장음표시 사용
Remai kS: The new Species is weli characteri sed by the unusual shape of the notogaSter, the Very large porOSe areas and the forna of the Sens illus. This combi nation os characterS i S Other i Se unknown in this genus.
Notogastero Dorsos: tigal suture absent bet ween the areae porosae dorsosejugales. Surface of notogaster Sinooth. of the porOSe areas Aia largest, elongated transversat ly: A1 and Ast localed ne areach other. both nearly round and much smaller than the more distant AJ. Medi an pore present. Lyri fissures ini stightly more mediat than their normal position Fig. l 9). Ventral regions: Epimerat fetae deficient, typical sor the genus. Epimerat furface Ornamented by Some weak spois . Genital aperture broad, with a sharp line on sursace. Si Ze of analptates normal. Only one pair of Setae arising on anterior margin os genital plates, ali others inserted heliind it. along an almost longitudinat line. Seta g comparatively long iis base Simple. the other sive very shori. with conspicuous ly large alveoli Fig. 22). All Other fetae in anogenital region very Shori and Simple, apparently rigid. Anal plates normal, their sui face distinctly lineolate Fig. 22). Ad istinci, almost round area porosa postanalis ) present. Os the adanai fetae ad and ait inserte lheliind anal aperture, setae iaci3 and lyris issures iaci in ad anal position. Legs: All legs tri dactylous. Position Os basal setae and sole nidia of tarsus and tibia I asshown in Fig. 20. Many setae on ventral part of legs with conspicuou Sty Strong SpineS. e. g. ait Selaeos tibia IV si'. v v ) and setae ρν' on tarsi IV.
Remarks: The new species resembles Galumnia dimidiata ENGELBRECHT l 969 Dona Solith Africa in the forna of the notogastrat porose areas. Howe Ver, itis distinguis hed frona it by the presence of the dorsos: tigal suture. The ne species differs frona ali the hi theno known Galumnia species in the peculiar formos the sensiliu S.
Derivatio nominis: This species is named aster the club like, spinose sensilli.
Remarks: The genus L togatumna BALOG H. l 960 was described frona Angola. and previ ou Sty only the type Species L. SPinsSa) had been known. The newspecies is distinguished frona it by the sinooth interlamellar setae solearly ciliate in the examined paralypes of L. minoSa). The much shorter sub lamellar line reaching to the acetabulum in L. SPinoSci), and by the Shape of the porOSe areaSof the notogaster not reduced in L. minoSci), position os fetae .D. Lyri fissures iaci are inverse apoanal in both species sit may be a generic character), but in thenew species localed anteriori y.
Derivatio nominis: The new species is named after the peculiarly reduced porose areas of the
gaster: Dorsos: Ugal suture anil dorSOSejugat areae porosae absent, dorsophragmatic apophyses comparatively large. Ten patrs of smali alveoli and three patrs of porose areas pre Sent. Among thel alter Aa is conspicuous ly Small. round . A much larger, ellipticat. Porose area Ast similar to Aia Lyri fissures ini localed laterat ly. near to porose area A Fig. 2P)Laterat regions os podoso ma Lamellar and sublamellar lines stightly diverging frona cachother mediat ly Fig. 28). Lines T and E strong. very long. lines T directed towards E. Pedotecta lFigS 2T-29. Pergalumnia ani Sibe sp . n. 2J α dorsat aspect, 28 α laterat part of podoso ma 29 α ventral aspect
Ventral regi Ons: Epimerat sursace with a law spois. an arched line observabie in sejugal region. All epimerat fetae minute Fig. 29). Genital and anal setae sinooth two patrs of setae arisingon anterior margin os genital plates. Ali setae in anogenital region also minute, their position and the lyri fissures md as shown in Fig. 29. Legs: Chaetolaxy of legs having pergatumno id characters. Tarsus I with sole nidium DuropoSteri Orty. Setal formulae of legs
Remarks: In spite of the faci that the lamellar setae ari se belween the lamellar lines, the generic assiliation of this new species is rather problematic, hecause the median pori is absent in both sexes . Neverthel ess, in my opinion, it be long s tothe genus Perga lumna GRANDI EAN, l936. The new species differs froni althitherto known species of this genus by the very smali porose area Aa, and themuch larger porose area AI. The direction of the lamellar and sub lamellar lines and the forna of pedotecta i are also characteristic.
Derivatio nominis: This species is named aster the type locali ty.
Fixs 30 33. Pergalumna fastigata sp. n. 30 dorsat aspect, 3l palp. 32 α laterat part of podoso-ma. 33 α ventral aspect
Remarks: The new species is weli characteri sed by the peculiarly longe pi merat fetae Ia. This Dature and the forna of the dorsophragmatic apophyses was hi therio unknown in the genus Perga lumna GRANDI EAN l 936.
Derivatio nominis: This species is named after the peculiar form of the dorsophragmaticapophyses: fastigatus Latin ) sto ping. Tricho galumna mucluguSSicu Sp. n.
Remai ks: The s hape of the notogastrat porose areas Aa AI) and the great difference among the setae, c2 setae more than two times longer than the others, are unique in the genus Trichogalumna.
Derivatio nominis: This species is named sor iis country of origi n.
Ac non lec*emenI - This work was supported by the Hungari an Scienti sic Research Fund Od K A grant number T l6729). I am very grates ut to two anonymotis reserees for their Suggestion Sand very cares ut revie w of the manu Script .