The encyclical letter of Pope Leo the XII : to his venerable brethern, the patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops of the Catholic Church, with an English translation of the same : to which are annexed pastoral instructions by the R.C. archbish

발행: 1824년

분량: 68페이지


분류: 미분류


We theres ore, most beloved Children, exhortyou most earnestly to fhoW ut ali times, and undereVery circumstance, a faithful obedience and ready submission to the laW; and more especialty We re- commend is you a cordial attachment to the personos our beloved Soveret , Whom God, in his great mercy, has appotnted to rule over this uni ted hinydom. Re do not doubt your attachment in thethrone. Fideli to their Lings has ever been the characteristic os Irishmen, auri nexi in true religion, the most Prectous inheritance Whicli has descendedio us hom our fathera. Cultivate and cheriis, dearest Brethren, these sentiments of loyalty, Whichyour religion, your interest, aud inclinations erioin;

pray also sor the king and those stat are in hira station, that We may lead quiet and holy lives in alipiety and chasti ; sor this is good and acceptable

Besides the paternat admonition contained in the Encyclicat Leiter of our most Holy Fathor Pope Leo XII, stat We Would reside constantly amongStyou, and laed you With the bread os lise, there areoster subjecta to Which our attention is directed by his Hol iness, not less Worthy of his pastoral solicitude. The first of these is, dearest Brethren, that Latitudinarianism, or indifference in matters os religion, Whicli is nearly allied to infidelity. I his error tends to the destruction os the satili oncu


desivered in the sianis, as Weli as to the corruptionos morali , and by these means laboum to Me thro the Church, and to extinguisti on the earinthe religion os Iesus Christ. The other is an error os an opposite kiud, and has iis fource in an excessive geat in diffuse uis

Christian religion throughout the earin, bux in amanner calculated only in subvert it. This laiter is the error of the Bible Socie , so wed inoWn in this

posed to the truth os God, though they assati it indifferent directions; but they are uested in their opposition to that authori Which our divine Re-deemer establishod on the earth, as the depositaryot stat one satin, Without Whicli it is impossibi e to

saith, and to creution you more and more against


because one Mone Would be sussicient to place youin opposition to the divine authority derived stomthe Son os God, the one 1 undation, besides Whichthere can be no other 0. You do not require learned or laboured discourses to enable you to di tinguish truth stom error, because error Will render iiseis almost tangibie by iis opposition to the doctrine in Whicli the Church os God has instructed

as the strising mare Whereis error can be detected. He calis it profane, und destres us to ny Dom it. But is novelty in mattere os religion is to be avoided, you cin eastly inser that antiquity is to be sollowed; is novelty be prosane, antiqui must be sacred. Such is the reflection of the learned Vincent of Lerins, Com. in I ad Cor. chap. 3. V. 20, in Whichhe repeata the sentiment of est antiqui expressed by Tertullian, saying, Novelty and salsehood in religion are the fame,' Whereas the Holy Ghost inught the Apostles ali truth. But above uti, to protect you against these menwho are erring and driving into errori you have the

insalliNe testimony of the Church of God, WhichJesus Christ appotnted the depository of his doctrine, to preserve it, to explain it, in inach it, promising herstat ine Would always be animaled and directed is


he vested in her an insanible austori , Whicli, like a


stat Church Which has condemned est other Churches, Which, lihe withered branches, were topped off srom the ancient and living trunk, Whose root is Christ; that Churin Whita has triumphod over so many peraecu-uons excited against ber by the JeWs, by the Pagans, by the impious, by ali ste enemies of her doctrine; a


Our holy Father recommends to the observance of the Rithsul, a rese os uise oongregation of the Indo, Whicli prohibita the perusal of the sacredScriptures in the Vulgar longue, Without the sanctiones the competent authorities. His Holiness Wisely r maas, that more evit stan good is found is resultisom the indiscriminate perusal os them, on account of the malice or infirmity of men. In this sentument of our Head and Chies We sully concur, and asta experience of ita justice is Bund in the excesses and conflicting errors of those secta umonDt Whomsuch Perusia is umestrained. With us it is not so: and approved versions os the holy Scriptures With notes explanatory of the texi, re read by many osym Wissi edification and adu ntage We rejoice,

dearly Beloved, that the Word of God inould dwellabundantly With y-; it is usesul to teuch, to re-P Ve, to correch to instruct in justice, and when read With pie and devotion, especialty iu semilies, and at the time os prayer, it assisla the man os God, Wbose beare is humiae, and whose underatanding is captivated to the obedience due to Christ, and to


become Wise in salvation, and avoid that most pediverse os est errore, stat Source of numberless eviis,

Tauris, illuminated by the Hesy Spirit, and directed


or retaining of them, is entirely, and without a exception, prohibited to you. Το enter into their merita or demerita is foretgn to our Purpose: Suchos them as have come under our observation are

Heuce, dearest Brethren, such books have been, and ever Will be, execrated by the Catholio Church; and hence also those salutary la s and ordinances, Whereby she has at ali times prohibited her children