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chaniment, Whicli lead captive the most rebellio Wilis, and subjeci them Deely to the sWeet yohe of the laW; they are the bidden and mystersous means Whereis the divine grace moves and captivates thelieari os mau; not is sorce, but by the inspiration of the sWeetness of the divine commauta, and by a Sense of the euomity of sin 0, in such a Way, ibat the Will, tu embracing What is good, seems Only tofolloW iis natural inclination. Hence it is that St. Augustine, stat great doctor and luminary os the Churta, admonishes us, that it is not by rimur or
True aeal cari never be insensibie to scandala, noroan the good pastor see unmoved the eviis of his noch, Without seaing to apply to them the most effectual remeis. True geQ, govemed is chari aud patieuce, is indefatigabie, fim, constant, lab rious ; this is Wbat We recommend. Consider the ministry Which you have received
administration os the Hob Sacramenis, do not neglectis instruct your Parishioners in the manner Pr
scribed by the holy councit of Τrent, in iis 24ssi
evit Mys, about the religious iustruction os chibdren ; those litue ones, not unlike is y ng and temder planta, Which is they be not weli culti valed aster they have beeu put doWn, Will degenerate into Wildisrubs, Whose oesy produce Will be bitter fruit. Ah, the litue ones received hom Jesus Christ thegreatest proost os his tendemess. They inouldbe the objecis os an your affection, as SV are of
ing their tanda and sorming their hearis, othemiseste cry and the complaint os ius prophet in theirname Will ascend to heaven : the litue ones fought
iliat every thing is di suppearing from his eyes, thatinis Worid and the destres thereos hausi passed aWay, that he himself is passing like a shadoW, Will listenmitti more attention to your plous exhortations; heWill yield to your si os, and to Four teurs i Ho osten has the divine grace triumphed in these last momenis, through the voice of the Ρriest, over themost obdurate heurisi The impious, the infidet, strichen by the approach of death, Which tahes Dominem ali hope of this Worid, and inspires them Witha Salutary dread, are osten excited by the view of the ambassudor os Christ, to adore God, and r OPnise the sanctity of that religion whicli they had
blasphemed. Τhe pastor must have a heari ofstone, Who neglects to besto upon his noch thismost important service this last proof of his P ternat affectioni Finalty, dear Brethren, recollect that your ossice and your ministry vest y- With a sori os magist
fiat authori , by Which you fhould endemour, in aspirit of charity, to cui off in their bud the disse si-s, the disputes, the complainis, Whicli pride or
sALinterest so frequently excite in the midst os a rude population; by a Wise interposition of your Paternat advice or authority, you Will be able notuni requently to preveni ebullitions of hatred indilbWill, as Weli as to dissuade your parishioners from expending in complainis and inita besore the civilmagistrates the fruits of their industry, stat breados their children, Whicli they have earned by thes eat of Seir bro . Seat youraelves doWn, liheangeis os peace, in the midst of the dissensions Which may, throuo human infirmi , occur belWeenyour Peose, stud reconcite, by the sWeetuess of your manner, and the attraction os grace, hearis Whichsor a moment may have been alienated from eachother. This holy ossice of Peace-miser, to Whicli ablesting is annexed, may be exercised in every Place, but more especialty in those districta remote DomtoWns, Where the paristi Priest is almost the only Pe Aon vested With authori , or capable of instructing
selves the sWeet appellation os sather, and promote the temporal and spiritual Welsare of those Whomine Chiarch has intrusted to your immediate caret To you ali, Very Reverend and Reverend Brethren, We earnes sty recommend, stat in ali places, at ali times, and in est your actions, you keep in
of those Who are devoted to the sacred ministry, have been a primary object With the most Zealous Pastors, nay With the entire Church in her counciis,aud especialty in that os Trent b8, Wherein stie has reneWed many os the ancient tam and canons relating to this subjeci. Remember then, belοVed Brethren, stat an ecclesiastic, whether ossiciating in the sanctua , or dWelling in the midst os the worid, inould appear and be a man os superior mind and
honour on the Church, and add to the glory and splendour os religion; a man Whose modesty shouldbe apparent in ali men, as the ApoSue recommendS, and who fhould be closted With justice *H, accordiugis the expression os a prophel; nor is it os tess importance that he inould be proos against a spirit ofaVarice, a loW and sordid vice in every condition ofliis, but shamesul, and even insamous, in the ministers of Jesus Christ. Wis halesul spirit tarnishesthe ψορο of the Gospei, and maes ita ministere odious or contemptibie, not only to the enemies of religion, but even to the best disposed people. Aperfeci disinterestedness, so much recommended by the sacred canons and the holy fathers, is not oesythe finest ornament of your profession, but is also the clites means Whereby you can With confidenceaddress youmelves to the fiathses in the Wotas of
St. Paul, saying, non quaero quae usura Sunt Sed vo3
character, and his obligations, presers idteness or
amusement to the acquisition os knowledge, hstsreason to sear that he may be comprehended in the
of the way, or the dissiculty of the labour Which lies besore you; to acquire knowledge Without muchWatching, Without long and patient application, is a privileged lost to man is his original sali; it must noW be acquired, like Our datly bread, by the s eat
i rom their predecessors, Who Were the depositaries of knowledge in less enlightened times; We recollectiliat their monasteries were the ark in Whicli themonuments of ancient learning Were preserved stomste deluge of those barbarians Who inundated the West; that in their cloistere Was educated a Pr digious number of men illustrious for their leurnium their virtuo, tand their sancti ; men filled Miliari apostolic spirit, Who carried the licti os saliuto the most distant nations, and osten sealedine Gospes With their Uood. We recollect thesemerita os their ancestore, Whilst We retand them toemulate the virines of their fathera ; and We promiseour special protection to those of them and we
Servance, Pie , learning, and Zeat, Will presentis us, and to our Clerin, and to the satiussit at large, those examples os viriue und of Christian persectionwhicli the hesiness of their profession requires. And you, beloved Andren in the Lord, Who areto bo introduced into the ministry os Christ, ym arethe hope and the suppori os our old age, Whom We have bemuen in Christ Jesus ; We admouish youto examine West your Vocation, as is any one enter