De vita excellentium imperatorum

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류







Tib. Tiberius. J te. . , osore tholiri os Christo A. D. in the ea os ou Lord. ACE, es, a toWn o Phoenici noW Acre. Acharme, rum, a village of Attica. qchamanus, , um, of Achar-

Goac river: no a rivor, hoWovor, but a tow of tho Thracian Chersonesus, here the Athonian


AEmilitis, L. Paulus a Romanconsul flain in Apulia, in a babile against Hannibal.

frum. Africu one of tho groat continent of the Parth. Afri unus, a furnam os Scipio, on count os his achisv monis in Africa. memnon, naing of yconto an Argos, wlto a Captatu Onera of the rook in tho Trojan

Agesiluiis, a son o Archidamus, of the roya saniit of tho Proclidae a Sparta, made in utili duath os his rother Agis, in presereno to his nephew Leotychides. For his lise se the text. It is sal by ome that he was absoni rom the nitio os Leuctra, not voluntarily but on account of

Agis, dis a in os Lacedaemon, of the famil of the Proeli- da, suoce de is his rother

Agesilaus. Agnonides, a rhetoricia ofAthens, ho publici accused Phocion, an caused his execution sor hicli ho as ster-Ward put o death, he tho Athonians recollecte Phocion 's

Ateibiades a philosopher, states- man, an heroi generat, of Athon his lis is in the text. Alemoeon, o of the prophet Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, homurdere his mollier sor havingcaused the cath of his Ather.

o Philip hin os acedonia.

prigin and extravagant heroes the wori has produced. ecommenee his career about the twontiothbear of his ago, an inles that twolvo years conquered Greeco the ersia empire, and nostri ut the thon nown parta os Asia an Africa. e Was agreat patron os earning and learne men By sonae his doathis attribute to Oison, and by other in in toxication Nepos, io diserae. Alexander, calle Pheraeus, cruo tyrant of Pherae in he saty, Who imprisone Pelopidas When an ambassudor, contra 'oright achnowledged by ali nations since the persona of -- bassadora ere universali considero sacred. His cru it madehim suspicious even finis Wise, who finali murdere him. Aleaeandrea, O Aleaeandria, a

tho Great.

Alpes, tum, the Alps, hi li



Andocides, an Athenian orator, seu of hos orations are extant. Anteia, a semale colisin o Ablicus. Antiaenes, De of Alexander's

enerias, publici rewarde soris valor.

Anti nus, ne of Alexander'a neruis, ho received Pamphylia, Lyciae an Phlygia, as hisahar of the empire. Antiochus, aing of Syria, sur-name the Greut He conquered the reator par os recce, and, at tho instigation o Hannibal, who had taken refuge at his coxari, made a against the Romans but o sollowin his counselsivit sussicient eare, he was Onquered, and oblige to mahepeace o the humiliatin tormso a fine of 2000 talenta annu-

Antipater, tri, ne of Alexander' generat an successors,

who obtained acedonia as his sitare of the empire. Auinius, Marcus, ar Antony, Who acte a distinguishod par in the dissensions of tho Roman empire, durin and aster

Caesar'a time. Apenninus, se mons in Am

aris, os medicine music, P try, and eloquence. His oraclos erein genera repute ali ver theworid the mos amotis of which, an his most splendid templo, Wasa Delphi. oliocrates, a frien os Dion. pia vis, a road froni Rometo Brundusium, in the . os It ly, o calle cause paved by the consul Appius Claudius. vilia, a countr in Italy onthe Adriatio, nextri Calabria. Areades, um Grh. , Arcadians.

Archias, aes a polemarch os Thebes --also, a liis priest os Athens The were intimate. Ardeatinus, a, m o Ardea, a cit of Latium, bout twentymiles . by Ε os Rome. Artie, es a daughter os Dionysius, ho marrie Dion Showas thrown into the ea. Argilius, a favoriis ouili os Pausanias, holetrve him. Argiri inhabitant of Argos. Argos, eos an is neut.), thecapitalis Argolis in tho aut of

the Peloponnesus. Ariobarzanes, a presectis Lydia an Ionia, undo the Persianking. Aristides, a celebrate Atheni- an, hoSe temperance an virtve procured im the ante of the

Aristomache, es, sic is of Dionysius the eliter, an sister of Dion. Armenii tho Armenians, hose coianu lay at the ource of tho Tigris and Euphrates, an e to Cappadocia an Pontus. Arsidaeus, a sonis Datames Artabanus, son o Hystaspes, an brother o Darius the rst,hings of Persia. Η endeavoredio dissuade his nephew, Xerxes, fio mining War against the Greelis an at his retur amassinate him, in opes of gaining


dom an moderation. Artaxerres thera conii, furnamed Mnemon storia his extensive mem

Greelis, uni marched towariis the Porsian capitulo dothronuhim. Artaxerxes et in ora

victory. Artemisium, a promontor atine norit endis Euboea. Asia, ne of the quarters of

S. by the editerranean. Aspendii, inhabitant of As-vendus, a town os Pamphylia in Asia in . Asnis, im a satrapis Cataonia. Athamanes, in Grk ), a Peoplo os EpiruR.

obrato citu of Attica, in Greece, seundo about 556 years bes ore the Christia era by Ceorops and an gyptia colony It wa atfirs cesto Cecrojuu, stoin iis Rundor, ut aster ard Athens, fio Minern callo by the Greelis Athene), who liud obtaine the right os naining it in pr Deretice to Neptune. It was rstgoverne ues successive ings, in last op hom a Codrus: nexi, is magistrates calle Ar-ehons, hosen atrarat sor liue, ut at longili electe annually. Mother ossicera ere elected by the eople. Unde this democ- rac the Atheniana signatiged themsolves by thei valor in theseid thei munificence, and thecultivation os the fine arta Per-haps no single it in the woridcan boast, in such a hori spaceos time, o so great a number strui illustrious citigens generias, statesmon, philosophers, Oeta. and urtiSis , quali celobrate lso thoi humani , earning undabilities. In both invasion offaroece by the Perstans thoirit soat was o in to th 'ns whicli thus ros in dignit undimportarice. At length, in the PPloponnosian ar, ali Gree coturno against it Pand Mur a dis-ustrous and sanguinar contrs of

28 years, it was totali ruine by

oxpollo by Thrasybulus. The Athθnians recovere solaethingo thoir sor me spirit, in the age of lillis of acedonia, hose ambitious designs the boldlyan firmi opposed, but at lengthsel unde his powor, and that of Alexandor, and wore finali sub-jugate by the Romanes. 6 Pamboibre tho Christia ei a. In alitho portod oscit histo , Athena x sellod ait ther cities in uio

Athenienses, tum, the Atheni


Attici Athonians. inhabitanta


or Atticari sed promiscuousty

brato sor his earning philanthropy and wealth. Isis iis is in the text.

Aulus, a common pronomen ut Rome.

Aurelius, the nam os a gensat Rome See Cotta. Automatia, the godd as of good fortune, o culled by the Croelia, but by the Roman Bona Fortumι. Autophradates, a satru of Lydia, unde ArtaxorXθη. Babylon, onis, a celebratei and most splendi an luxurious ity, tho capital of tho Assyriau empiro . t Was 1 miles quaro, mahing 60 in circumsoroncΘ andaurrounde by a Wal of briclis,

Binora s, the nam os a Romangens Sce Tu mymius. Bum s a Persia soni illi Sisam illam to destro Alcibiades. Bulbus, L. Corne is , a friendos Atticus. Virbartis, the Barbari ren, an

epithet applied by tho Grooks tod ex copi thoi own Countrymeri, espociali to the Asiatios, and by wn os distinction to the in of

Bithyni the Bithynians. Bithynia, a counita in the . W. of Asia minor clying longilio Black ea.

Bapotia, a counto os Greece, N. of Attica. Boeotii, the Boeotians.

bear a ing. arcus Iunius Brutu , a linea descendant of the oregoing, acie a conspicuous par in the commotionsos Caesar' timo. He oo the

Dral, and , mi the tumulis of War, devoto much of his timorioliterature. Byacintium, a cit os Thrace,

Byzantii, tho Uyzantines.


Caecilius, L. Q. a ricli uncte os Atticus, ho made hiin his heir. O ar, C. I. a distinguished generat, and rst emperor of

sed by no hero os antiquity, X- cepi perhaps Alexander an Cumas the reat. ΗΘ obtaine theossice of high pries of Iupiter atin age of 7, an pureuod a

histor and his durin his lise,

Caesar Octavius, urnante Au-

euatus nephew an adopte sonis the preceding, and secondemperoro Romo. Soe Rinna. J He was eminently the patron os learning an lemne men, and the greateat scholam os Rome nourished dur-

in his reign. e soli Caesarmentione in the las hal of tholis of Atticus.

Catus, a common prenomen at Rome.

Callistratus, an orator of Aphidna in Attica, the mos eloquentos hi age. missares, a govemor o pario Cilicia. Cantia Q. Gellius, a Dion os

lage of Apulia, ea tho indus, where Hannibal doseates the mans, laughtering 40,600.

ple an citatio a Rome, o the

unadoae, ocis, a Cappadocian. v padoctu, a counto in the Ε. o Asia inor. ptiuus ascopi in the . of Asia inor. Capua a cit os Campania, about 120 miles . . of Ome. Cardaces, iam Grk. , aseople of Asia inor. Cardiunus, a Cardian, an inhabitant of Cardia, a town in the Thracian Chersonesus. Cures, inhabitant os Caria. Caria, a counto in the . . of Asia inor. Carthuginienses, tum, thema thaginians.

Curthstilo ginis, Carthage, a celebrate an mos splendidcommercia cit of Africa, earthe present unis It was founde about 100 years earlier than Rome of whicli it was long thorivat, and the capital os that parto Africa, and mistres of Sicily, Sardinia an Spain. t carriedon three ars illi Rome calledine Puni Mars se Roma J, attho rs of hicli it contained700,000 inhabitanis; ut in thethird, he it res burned, and totali destroyed by Scipio, theaecon Africanus, . . 147, itha but 5000. t was 23 miles

in circumsere race, an burne sor17 vs. The Carthaginians onsere human victim to their


Cassando, set a sonit Antip ter. See Antipatiem. J e received the govomment olymacedoniafro his ather, an rei e 18 years Heaille the moiner the two Wives and the childre of Alexander, o prevent tho lauer Dom ever attaining to the throne. Cassius, , a distinguished Roman generat, an particular friend of Brutus. o oo thosido of ommy, and aster thebatile os harsalia his life was spared by Caesar butio as oneo his murderers. At the batile os Philippi, the wing Whichae commande Was VerΡOWered, and, to prevent fallin into the andsos the enemy, he ordere one os his Doedmon to kill him illi his OWnis ord, the fame hichinadgive Wounda in Caesar. taonis, a countr of Asia Μinor, between Cilicia an Cainpadocia. Cato, M. Porcius, a distinguish-ed Roman generia, statesman, schola an philosopher; ut mos distinguishod sor his simplicit o list, an severe momis. He roserio at the honor of the state, and est 150 orations and

many ther orks, hic areno clost. Catullus, an elegant Latin poet. Catulus, C. Lutatius, a Romanconsul, ho, With 300 ships,mearthe gales, destroyo 600 e- longin to the Carthaginians, and

compelle them to a Maee. Centenius, ct a Roman praetor. rurantis, thundor, a sur-

Eo temple os inerva at Sparta. Chaleis,adis, a ny or Euboea, no. Negroponi. Chaones Grh. , a nation e Epirus. Chares, iis, an Athenian generat. Charmi, a patriolio Theban. Chersonesus, a Gree Word, signistin peninsula. here ere many of Whicli the ostimportant ere the Peloponnesus, no Morea an in Thraesan Chersonesus, mentione in thetexi lying norimo the Archi Dago and wes of the Dardanelles. Chius, an Chios, the istand of


Cicero, M. Tinius, a distinguished orator, statesman scholaran philosopher os Rome, hoatisinod to th highest honor of the state. e opposed Caesar, an asteriim Antony in hose private animosit he was sacrifico in in aecon triumvirate, and was murdere nea Brundusium, jus besere he had reachedine se in his flight rom Italy.

Cicero, Q. Tullius, rother of the ornier, a Caesar' lieuten-ant in aeui, and was proscri dat the fame time a his brother. Cilix, reis, a Cilician. Cilicia a eount in the . . of Asia inor o the editere

lis of the Ialter is Aund in the



Cleon Halicamusseus, an or

toris Halicarnassus in Caria. Oinias, in the ather os Alcibiados. Cnidus, a maritime tow of Caria in the . . of Asia inor. tonoe, rum,' place in Troas in the . . of Asia inor.

non a distinguis e thenia commander, hos lis is found in the text. Corcyrre, ne of the onianislanda, o Corsu. Corinthius, a, um, Corinthian. Corinthus, a celebrated richan splendi city, o the isthmus o Corinth in the middie belween in Corinthia an Saroni gulis,

in about si miles rom ach. Cornelius, the nam os a distinguished gens a Rome thedifrerent branches of Whicli,ent

by Variolis surnames, a the Scipios, Cethegi, Cinnae, c.-L. Or- Melius Merina, a consul illi Q. Μinucius Thermus. Coronea a tow of Boeotia. Cotta, C. Aurelius, a Romaneonsul.-L. Aurelisa another.

tus, i, a hingi Thrace. uterus, ne of Alexander's generals who Wroin his lif0. Creta, a large fland outh fine Agean ea, noWiandis. Cretenses, the retuns. imissus, a rivor os Sicily. Crithote, es Grk.). 'ow of the Thracian Chersoriesus.

Critius, oe, his of the hi t tyrant set ver Athens is Sparta. cladea a cluater os istanda in in Egean. me, es, the best in moraeolia. vrus, a large istan in thori. . of the eviterranean.

prii, the Cypriana.

who attemptet is dethrone iam. Cyzicenus, a CyZizene. Cyzicum, o Cyzicus, an talandan tow of the Propontis.

dis, obtaine the throne. Hemade great conquest both to thoeas and west; an came so exasperate against the meus, that he ordere a servant to repeat in his ever evening these

morda: member, 'ing, in punis the Athenians. ' At thebatile of arathon, his tr pswere totali deseated an heriosi 200,000 men in that expedition.

Datames, a fovernor of the Leucosyri in Cilicia, an generia of the armies of Artaxerxes, distinguishe so the prompinessan rapidit os his moVemenis. I i lis is in the text. tis, commander of the ersia fleo in Xerxes expeditionagainst Greece. Decinia, a villam os Attica. Delphi, Ortim a cit o Phocia, at tho oot of mount Parnassus, famous sor it temple an oracleos Apollo. Desphicus, Delphic, an epitheto Apollo, rom his temple at Delphi. Delus and flos, ne of the Cyclades istanda in the 2 ean



Demades, an Athenian, Who,

Domin sallor, becam an eloquentorator, and obtaine muci influenc in the state. Denuentius, a rhetoricia os SyracUse. Dernetrius, son an successoro Antigonus in Asiaminor agreat Warrior, urname Polio retes, destrOye of Oums. Demetrius urname Phalere , an eloquent orator and alateaman os Athens, ho b his Viriue, Wise EOvertament, und generosity madenimseis greatly belove an homored by the Athenians.

Demosthenes, a celebrated Athenian orator an statesman, holabored is ouae his count menagainst Philip.

Dercyllus, a man appotntedove Attica is Antipater. Diana the goddes of hunting. Dinon, a Gree Who wrois the histor os Persia in Alexander's


Dionaedon, a Cyzicene, sent toeorrupi Epaminondas. Dion, a Suracusanis se iseis found in the text. Dionysius, the nam o tWolymnis of Syracuae, styled, sordistinction, the de and theyouriger. The lder a distinguished sor his talenta, his un- paralleled auspicious disposition,

and his crueitU. Dionysius tke Otinger, son and successor of tho precessing resem-bled him in his vices, butio in his ilities. ne his expulsion, heretireris Corinth, here, that hemight stillisvio the pleraure os seing a tyrant, heriaught a schoolsorius. Dionysius, a celebrate muricia a Thebes. Divus, god, an epithetetven to Iulius Caesar. Dodona, a cit o the ordera

lebrate se ita temple an or cle os dupiter. Dolopes, um, seople of he saty. Domitius, Cn. a consul ith

C. Sosius.

Elis, dis no Belvidere, acit os Peloponnesus, an capitalos the count of the fame name; samon sor in Olympie ames celebrated there. Elpinice, es, in Missister and wismo Cimon, ho consente tomarr Callias o conditionis his discharsing the fine imposed onher ather, an sor hicli herhainbrother an huabando


Ennius, Q. a Roman Poet. Epaminondas, in a celebrat an virtuous Theban generat, liberatoris Greece, hos lis is found in the text. Ephesus a cit os Ionia. Ephori orum, ve magistrates otiose annuali a Sparta, Whose authorit Was superior to that os in hino. The were appotntedio atch ove in ri his and li,erties of the eople had the man- agement of the treaaury, and were the arbiter of Mace and war. Epirota, an Epirot. See Epirus. Epiroticus, a, um, os o in Epirus. frus, a counu in the . . os Greece, omine Adriatio. Errexis, a citra Euboea.

Evagoras, ae a hincos Cyprus.


o Cardia, and one of Alexander'a leat generata his lis is in thetext.

Eumenes, a in os Pergamus, in alliance with the Romana. Eumolpida, a famil O priesis at thcns, descende hom Eu

Eurybiades, a in os the mcedaemonians.

Eurydice, es, the wiso os Α-ntas an mother of Philip. Eurysthenes, a in os Sparta. Η Waa the win miser os Pro-oles, an both were heir of the throne. The oracle o Delphideoides that the aliould eigntogether, and rom them cloacend-ed the two lines of hins' hichrule corioinu in that statea ut 900 years.

Fallani soldier a calle DomFabius. Falsii, a nobis gens a Rome, distinguished into si families, , ine Mazimi, c. Fabia , Q. Mari S u C lebrate Roman generat, P- posed Hannibar in Ital mors successsuli than an other, .hieli ho id by countermarches, hirmishes an ambusoades, constanti moiding a genera action sor hic he received the epithet o Ctinetaetor, delayer. Falernus, a mountes an plain tween Rome and Eretrius, an epithetis Iupiterat Rome. Haecus, L. Valerius, a consul Min Cato. Flaminius Q, a Roman consul, of mah and turbulent disposition. Flaminintis, L. Quiritius, ara

man consul.


Galba, Servius, a Romst praetor.-P. Sud crus Galba, a consul a Rome. Gallia, Gaul, --narice. Gellius, the nam ora Romangeris. See Canras. Gem1nus, Cn. Servi a Quomsul ac me. Gongylus, an me of Xerxea. Gor tyrii, inhabitant of Gomtyn Gortys, o Gortyna a tomos Crete. Gracchus, Tib. Sempromus, consul ac me. Graeci, the Greehs. Graecia, Greeo.. Graecus, a, um, Grecian, Gre . Graia the Greehs. Graius a um, Grecian, Greeh. Grismum, a casu in Phrygia.

Hadrumetum, o Adrumetuma omnis Africa, S. - . os Carthage, ea in present SusG. miliareus, a citros Boeotia. Halicamassetis, a citizen or Halicam sua in Caria. Hamilcar, a Carthaginia generat, under hom an his son

Hannibal that state mas in ita hi est glory. His lis icto besound in the text.