Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류



O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences





AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFANIMAL TAXONOMY AND ECOLOGYActia Mologica Academicie Scientiarum Hungaricae is publis hed quarterly DomFebruary l 994 sother issues in May. August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungari an Acade myos Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42 sin). ρρ. 25I-260. I996


been mund in other habitais such as mosses, epiphytic planis and on tree bari . One species, Ac tiroceras seideri CALUGAR et VASILIV. l9JJ was described si omguano Samples in Cuban caVes. In this paper we repori on mites deposited in the collection of the junior author at the Universi clad Autonomica de Mexico UNAM) and specimens recently collected by the senior author in Mexico BOR HIDI et al. l 996. BOR HIDI &MAHUNK A l09J). Most of these specimens were collected frona soli samples butwe also have found one AcaroceraS species living in guano frona caves of the Yucatan Peninsula see the ecological notes). Mites of four genera are discussed below. The genus AcaroceriaS is distributed main ly in the Neotropical Region where there are with l6 known other species sincluding the new species described here in), and two sui ther species are known frona Africa. Schialteria is similarly distributed: it is represented in the Neotropical Region with li species sincluding the new one). The other twO genera are less diverse. GlysetriareteS has two species in the United States of Ameri-


ca and two fui ther ones in Mexico. ProtogeteX had only two species known DomCentral America and Peru the third one is described in this paper.


Measti rements. Body tength 235-24J lam. idth: l 90-l98 iam. Prodorsum Rostrum with a s harp. medium long median apex. Lamellae very wide. to uchingmediat ly and covering the whole prodorsum, except for the rostrat apex. Outer lamellar cusps well- develo ped. inner margin os lamellae rounded anteriorly th in like a membrane, with l-3 irregularteeth lateralty s Fig. l). Interlamellar apophysis bifurcate. long about half as long as interlamellar regi On. Rostrat fetae sine, sinooth and curving inward s. Interlamellar setae arising close to bothri dium, sinooth and reaching o uter cusps os lamellae. Sens illi seti forna. distinctly but irregularly cil


Laterat pari os prodorsum tutorium large and long rostrat part with a complicated structu reconsisting of sharp and rounded plates. Iis sui sace willi transversat rugae: similar ones observat, leon pedotecta I Fig. 3). Notogastero semicircular without any ornamentation. Dorsos ugal suture nearly straight. Four patrs os notogastrat fetae long and thick scd longest. lia thickest os all) in marginal position. Setae in mi lille pari os notogaster much thinner and shorter than others. Setae smallest os ali Fig. l). Pteromorphae well-developed. with serrated margin, about l0 smali tecti, observable Fig. 4). Ventral region Circum pedal carina long. posteriori y reaching to laterat margin os ventral plate Fig. 2). Posterior part os coxisternat region and ventral plate strialed. Epimerat anil venti alsetae, excepi anal and ad anal ones, ciliate. Epimerat formula: 3-l-3-3. Genital setae gi longest os ali. An ogenital formula: 6-l-2 3. Materiai examineis: holotype - Mexico. Oaxaca State. clo se to Rabon Hili. Ex. litter. l. 03.l 988. leg. C. CASTILLO et P. REYES. Eleven paralypes frona the sanae sample. Holotype si 85-HO-

Remul kS A. OG CGH HS Sp. n. is clo Sely related io A. hamiser BALOCH et MAHUN KA. l9J J and A. clechambrieri MAHUN KA l 983. Howeve r. it differs clearly in the tengit, and forna os the interlamellar apophysis, the forna of the setae in s much longer in hiam e and in the forna of notogas tral setae smooth and thic k in A. Dia CianuS, spiculate and clearly setis orna in hamiser and in dechiam-Drieri. Accirocerias dechambrieri also differs frona the new species in the forna of the rostrat apex much longer and narrower in de chambrieriis and the coxisternalsculpture smuch weal er in dochiam Drieri).

Etymology The species is named aster the V exican state where it was collected.


and rounded. Notogaster Pteromorphae Sinali, approximate ly triangular, without sharp distat end. Wholenotogastrat sufface covered by cerotegument granuleS or Shori rugae forming a reticulate patieria. so me larger hollows and protuberances also observatile in laterat Vie . apparently undulating. Posterior sursace with fine surrows. Nine patrs of S mali nnd sine notogastrat fetae preSent, two posterior

Remai ks: The new species is weli characteri sed by the anteriori y rounde lanil very wide lamellae, the forna of the lamellar setae and the forna of the un- covered basal part of the prodorsum. It is Clearly distinguis habie frona the other

Etymology e dedicate the new species to Vrs LUPITA PINEDA. the wife Os the junior


Measti rements - Body tength 20l-20J μm: width: lis it 7 μ m. Prodorsum: Habitus typicat for the genus, lamellae comparative ly narro , localed far apart. Typicat lamellar cusps absent. distat end of lamellae s Fig. 9) with severat long spines sapparent lysplit). A pair of weli developed lamellar apophyses directed in ards; lamellar setae arising at their bases. Rostrai and lamellar setae long fine, setis orna and sinooth. interlamellar setae Shori and simple, arising 1 rom lamellar Surface. Basai part os prodorsum excavated mediat ly. Pedicet os sensillus comparatively long and narrow iis head asymmetri catly fusi forna with spicules. Laterat part of prodosum: Tutorium simple, triangular. comparative ly Shori: their cu Sps notreaching levet os rostrat fetae insertions. The distat margin pedotecta I thic kened. well-framed anteriori y, with polygonat sculpture s Fig. li). Notogaster: Dorsos tigal suture stightly concave mediat ly. Notogas tral sui face ornamented by a pair os undulating lines of smali tubercles mediat ly sui round ing insertions os fetae Im. Ptero-morphae simple, relatively smali and triangular. Nine pati s of shori. bacillis orna and capitate nolo- gastrat Setae present. two patrS of whicli observabie only in ventral vlew. Ventral regions: Apodemes typical sor genus, epimerat horders hard ly developed. Epimeralsetat sormula: 3-l-3-3. ali setae stiori and simple. On sui sace os ventral plate. along genital aperture. 2-3 shori longitudinat lines are observabie. Anogenital setal formula l-2-3. setae g very long other genital Setae represented only by their alveoli. Ad anal setae cich and tiit similar in sorinto notogastrat fetae. GAE like anal setae. Materiai examined - holotype Mexico. Chiapas. Chajul. Lacando ne ratia sol est. Extracte lsrom roois and soli near to the Maya ruitas. 25. 06. l 996. leg. S. MAHUNK A et A. BOR HIDI. Eoui paralypes si ona the Same Sample. Holotype si 58J-HO-96) and 3 paralypes si 8J-PO 96) wiihi dentification numbers of the specimens in the Collectiora os Arachnida) deposited in the Hungari an Natural History Museum. Budapest HNHM) and l paralype in the collection os J. G. PALACIOS-

MAHUN KA l 985. described frona the Antilles. hut they are well-distinguis habie by the forna and number of the lamellar spines smaller and fewer in digitise Hand the forna of the notogastrat fetae simply bacillis orna in digit e o.

Etymology The species is named aster the forna of the notogastrat fetae.

Measti rements - Body longili 23 242 ym: wid th: l80-l8J Iam. Prodorsum Habitus typical sor the genus. Rostrum with shars' median apex sobservabie lateralty or venti ally) and a pair os horn- like structuros. Lamellae very wide. the has at part without apophysis Fig. l 2). A thic k secretion layer covering interlamellar regio n. Outer lamellar cus pss hori but sharply po in ted. in ner cusps absent, lamellar margin rounded. Rostrai and lamellar setae very long setis orna rostrat fetae locate i near rostrat apex at hases of horn- like structure. lamellarsetae arising beneath the lamellae. Inlei lamellar setae very long. their distat enit very sine and beniinward s. arising bene alii the ventro-lalerat part os lamellae. Sens illus long. directed forward s. seti- sol in and conspicuous ly ciliate.