장음표시 사용
Remai ks: B. reticuliatus differs frona the very similar species OoSthulaoh-
fella mahahiri BAUCH. l 960) in the colour and the presence of papillae. Ac losely related species of B. reticulatuS is the European B. moogi NES EMANN and CSANYI. l 995. It is known frona the Carpathian Basin in Hungary. Austria and Slovakia. as weli as frona Poland. Distribution: Previ ous ly. B. reticuliatus h ad been known only frona severat localities in India. The hitherto known records are frona the Indus river basin and
Distribution P. fulvus h ad been known only frona Maiabhum district in Biliar in nori heria India sHARDING and MOORE l92J. CHANDRA l 983ti). It was found during the present investigations for the fit si time in Nepai. Here it occursin s mali rivers and streanas of the mi illa nil. It was also collected si ona submerged vegetation os an artificiat ponit. Ecology This leech occurs main ly in uia polluted streanas of water quali tyclas s I-II to II. In one case it was collected in a polluted river of the water quali tyclass III SI ARMA l 996) The smod os P. fulvus remalias stili unknown. Accordingto CHANDRA sl 983 a). it is an ecto parasite os aquatic turileS.
Remarks: The distribution of the two species A. heteroclita LINNAEUS.lJ6 l) and A. hyalina is stili unclear. A. hyalinia is osten regarded a junior synonym of A. heteroclitia. The two closely related species can be distinguis hed by the forna of the head. the fige of the craniat sucker and the dorsat colouration. A. heteroclita has an elongated head . The craniat sucker is significantly smaller than in A. hyalina. The position of the eyes differs frona that in A. hyalinia. Dark pigmentation dors atly at ways present, Whicli is arran ged in a typical patieria os onerow of dorso median patches Or segmental transverse stri pes. Internalty the two species A. heteroclita and A. hyalina differ in tength and forna of crop caeca. Distribution: The similar species A. heteroclita is widely distribu ted in the Holarctic region including the Indian subcontinent. It was also listed Dom
Distribution: Holarctic region. In India. H. StagnaliS is known only frona the transitional Zone of the Palaearctic and Oriental region. It was listed for the Hi malay an fauna of Hi machal Prades h. Jammu and Kashmir by HARDING and MoORE sl 92J) and by CHANDRA l 983 h). All known localities are frona tribu taries of the Indus river system. In Nepai. H. Stiagnalis was mund for the nrst time during the present studies. Thus the Nepale se specimens are the nrst record sfrona the Ganges river basin. It is restricted to the Inner Hi malay an Zone Kali Gandaki river basin) and occurs oVer 2 00 m n. S. l. Ecology This species was collected frona the limnocrenai and metarhithrai region Os running and stagnant waters. It occurs together with the amphipod Giammarus lacuStriS SARS l863 a true member of the Holarctic fauna of Nepai. H. StagnaliS is a predator of smali invertebrates. It lives in Nepat in water quali tyclas s I-II whereas it tolerates hi gh organic pollution in Europe.
Two different fornas could be distinguis hecl. The typical red forna reaches ab Ody tength of 33 min. the head is smali and the e yes are always well-de Vel Oped.
cylindrical with a blunt head region. In adult specimens the eyes Ire alwayS reduced or not clearly visibi e Figs 28 32). This form was exclusive ly collected in the Kathmandu valley. In the preserved specimens no differences were mund todistinguisti the two fornas. Severat intermediate populations were ObserVed whicli cannot be clearly identi fled as one of the two fornas. There fore the taxonomic status of these fornas frona the Kathmandu valley needs to be further clari-fled. It might be ei ther a locat variation. a subspecies or even a distinci species.
our investigation it was possibie to compare the different leeches frona the Bagmati river basin. Dark pigment may be present dorsalty and ventrally, whicli is al-ways irregulari ly arranged. The colour varies in the different populations. Theblack pigmented large forna was collected in the rivers and streanas of the Kath- mandu Valley, e. g. the Bis linumati where in the species reaches a maximum hodylength of 45 nam. In contrast, the smali red forna si 8 nam) without black pigmentwas mund in uia polluted fast-flowing streanas. e. g. the Andhi Khola and Araundi hola. Thus, the most common Erpobdelli formes of Nepat shows great similarityin the variation os colour patierias to the common European Erpobdellidae, e . g. Eroobdella octoculata LINNAEUS lJ58) and Dinia Punctam JOHANS SON. l92J. Distribution: B. Neheri is widely distributed ali over the Oriental Region. Iisi ange stretches frona the Indus river basin Afghanistan. Pakistan) in the west to Borneo, Celebes and Japan in the east. In India it is known frona the western Hi
Mid western regions in Nepai. Recently B. Neheri was introduced to Europe. where it was recorded hom