장음표시 사용
philus. Tamphilus, Cn. Baebius, ara
man consul. . Baebius, a consulino next year. Tarentinua, a Tarentine.
Tarentum, a cit o Calabria in the Ε. o Italy. Taurus, Ountians etween Ciliciam one fide, an Phrygia an Pamphylia omine ther.
Thasii, the Thasians. Thasus, o Thasos, an istandrinthe . of the R ean. Thebanus, a Theban. Thebae, arum, Thebes, in capital of Boeotia ita greatnem romand et it Epaminondas and Pelopidas. Themistoeses, a celebrate Athenia generia, hos lis is in tho
Theopompus a Gree historian. Theramεnes, ne of the thir tyrant of thens, ut ho didnot participat in thela crueities; for hic re o he was inalty condemne and executed by them. fSe Lysander.J
Thessalia, Thessaly, a countryin the . os Greece. Thraae acis, a Thracian. Thraeia Thrace, a countrum. of the lugean, and . of the
Thra Mutis, a celebrate Athenia generat, ho expelle thothiri tyranis. His lis is in tho
Timophanes, a Corinthia generat, rotheroo Timoleon, hoattempte in mali himself absolute in Corinth. Irimotheus, an Athenia gemerat, distinguished sor his patri-otiam in great probity, a mellas valor miscit is in the text. Tirtibazus, a Persian OVemoros Sardis. rixagoras, ae a brothor os iltiades. Tissauhrenes, a satra of the hin ot Persia there em MV- erat os the fame nume. Tithraustes, a Persia satrapor oVemor, an also a chiliareno captain o a tho an me :there ere severat Persian ossicera os the fame name . Iuras, a prenomen at Ome.
Torquatus, L. a schoolsello. of Atticus, probabi in fame natae sollowing.-L. Manlius o quatus, a consul it Cotta. A. Torquatus, a oun Roman, protected by Atticus. Trasimenus a Iahe of Tum
ny in Italy, amoua foro baulo in hic Hannibal destate tho Romana, illine 15'00, an tari ine 10, 0 prisonem.
celebrate sor a victor of Η-nibal ovo the Romans. Troas adis, a counu in Asia Μinor, near in Hellesponi. Troezen, enis Troezene a splendi eit o Argolis in the et
Uttea a maritime citros Africa, nea Carthage. Valerius, a Roman gens See the famil namea taeeus and Torquatus. Varro, nis, C. Ter cius,
Vipsanius, a Roma gens se ille Iamily nam Agrippa. Volumnius, P. a tool of Antony. Vulso, Cn. Manlius, a Romanconsul Who goveme in Asiatio proVinces. Xenophon, Onitis, a celebrated philosopher historian in generat os Athens. Xermes, is orci a celebrate but mea emperor o Persia, non os Darius ΗΘ invaded Greece Withan arm o a V 5,000,000, includin servanta, c. ; ut it prove to im a mos ruinoua campaign. e a murdere is
Meynthius, a, um, o Zacynthus, an taland in in Ionian ea, .est o Greece noW ante.
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