장음표시 사용
The specimens of Ν. divaricata frona this study conform to the earlier par
denticles of the anal operculum and in the relative tength of furcal setae has been observed. The allocation to the genus Nito res cloes not need to be demonstrated any more sparticularly the tri segmented endopodites of P2 to P4 are typical).
and a female of Accintho cloPS robuStuS G. O. SARS, l863) permanent streamat right of upper Domb. Dona A. torrentium 9.d.l 995). The geographical distribution of V divia ricam extends Dona the Caspian Sea with the sub species caSPica) to Germany, So although the Samples are Scat- tered, we can say that it is present in Central Europe. Iis habit as a Dee species needs to be demonstrated. It will he also informative to compare the distributionos this harpactico id with that os iis host, AuStropotamobii S torrentium. AS this
mation on the commensalis in os harpacticoid copepods.
The Catalogue contains the basic taxonomic, nomenclatorial and distribution data os ali species occurring in the Palaearctic Regionwith the fundamental morphological features for the majority of the
Volume l3 lisis the nantes of 460 genera, 38 subgenera and 2389 Species assigned to three families. Furthermore, 6J2 Synonymous generic and 24JJ Specific names, l80J emendationS, errorS, nomina dubia and doubiful genera and species are listed. The period of the Catalogue extends Dona lJ 8 to 3l December, l982. Contenis: Explication to distribution. Type-Species designationSin Volume l3. New name proposed in Volume l3. Families: Antho- mytidae A. DELY-DRASKOVIJ S). Rhinophoridae B. HERTING). Tachinidae B. HERTING and 4. DEL DRAS OVIJ S). Biblio-
Key words: Acari. Oribatida. new genus and species, Australia
During the last three decades the authors have carried out soli Zoological re-search by sampling with Berlese extractors in variotis paris of the worid. main lyin tropical and subtropical regions. These studies h ad a dual aim. On the oneliand. by making thorough examinations we hoped to hecome acquainted with theoribat id latina of these region s. on the other hand. by acquiring a ricli and highlydiverse materiai, we hoped to document and preserve the soli fauna for posteri tyin vlew of the generat ei viron mental degradation whicli is heco ming more and
These Berlese samples were so ricli in material that we and our collabora-cors have described numerous mite species in severat hundred articies. The Mu-seum d 'Histo ire Naturelle of Geneva has also supported many of these researches, the material of whicli has been mostly elaborated by the junior aut hor. Extensive explorations ait over the world have yiel ded a litige quantity of collected materiai, of whicli only a fraction has yet been made public. It is uia likely that this work will be completed in the near future, especialty that concerning the ori balid mites. Consequently we have decided not to proceed with the regular step-bystep publication, but instead give priori ty to those taxa which seem to solve sonae taxonomic problenas by bridging larger gaps, thereby hel ping those colleagues whose primary aim is to create an e Volutionary System. The present contribution presenis the description os a new ceratoZeto id species Dona the Solitheria hemisphere, apparent ly a characteristic representati Veof the region. This group is rather in adequale ly known in this hemisphere. The
new taxon is ali the more interesting Since sonae of iis Datures represent apparent
Diagnosis: Superfami ly CeratoZetoidea JACOT l 925. Rostrum undivided. Large and unus ual lamellae and trans lamella present, lamellar Selae arising Ontheir cusps, interlamellar Selae frona strong apophyses. Tutorium well-de Vel Oped with sharply po inted apex. Dorsos: tigal suture present. Pedotecta i and 2-3 very large, custodium normal. discidium with wide and dilated ventrolaterat part. Ptero morphae immo Vahle. Ten patrs of notogastrat Setae, mur patrS of poro Se areas and sive patrs of large lyris SSUreS present On notogaster. Gnatho Soma typicat for the fami ly. An ogenital setal formula l - 2 - 2. Legs tri dactyle, withstrong heterodactyly. Tibia of leg I without long apophyses. Type species: LeebiateS horri emiSSzai Sp. n. Remarks: The features gi ven above in such a combination have hi therio been unknown in this superfami ly.
Derivatio nominis we dedicate the new genus to Our late friend, Dr. D. C. LEE, the out- standing researcher of the ori balid fauna of Australia.
Laterat part of prodorsum: Tutorium lamelli forna. weli developed, with a sharply po in ted apex. A conspicuous apophysis observabie near it . bearing an uni lateralty barbed rostrat feta Fig. 3). Porose areas Ah present, others not Observabie. Pedotectum I very large, Ornamented by arched lineolae: distat end stightly excavate bas atly. Genal tooth shori. Custodium Hell-de vel Oped. wide. Discidium very large, with dilated Ventro laterat pari. Gnathosoma: Normal sor fami ly. Coxisternat region Without any characteristic sculpture form os apoclemes normal sor sami ly. In front of genital aperture an arched line observabie. Epimerat Setal formula: 3-l-3-2 Τ) wewere not able to find setae .c), ali setae minute. Figs 1 3. Leehates hornemiSSrat gen . et Sp. n. l hody in dorsat aSpeci, 2 Ventral aspect, 3 po- dosoma in laterat aspect