Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 389페이지


분류: 미분류


A very smali hirudinid- like loech with a total hody tengili of 8 nam. The elongated body is dorsoventralty in altened with quinqueannulate somites. The male and la male genital pores are separated by sive annuli. The craniat sucker is distinctly separated frona the anterior part of the body as in many species of the Piscicolidae. The mouili portis is situ aled centralty in the sucker and the head


bears eight eyes. This leech may be a juvenile specimen os a member of the fami ly Hirudinidae. It could not be identi fled hecati se of the number of eyes, that differs fro in ali known Hirudinidae and Haemopidae.


The Hirudini formes s Hirudinidae. Haem ad ipsi dae) are not sufficient ly represented in the aut hors' collection. All of the species listed he longing to these families are accidental ly collected.



Publications of the Hungarian Natural History Mus eum are avail able



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The Editorial Os ice of the Acta Zoologica
