장음표시 사용
Remarks: The new species is weli characteri sed by the absence of both the inner lamellar cusps and the interlamellar apophysis. This combination os charac terS was previ ou Sly unknown for the genus Schialteria BALOG H. l 962.
Etymology The species is named after the country where it was collected.
Caves in Yucatan Peninsula are de vel oped hori Zontalty rather than vertical ly. The deepest cave is only about l00 m in tength. This is due to the lack of chain motintains and to the uniformity of the lowlands of Yucatan. These caves usualty have severat entrances and therem re a re markable amount of debris and organic materiat has been deposited inside them. This has resulted in the de vel op-ment of a very interesting fauna, e specialty where the darkness is complete stro-glophorphic animal s). Close to the ent rance of the caves, or inside them. large populations of SeVerat bird species cala be mund . main ly of swallows that ne si and breed there. The excrement of these hircis accumulate on the cave floor and forna a thic k layer of Very SOft gilano. The guano is Supplemented by egg Sheli re mains and so metimes by smali de ad hircis. This guano maintains a ricli arthropod communi ty in whic limites, main ly Uropodidae and severat ori bat id mite families, are abundant. Few studies dealing with the oribat id mites of Mexican caves have been
well known that so metimes abundance and diversity of these mites is remarkable
we have found very interesting microZet id species represented in the caves of the Yucatan Peninsula. In samples of detritus sto in Attia anis living in I xmait Cave sYucatan State), severat specimens of Acciroceras hamiser BALOGH et MA-HUN A. l9JJ occurred together with so me Galumnatidae and other mites. In one
of the swallow guano samples Dom Xtancumbit x unaan Cave Campeche State) severat hundred specimens of AcaroceriaS hamifer sincluding nymphs) and verylaw other mites were mund . This is interest in g, as Only one species of this fami lyhad been known frona caves in Cuba also extracted frona guano Sample s. The description of that species was based on only mur specimens. This is the first timethat a dense population of a microget id mite has been mund in s wallow guano. The presen ce of large numbers of immatures indicates that this species is a truetroglophile. the firsi suci, record for the MicroZetidae.
' instituto motonat de Pesquistis da Amazonia, Maniaux AmazonLIS, Briazil' Denariment of Zoology; Facuit' of Science, Universi of viail, Ru ait ORSTOM. Paris, FrGHCETwo new genera and three new species of amphistome trematodes Cladorchi idae) are described frona Amagoni an serras almid sisti. These species appear to he characteristicatly liundin the subgenus Myleus Mylo lus) since they are nearly at ways found together in the three species in this subgenus rubri innis, asterias and an undescribed species). They have notheen found in solar other species of MyleuS caught in the sanae localities. The new genera and species areo limam histomia Pa illatum gen. et Sp. n. , Anneian his tomia elegariS gen. et Sp. n. and DiadclyiuS Piacueri xi x Sp. n. The twO new genera have ventral Surfaces that are convexand covered with papillae which would appear to separate them frona ali other known genera among the amphistomes. They disser frona each other by body shape and the number of muscular puckers in the hody wall. lnpamphi stoma is flattened. Strongly concave dorsalty and has One pair of muscular puckers. Anneiam histonia, On the other hand. is only slightly concave dorsalty and is provided with sive pati s of puckers. SEM studies silowed that the ventral papillae are domed to conical and are net ther cili lateis nor branched. Additionalty circles os domed papillae with pores are found around the molith of DPiam histomia. Dia Gyi-HS PGCHEHSiS Sp. nOV. has the transverse tegumental soliis in the botto mos the acetabularcavlty that characteri Ze the genus. The new species has a massive acetabulum whicli servesto distinguisti it frona the type and only species. It also differs frona the type in being on lyone-half as large. The three amphistomes described here were sinu nil together in nearly every adult specimen os sisti belonging to Myleus Mylo lux) and are as widely distributed geographi catly as their hostS. Key worilso fisti parasites. parasite markers, trematodeS, amphi Stomes, SerrasalmidS
The suborder Paramphi stomata STI DAT l 936 comprises a large group of primitive trematodes mund in ali vertebrate classes. According to SEY sl 99 l) world wide there are β 2 species of amphistomes known Dom fishes. 36 frona amphibians. 34 Dona reptiles, l33 Dona mammais and a single species Dona bircis. TRAVASSOS et al. sl 969) listed 8 genera os amphistomes hom Solith Americanfishes and THAI CHER l 992a, b) added 4 additional genera. The present studydescribes two new genera and three new species hom Amagoni an fishes.
Etymology The prefix Inpa whicli is the acronym for the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amagonia has been added to Pamphi stoma ' sa classic designation sor trematodes bearing a Suckerat either extremity). The specific name is in reference to the papillae that couer the ventral sursace of the body.
Etymology The generic name is formed fro in the Greek prefix Vannet ' mean ing ringed andis in reseretice to the appearance caused by the patred muscular puckers. The species name means elegant or beautis ul.
β0 60). Remari s. Both of the new genera have an internat anatomy that would permit their inclusion in the subfami ly Dadaytrematinae YAMAGUTI l9 8. asdes ined by SEY sl 988. l99 l). Both differ frona other known amphistomes in hav-ing convex Ventral sui faces co vered with smali papillae. Although Dad trema and severat other genera have circles of sensory papillae around the mouth and the anterior extremi ty, these are larger and of a very limited distribution as compared to the extensive smali papillae of the present new fornas. The two new genera differ considerably frona each other even though theymay be found together in the sanae host and both have similar ventral papillae and internat organs. In pamphi stoma gen. no V. is greatly flattened, Strongly COn- cave dors atly and has only one pair of mu Scular puckei S. Arinemn hiSmma gela. n. on the other hand, has a body that is nearly cylindricat, is only slightly concave dors atly and has sive pati s of muscular puckel S.