon it the powers of the urbanmagi Strates en ded. The em peror' proconsulare imperium ' and tribunicia potestas ,ere howeve independent of such limitation. 1249 SI Q
auxit, 'extended . One Datur of this extension a the inclusionis the Aventine. more Piso Domin paSsage in Seneca we learn that it was onlythe acquisition o Italia territor that justi fie an enlargement of the pomerium. Claudius action heresore is to e regarde asthe resulti Somerent argement of the ound of Italy, possibi thein corporationis the Amauni near Trent) rather than of his conquestos Brita in . s. nisi L. Sulla et ivus Augustus. Seneca an Gellius attest Sulla' extension, ut o any extenSion by Augustus. Nordoes the on me tum An ranum recor an suci ac by
Augustus and o it is possibi that Tacitus and Dio iv 6 6 were mi Slemon this pol ni perhaps by the accounts the followed of Augustus wor in divid in the cit into regiones , in the courseo whicli a definitio of the city' boundaries ould aveo be
24 Chaptor 24 I. Rogum, C. there a re Variou account of the retension or the renow of hings in that matter' i. e. Someo the ings extende the pomerium through vanit in respectis pretende Conquests, ther to recor the glor os real ones. Livymenti Ons no extensio of the pomerium excepi that by Servius
Tullius i 44, 3), though both Tullus an Ancus enlarge the ity
2 forum hoarium : ear dan Giorgio in elabro , betweenthe Tiber and the wester corner of the Palatine. Reroum tauri simulacrum in Statue formin partis thesi underbrought rom Greece, and the Chie specimen in Rome of Aeginet an bronge. It was placed in the catile-marhet a the mos appropriate site. Ovia', &α gives the reason sor ah in thi a the stari ing-point of the line, sulcus .cte signancti oppima se Intr. II 26. Aulcus the line so trace was the uter limit of the pomerium, with in hicli the wallis delance a bulli asterward s. See v. FasI. iv et an soli J The ceremon is state to have been ofEtru Scan origin and i So, a probabi not observe when Rome was first MundeLas a primitive Latin toWn.
Carceres , of the Circus The deit to hicli it Was originalty erected was probabi the Italia Hercules the residin spirit of the homestea fand of property the god of good faith Deus Fidius '). Tradition however, made it elon to the worshi of the Greela Heracles, institute by Evander o commemorate the laying of Cacus Verg. Aen. viii 79 and foll.). 3. laDictos, ioundar stones , lippi pomerii . I seems these ere est to mar out the Course of the Luperci, hen the ranround the si te of the ancient cit o the Palatine at the festivalheld annuali non the Isthis February.
R aram Consia his, and the ext two place enumeraled, ere
d his lata defossa', ne a the laeta' of the Circus, as exposed ovi eis ni durin ille Consualia' a se stiva held with games in the Circus in August, sal to have been institu ted by Roinulus an toliave been the occasio of the rape of the Sabines. The nam e Consus is probabi connected illi condere ' denotin the godos the store l-u harvest, and the festivat was a celebration of harve St-home . The god a identili ed by sonae ancient authors with Neptune Poseidon Hippi OS), ecata Se horSe-race were aseatur of the festivat.
Curia veteres Suppi ad ' frona the contexi, an also illi forum Romanum . se sit of the curiae veteres' the originalmeet ing- place of the curiae', is not nown or certain, ut asprobabi nea the place here the archis Constanti nemo Stand S. Hacellum Lurum generali suppoSed to e the laedes Larum
in Summa sacra via , bulli oraebuit by Augustus Mon Anc. ivs), and dedicat ed to the Lares ' gemini qui Compita servant' the legendos, hos birili salven in v. Fast ii 399 an soli. incte, C. i. e. the pomerium hirte the Forum, it holit includ- in it. The temple of Vesta, et Neen the Palatine and Forum, although elongin to the wors his of the primitive Settiement at Rome lay ut si de iis origina sorti fie limit Roma Quadrata'). The Capitol vas originalty the citade of the Sabines se ille onthe Quirinal, and the torum ' a marhet- place bet ween them and the Roman inhabitant sinthe Palatine. Tacitus says noth in of the line of the pomerium Dona the Forumto iis tarting-place probablyaecause in ancient times the groundove whicli tuan was usuali inundated and so ungui table sor lippi'.
pro fortuna, a Cordin t acquisitions a te .
4. Dublicis actis probabi mean public inscription S.Chaptor 25 DI C. Antistio M. Suillio thei fuit nam es ere 25 C. Antistius Vetus an M. Suillius Nerullinus. The forme was probabi sonis the Antistius h was consul in 23 A. D. an relatedio the Antistius ho a Nero colleague in the consul Shi ins A. D. xiii II, I). The alter a son os the Suillius of xi I, Iand brother of the Caesoninus of xi 36, 3. Froin the evidenCeo coinage he is nown to have been proconsul of Asia under
actostio in Domitium : cf. in fratrum filias coniugia' Ch. 6, an In tr. II 6. obstrictus, iledge to the service of ' Cf. iis, .rΟhore circumctaret a metaphor frona sortificationi palisade that he might secure Britannicus in his boyhood by a Strong
D2. Euhnixum, supported by '. nepotitius Gaiu and Lucius, the Sonsis Julia. privignom Tiberius and Drusus, sons of Livia. DPOPriam AEtimois Drusus Caesar, iis rion in Agrippa sdaughter ipsania bornox B. . associaled illi Tiberius in the tribunicia potestas', 22 A. D. polsoned by Seianus in 23 A. D. iv 83. Germanicum Tiberius nephew son os Drusus his brother).
lilio antosonit by adoption Nero ecam Britannicus equalin position, and would the naturali tali preceden C a the et de r. The relations o Germanicus and Drusus in the fami ly o Tiberius
4. Doriti docti', experis . Datriolo : the terna distinguishes them Dona the plebeianiranchos the fami ly the Claudii Marcelli Tiberius ad atready hecomeone of thes Iulii', heni adoptet Germanicus, and so received hi minio that hOUSe. Atto Clauso xi 24, An the had persis ted in an labro heni in frona Attus ClauSu S. 26 Chaptor 26 I. Quaesitiore, &α, SpeCiali elaborate compliment bein palest Domitius . rogata lex This as lex Curiata', passe in the presence of the pontiffs, the prope forna heret, an adoptionis a person sui iuris' as effected For his the Concurren Ce of the eo ple, assemble in iuriae , a suppose to e requisite, but his division curiae iaci long eco me obsolete, and the ' curiae vere represented by Some lictori properi thiri in number). nomen Neronis. Hi name froni his time tit his accession is Ti. Claudius Nero Caesar', or Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus
augstur, Vis exalted f. honoribus augebantur', ira, . Augustae. Livia ad ecome Augusta b Augustus' ill, Antonia aster the acces Sion of her grandSon Gaius in Messalina on lyby provincia adulation Agrippina is the firs to receive the ille in se husbanu's fetime an to treat it a Conferring a subStantialfhare os power Nero gave the litterio Poppaea, and Do Domitian' time it a generali borraei emperorS wiveS. 2. eaolatus poetica privatus . So Statius, T M. ix 672 desolatumque magistro agmen . The remova of hi attendanis is further describe in h. I, 8. Dorintempestiva, extremel ill-ti med ne word, e In tr.
falsi, fraudis'. o the case CL intellegentem humani divinique iuris' i 38, 3. 3. ivs, Q, ,hether thi Wa reatly o or, inning Sympathyby his peril, he has reta ined the credit of abi lilyhwithou bein putto the proo of it'. 27 Claastor 27, DI ODDictum Ulaiorum, the capital of the Ubii', here Agrippina a bor in I A. D. The Colon o veteran Shere planted asianae Colonia Agrippinensis ' or agrippinensium ), ometimes Molonia Claudia Augusta Agrippinensium ' or Colonia Claudia Ara It is the modern Cologne Koln).