장음표시 사용
os Ierusalem and the holy sathers of the
The si s of this holy vocation are not distinguish-ed birin, but eminent piety; not the Will es parent'
but the Will os God: our Redeemer has suid, that aman, enemies are osten sound in his own family, et inimici hominis dramentes ejus, and the holy Si Chrysostom observes si, that mothera love thebodies of their children, but despi se their fouis, destrous os Seir prosperity in this lise, but indifferent M to their sate in the not.' Hrst os ali then, dearest Children, when deliberating in prayer on this a sui subjeci, consider Whether the sole end you promae to yo selves be the bonour and Hory os God, like to Christ, Who came into the Worid notio do his o- Will, but to glorisy his Father; he is ste gale, and is any one enter by him he wili be
Talenta above mediocri , and a competenthnoMedge os languages and science, ure SO neceS-
und good repute are also essentiat requisites. OnyQur Preri, according to the admonition of St. Ρaul written in Timothy us, that he would orduin prirat' but adds, is any one be without crime. We there-sore conclude our exhortation and instruction toy , our dearest Child rem in the w ds of a learned
and Willingly, Without regard in the divine vocation, obtrudes himself imo the ministry, exposes himselfio the most imminent danger of perdition, because hesius against the Hesy Ghost; Whicli sin, as We knowsrom the Gospei, is rurely, or nover soroVen. The samers os families We nexi entreat, and by the charity of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they attend assiduousty to the religious and morat instruction of theirchildren, a dii Which nature and religion alike impose upon them on the good or bad educ tion of chndren depends not only their oWn future prospects in lise, but also the union, the concord, the repose of the community at large, as Weli as thesecuri os the state, and What is more than ali, the progress os religion and virtve. What office then canbe more important than stat os a sather of a semily,
and hoW great is the responsibility which he oWes tobis munita, to his children, to his religion, and to his Godi The consideration of his duties in this reminshould be his firet concem, it should occupy his thoughts nicti and day, he should not cease to reflecton the trusi committed to him by divine providence, whicli is to peopte me hingdom os God, and multuply the number of iis citigens ; and that to neglect sogreat and so sacred a duty, is to be deas to the crimos religion and nature, and to abandon his helsem
in ring in us many tyrandi as there are passions generaled in the human heart.
Sacrin flame os chari , With an affectionale ro Tonce sor the person aud religion of their Redeemer;
mining them acquainted With the greatness, the PQWer, the providence, the justice, and mercy os God; that he is tho Author os their being, and their
beonning and the eud of ali intelligent beings. Teach them stat, by belleving and pracusing the
trullis and duties of religion, man is destined is findin the bosom of this immense God est that he candestre or seph sor; true glory, solid riobes, Supreme happiness, und the possession os an evertastingvingdom, in Which stere Mil be neister Wars nor revolutions, but an eternat repose. Impress Weli upon their minds ali the Quam
inges os religion, being certain that this Will bH the
best preservative against impie , and turtand vices eviis Which are progressive oesyportion as the sear and love of God, and thiledge and observance of his holy religit neglected and despised. All other instructi out this is of litue value, and may be Prewhilst this Mone Would be sussicient to insupiness to man. Let it, therefore, be the
timony os God 00, in the book of Prove
to his children and domestics, is an essentiat dii , and on it mainly depend the fruits of instructionand correction. Unless the sather Walk besore thes mily in mod Works, ali his laboum sor Seir im- Provement Will be useless. It is good example Which penetrates the heari, and confirms the truth and justice of Whatoer hasbeen taught; let child ren and servanis, theresore, see nothing in your conduci Whicli they could notimitate, sor is you teacti them by your example todo erit, you Will be inexcusabie besore God indmen; the authors of the ruin and the disgrace of your families; is any one has not care of his oWn, and chiefly of those of his household, says an Ap ue, he is Worse than an infidet, and has dented the
orphan, thus expiating their sius is iam deeds,
harinness, or squandering the bread of her childrem Let the Wise respect her Dinand as a superior inoto Whom she is subjeci, and deserve by her fideli ,
her affection, and her Virines, to fhare his cares and
his confidence, and w reign in his heart. Let the children honour Seir parenis; let thembe submissive to their authori , and not Wistholdfrom stem that respect, stat love, and that ob dience, Whicli nature and God have assigned them;
45 the expression of the Apostle o, inoW herseis Worthy of the honour Whicli the fame Aposue assigns to her; let her be modest and retired, as b comessi her condition, seelans no ornamenta butthose of interior virine, having her mi tranquil, and ali hex bope in God, living retired as much asine cin stom ille turmotis of the worid, occupied in the woris os pie and religion, that she may
sul and submissive in their mustera or emplOyera,
us, and be submissise is his laWs. God, Who created man, is the Author os society, and of that obedience ich is ita fundamental la . Those Who occupyliis place in the State, stom Whatever source their
book of Ecclesiasticus, and that os Proverbs, assures us of the sanie Fθ. It is the clear doctrine os St. Paul, in his Leiter to the Romans, towhich We have just reserred, that a resistance totaWsul authori is an Oreosition to God himself; stat the minister of justice is the depository of the divine poWer; that the sWord is not given to him in vain, but sor the protection of the good and the punishment of evil-doers, so that every just laW hasiis sanction in the consciences of men, and is to beobeyed not only on account of the punishments ab tached to iis trangression, but stili more So, be QSethe law of God has commanded us in be submissiveto it. Whence We are, dearest Brethren, to Comclude With the Aposue, stat We are to give to every superior What nature, and God, and the lin, have assigned them, namely, tribute to Whom tribute is due, tax to Whom tax is due, sear to Whom fear is diae, and honour, as Weli as obedience, to Whom honour isdue; this obligation, thus uni olded by the Aposue, has been comprised in a single sentence by our Nessed Lord, saying, inue, ineresore, to Caesar thethings that are Caesar's, and in God the thino statare God's Q.V