장음표시 사용
in read or retain them; nay, Why she bas frequently ordered them to be committed to the flames. Such prohibition os perniciolis books is so consonant to right reason, stat the voice of nature instructed the pagans to remoVe them stom society.
me, When immersed in idolatta, commanded, byan edici of the senate, that books reputed hostile toller institutions should be burned in the sorum ν); uno Athens, a city not less celebrated sor her Wisdom expelled a inacher of impiety srom amongst hercitigens, and condemned bis Works to the flames f. So the Church of God, ever opposed to error undimplety, from her very origin has employed ali her Zealand ali her enerra in condemning false doctrines and pernicinus books. Τhe Apostle Paul at Ephesus, pre- vialed on the neW couveris in that city to collect together, and burn in public the impure and wiched bookgwhicli they had in their possession μ). In the great
councit of Νice, it Was decreed and the decree Wasexecuted by the reno ned emperor Constantine that the works of the blasphemous Arius should becommitted to the flames cub. The other general
demned in the councit os Ephesus, and burned by order of the emperor Theodosius Q. Those of Eutyches condemned at Chalcedon, met With a similar sate bo, and each succeeding age furnishes
H. Maran Marum, D. D. Φ, Iolin Murphy, D. D. Qi Geome Thomas Plan- steti, D. D.