장음표시 사용
XI. XII. The barbarous reaimento receives his death. XIII. His services: The reis of him entertiane is Alexan
4. Ad manum accedere: to comerio an e gagement.'3. Acerbiore Gr. R. LXI. Obs 3 The comparative. c.' 83 10. Se misisse. See note in p. 4,l. 20.22. Principiis may be rendere head quariors.' 5. Non parere, sed imperare postulabat Postulabat oes no 84suit parere ei ther suppi volebat aster parere o ive an indifferent senserio postula lato expected. Such constructions osten
10. quod, e Construction: quod si quis legat facta i lorum veteranoru- cognoscat ea i. e. acta) horum esse paria. 22. Auero tanto viorem. r. R. LXI. Obs 5 Tungum is here a noum literalty longer is nother o uch, i. e. tWiceas long.' 28. Utres atque etiam evaeos Both mere ad os leather; but in lalter ere much the largeat, an very capacious.11. Circumirent. See note in p. 3, 18. 8512. Tuti note in p. 44 l. 23. 13. Infimos. 5. Privi. r. R. II. Oba. 3.-quam. XXXIX. s. 3.16. Tertia. ho Greohs divide the nio into inre Walche ;tho Romana into laur. 2. Sed tanta, M. aut a great was the oppositionis som 86to viriue, bravery, o superior talenta. Nonnullorum an virtvtis are both goveme in the genitive is obtreeta eis. s. quum Noterio p. 82,l. 3. v. Valentas noterio p. 5,l. 25.
32. mi it the nominative is Eumenes t. m.
I. His integrit os lise, and overty II. Accuso os ingratitude to Demosthonos and of n glocting the intorosis of the Athenians in a particular ase. III. Wo factions age at thens, an he is x pollo tomacedonia cast into prison and finali draggod bac in disgrace to Athens. IV. o is insulted by the populace refused the right os delanco a trial condemnes an disgra esuli execute
I. Hi character, an actaevemenis: He causea his rother, Who had usurpe the ovemment a Corinth, in e illed. II Η is senti Corinthri ai in Syracusans againat Dionysius; Whomi dethrones, but pares his life Severat ther exploita os his. II. He bringa coloniecto remople Sicily, here e streate wit the ighos desereno an consideration. IV. Anquestioris of Ovemment are, is unanimoua consent, deserre tohim. His modest an piety. v. Remarhable incident in his history Εxamples of his sorbearance: His deat an funerat
13. Decessum departure,'no destin lis live severat eam. 215. Indisio fuit Gr. R. LII. M. 2 and R. XXIL M. 2.2. Quam minitia multa, the se est possibio. Gr. R. XXXIX. Moba. 3. s. quod potu unt se Obtinere. 13. illius est. Monstruction: non m 3 est 4WasD--- sinum nullius unquam Melatum, sed ne quidem comparatum.
13. Se oti esse damnatum. Quo is a solemn promise in persorin omething on conditio ista a thin prand sor hallline place of courae the o. is no Obliotom unti the wishis grameed. The obligatio an erant re simultaneo G andi ovo expression, Which means the former, mas uaed by the Romana in signis the lauer, aluit he was under se obligations of his του, meanini that his iniis aserantia.
I. A alio notio os severa distinguis d erata hinga. I. Also, os Philip Alexander, Pyrrhus, and Dionysius the et r. III. O the auecessor o Alexander.
I. Compliment os the authoro his generat sitis: Iis horodi larWhatred of tho Romans. II. His influence an singula communication illi Antiochus. III. sol lows his atho into Spat at the age omnino ears, an suo pod hi in command hesor heris ruenty-sive crosso the Pyrenees, France, and the Alps, and arrives in Italy. V. V. His aulo an universalauecem in Italat. I. The Romana attachin Carthage, horas
recalled, an his fidit evagement i a tota deseat. VII. Tho
Carthaginians mine mace: is variova aerei a Complainta of the Romana: He ees, an is declare an ulla. VIII. Η landa a Cyrenae, an attempta a neW expedition againat Rome; ut Ailing, goes in Antiochus Who fit out an expedition, ut is deseMed. IX. Hannibat' atratagem to avo Hamone in Crete. . e me to Prusias, hin os Pontus sorwhomo heada a fleet against umenes : Hi stratagem. XI. Seque an succeas thereos. XII. The Romana discovering where heris, en amba adorario demand iam is hom ingsurrounde in his casile, he illa imself is potion XIII. Amitat in tumulis of arms, his devotion to letters. 4. Quod 'a that.' 0. Atque Noto in p. 12, t. 23.
33. Ea - Const. que Das me teneraem eam jurare. 6. Quum quidem but When.' 5. Foederatam ac Romanis. 10011. Duo Constris two Consula;' hios magistrates a Io Rome, hos dui Was in administer justice and command thoarmy. The were electe annualty am Mnc thei names mere sed is denote the ear i. o. instea os telling in What year an event happened, it mas usual to nam in Consul os that ear. an instances of this occur in the remiander os inis Work. 13. Consulares: AEx-Consulas i. e. Who ha been Consula. 22. Verba dedit 'deceived.'-23. Obducta nocte ac Meso. 29. Pari ac, M. Vos equat command amine Dictator.'15. Circuer miliis passuum trecenta. A ut 275 Eng. milos IM4. Praetor he contexi ho a that this mus have been a l03 ianuis e though Nepos almos invariably uses it sor a militam. 12 Mare, Claudio, Lucio Furio Consi is Gr. R. LXII.
10. Sui fecisset potestatem oto in p. 75,l. 3. Isio had
I. Commencoment of his public lisera an enumeration os severa ossicos hieli ho filled. II. His consulfhip an comtention illi Scipio : His censorshim; an severit against I-ur an abuses. III. His pruden ce an industr imis literarycharacter an Compositions. I Censorius: the Ex-CenSor. 9. Pro sortis necessitudine: accordin to the necessar and intimate relations os the office.'-Sors is sed orifice, becausis in Consula divido thei duites by lol. 31. A multis tentastis. Tentare is here judicium indocare. Plutarch rebitos that he was cited sor tria abo ut si1 times. 32. Nisum detrimentum fecit: a sussered nodoss.'
I. of the remotest equostria descent Ho distinguishes himself in his ducalion : Iis mi lenes of haracter. II. Toavoid ein involve in part striso, e repair to Athens; Where, by his benefiis, e conciliato tho good ill and hi hestostimation o all. III. Is invite to ecome a citi eten, but resusca Is appotnto to flaces. IV. Intimac an hi gli estim tion it Sylla. V. His conciliatin character. VI. VII., VIII., X. X. XI. XII. In the corrupi state of aTaim hopursue a naiddi eourser resuses meos discounte ances, hyhis example the pari porsecutions und thereb occasionalty disconcerta thei planari content himself,ith aDrdin liberalia to the persecuted and thus is equali respecte an boloved
domestic habita. v. His auauianon to truth ma sinceriuan integrity. XVI. Vernes With hie his friendata laeuiuvated. XVII. His filia an fraterua pisty. XVIII. maacquaintance With histor an antiquities, and woris thereon. XIX. Hi Want of destre in cultivato famil alsiances mitti theo 1 , ,hich. Weveri is sono by them. XX. His intima Wit Caesar. XXI. He is attached is a diae o whichiecom- inglainsul, an past the hope os cure, he is resusing aliment, puta amen in his dua. 25. ima remotest; somelimes tia marest; i. o. both IM
4. Oris a vocis Noterio p. 27, l. 6. Io
is a hundred times 100,000, i. e. 10,000,000 sesteroea, quia tonearly 360 000 Gr. p. 289-293. 4. Optimarum partium 'o the fide or right.' IIa 12. Wreptillisa 'acoordinga in publio eat. Noterio p. si l. 29.
cipat, nori sanctioning Wit his signatum. In criminal pro ecutions a Rome, ne re u an presente the accusation,inus ecoming the principia accuser, and was sal to accus suo nomine 'o his accusation thera me thei sanctio is
il 2. Quorum partim, M. Quorum dependam partim Thia is stricti spe ing the old accusative of pars, With an ellipsis of the prepositio ad. t is also sed as a nominative haringadjectives agreein With it, an has in power os a substantivoto gover a genitive, o is soliomed by the prepositio M. 9. Seculum est liud ac binum, though it standam nearer than theaeginning of the laat section.
i 15 21. Stiterit Mimonium gave bail. 23. In diem Von credit; but means the precias time os γνώment. 4. Versuramfacere. me note in p. 110, I. M. M. Sui jurieli: Trom principie.'Il 5. Praetorium anax-Praetor.'16. Neque non malisa e mither nori musti struchout o vlesse an oblivisci change places sor neque omam nove found unite to strenginem negation. 27 seius non av.' 3. Ea reser in gratia. IIS . Idem M. Construction: de eaepedivit L. Iulium CHLdum, quem ver video posse contendere nostram aetatem tulisse fas muli elegaretissimum poetam post mortem Lucretii Catin gue, neque minus bonum virum, oditumque optimis artarus,in pom proscriptionem equitum, propter se magna Astisanas possessiones, retatum though absentem in numerum proscripti
mm a P. Volumnio, praefecto fabrsim Antonii Thicis strio ου ancordin to the grammatica construction, ut in Milo ing
t the prope expression os in senso in the Englislicidiom:
quem post mortem Lucretii Catullique, ver videor posse eontendere esse aut elegantissimum poetam quem nostram aetatem tulisse, M. construin nostram tacem a nominative Without
the partici that. m. Familia: domesticas Dom Danulus, a grade OVe e MS. 32. magnostin readera; hom anagnostes, Gree noun, firs deciension. 1. Utrumque horum: i. e. both reud an transeribe Tho luideas mustae looked sor in the precedin anagnostre an librarii. 4. Domique Delum and educated in his houm.'7. Continaeritis se esse. Gr. R. XV. 11. Ut in M. that it, uomarhable sorictistor extreme.'15. Stainus, Construction Scimus et ephemeride eum esse solitum ferre veno sumptui non amplitis quhm te miliis mis, ac assium. An incredibi ramal sum; about 43. 29. In sestertio dicies. Note in p. 112, t. 25 about 872,000.30. In sestertio centies. See the sanie. 4. Eum solitum. Construction eum esse solitum metiri 120
23. Omavit: has done honor to.' 31. Marcini Claudii ac rogatu :-Marcellorum se familiam,