Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류


Holotype semate. Korea. 04. 04. l98J, leg. S. M. RYU. Deposited in STEPHAN BLANK's collectiora. Deutfches Ento mologi sches Institui. Ebers walde. Etymology The specific name refers to the whi te margins of the abdominat segment.

This species closely resembles Dolerus te isti CAMERON . t 886. Doleri Steri isti has a very strong greenish-blue metallic reflection which entire ly coversthe black base colour, the pro notum and pro pleuron are red, and it is much Smal ter species, 6. 5-J.β mira long. DoleruS GiholineolatuS sp. n. is black with a metallic shine but lacks a greenish-blue reflection the pronotum and propleuron arebiack and it is a larger species. 9.β nam long. The setae of the sawsheath are also different, as compared in Figs i and 2. CAMERON l886) is not preci se in his original description ΡBluish-black: the naiddie lobes of mesonotum coppery, ed es of abdominat segments white .


This suggesis that Dolerus letuisti has a black pronotum. whicli is not true, and his description is not entiret y in accordance with his holotype. We examinednumerous specimens of D. lewisii in the Deutches Ento mologi sches Institui Eberswalde and in The Natural History Museum. London. including the holotype. The holotype has the pronotum, propleuron, and the laterat iobes of the mesonotum entire ly, and front iobes of mesonotum main ly red. The base colouris very shiny greenish-blue and the sawsheati, is as in Fig. 2. Dolerus manticiatias KONO . l 90J is also closely related to D. albo lineolatus. hut it is east ly distinguished by iis very clearly apicatly dilated sawsheath, red pro notum and front

Dolerus hordei ROHWER. l 925 is also closely related to D. lewisii CAMERON but not to amolineolatus). One significant difference is the expressive Violet iuster on the mesoscutellum os D. hordei. The foui th related species. Dolerus yo olitimensis ROHwER. l 925 also differs frona atholineolatus. The former species the laterat iobes of the mesonotumare deeply and uniformi y punctured as in Fig. P. The cenchri are light brown. The temple has sit ining inters paces abolit as large as the single or doubie punctures. The apices of the hairs of the sawsheath are inward ly curved as in Fig. 3. In Doleri S atholineoliati S n. sp. the laterat iobes of the mesonotum are smooth and shining on their inner half and with large rectangular or triangular piis on theirotiter half as in Fig. 6. The cenchri are yellowish white. The temple is deeply and den Sely punctured, moderately shining without interspaces. The apices of the hairs of the sawsheath are straight. The new species belongs to the nitenS groupaccording to GOULET's system GOULET l 986). Dolerus iatholineolatuS runs toD. lewisii in LEE and RYU's key. The most closely related European species is


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In recent years, large materiat os mollis of the fami ly Noctu idae has been collected by Hungari an lepidopterologi sis in the Himalay an region. This materialcontains severat specimens be longing to the Haderonia culta MOORE species group, which externalty can be divi ted into a few groups. A detailed study of the genitalia revealed that more than two species of this species group occur in thesouthern Himalayas. In his comprehensive paper. VARGA l 992) distinguis hedon ly two species of the H. Culta group and trealed the culta-SuhViolacea complexas a single sp Ci CS.

An examination of the holotypes of Haderonia cultra MOORE. l88 l) and H. culta var. Sub Violacea LEECH l 900). both preserved in The Natural History Mu-seum. London BMNH), revealed that H. Subviola ea represenis a distinctSpecies Stat. n.), and is not conspecific with H. culta MOORE. as published by HAMPSON l 90 ) and followed by BOURSIN sl 964). The incorrect synonymi Zution was probably based on uia sufficient materiai. The holotype of H. culta is alam ale while that of H. Suhuiolacea is a male, therefore the correct association Ofthe Sexes requires larger material of both taxa. In addition, as an unexpected result of the studies of the genital si ides of Haderonia in The Natural History Museum BMNH). a murth, undescribed species Dona China was also mund the description of whicli is gi ven below.



Subci rachanicci STAUDINGER as iis type species. This genus belongs to the Haderonia STAUDINGER lenocerato G VARGA. l 992 - richeurois HAMPSON l 90β Politi OCHS ENHEI MER. l8l6 complex. These genera forna a gi OUp in whicli the different genera and their species groups are eas ity Separabie Domeach other by their externat Datures, but the basic structure of the genitalia is very similar. On the other hand the species with in sanae species group are at Soregularly very closely related to each other as regards their externat Datures. As a consequence of the similarity of the genitalia of with in a genus, the compari sonos larger series is necessary for the recognition of the specific features. This problem was discus sed in delatis by VARCA l 992) in connection with the description Of the genus Clenocerato a stype species: Su hareviae VARGA. l9 4) for the ho GDSS retina SpeCi CS groti p. The Haderonici ci lici group consists of four species. Members of the species group can be eas ity separated frona the species of the other groups of the genus by their large si Ze and broad; dark violet-hrown forewings, and by the charactei istic. well-developed saccular extension of the male genitalia.


l Cucullus large, bilobate, saccular extensions s hori, not reaching Venti ut extremity of cucullus hali olei Cucullus significantly smallei . simple, saccular exten Sion S much longer, regularly reaching Ventral extremi ty of cucullus 2 Saccular extensions strongly dilated apicatly forming large, more Or tesstriangular plates ignoriatia Saccular extensions apicatly tapering or only very Slightly wide ned


3 Neck of cucullus stronger broader, fiet is of hair-brus hes of saccular extensions shorter, fit si bend of vesica expande l. more or less conical subviolaceia Neck of cucullus narrower, fiet iis os hair-brushes os saccular extensions longer, fit si bend of vesica tubular, rounded cultra


Remari s The taxon considered here as H. culm is rather heterogeneous, it may contain more than one subSpecies sor species P). Specimens of the westernpopulations are smaller and their genitalia are relative ly smallei illi more scarce and smaller hali busti on saccular extension. The specimens of the easternpopulations are regularly larger and darker.