The syntax of high-school Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 78페이지


분류: 미분류


important things he does know: he knows that he is dealing Min writtentanguage, Wit an inflecte language in hic the inflections as et asine ord mois have meanings. eanows What langvagerit is and the wurces t whic he cana to secure any information he need about theword o thei torms. Dicis Latin heanows in generat significancellat the letter symbols. The ho does h procee Wit his reading ΘΗ takes the word just a the come, ne alter in other. ac mordheslook in a vocabular o dictionar toruscertain iis possibi mordmeanings ior ach Wor he consulis his gramma to findisut the possibi meaning of the formit the word that is the Syntactical meant s. Η does no decide belween the different possibilities, ut holds u ment in abeyance untii iurther evidence is found in the word that tollow. some critical Word is reached hecis abieri end his suspense, complete his udgment, a nd decide definitetnon the specific Word and orm mean-ings tot assigne to this Word and toruli the word precessing Such acritical Wor may be the last Wor in a sentence or at leas the las in clauset phrase there is and shouldie doubi a to precise meaningsunti in critical Wor is reached many ord become critica io the determinationii the meaning oi individual forms preceding, even ii they

and a ior ard-looking influence A Wor may be critical in helpin todecide etween possibi antecedent meaning hel in suspense in hispoint, an it ma be critica in decidinibetween possibi subsequent meaning When thei symbol are late reached Only the first word is limitest a forward referetice, o perhaps era vid San ior ard control, ' and only the final Word omne that is bachward. When such acritica final Wor is reached, it marks the lose i a grammatica or

In a stilicio e stam e ma picture the avant ho decipher a prerioustyunknown longue haringio dictionarie or grammars to Which he canino, notano ingwhether i is an inflected languam o anything about iis inflections ii it have any, and not evenanoMng an phoneticis other significancerior a single letter. But even insuch a case heanows a very important iaci via. that heris dealing With a langvare


INTRODUCTΙΟΝ ii, manus the expression A Wor Minciomar referetice only, orrather one Whic has no bac ard reference or conuol), similarly maas the beonniugii a speech vestir Sentence. Me inali Me presently the steps in high-levet V reading, providedit is stomand deliberate, ouldi the fame a thos described here orthecio levet, excepi that the student ouldano ali in possibilities of Word meaning and syntax meaning in advance. Instinctos consultingdictionarrand grammar he would merely resorbis the association centerso his brata. Letos illustrate by takin a concrete passage. In the pro M.

Marcello e read: Quare omnes te, qui haec salva esse Volumus, et hortamur et obsecramur, ut vitae tuae et saluti consulas, omnesque tibi ut pro aliis etiam loquar, quod de me ipse sentio), quoniam subesse aliquid putas, quod cavendum sit, non

modo excubias et custodias, sed etiam laterum nostrorum oppositus et corporum pollicemur.

It is evident that one Who read the word in the orde in hic theycome wili hol the possibi meaning o omnes in suspense unti hereaches volumus heiore mahim his decision, and similarly Willio decidebetween the meaning o te unti he reaches hortamur; qui Wil notae decided untii reaching volumua, haec untii esse theirst et untii hortamur; sitae is partiali decide by tuae, more uti by siauti, an completelyWhen consudascis reached the secon omnes is no tuli decide untii pollicemur tibi is no decided untii pollicemur, ut untii loquar, quod untii sentio, ipse unti sentio, subesse unti putas, quod unti sit, excubias and custodias untii pollicemur, laterum untii oppositus, oppositus untii pollicemur. achward references o controis are stavo decided by haec volumus

by qui the secon et by therarsi et an hortamur, tuae by vitae, aliis bypro, loquar by ut me by de aliquid by subesse putas by quoniam, quod by aliquid, cavendum sit by qu od nostrorum by laterum, corporum by oppositus.

This is the oni legitimate reacling, inasmuch ascit is the auctor' right, as an artist, o decide the orde in hic his symbola ill be presente an his meantam revealed, an to arrange suc effect oi grammatica an rhetorica suspense a hedestres Seemale The Ar of ReMing Latin.


8 SYNTAX OF ΗΙGwSCΗΟ LATINC. Selecting the particula meaning that seem insibie by considering the total importii the passage up to this mini D. Reconsidering or deciding on do uul meaning of earlier ordsand torms no made clear hy the evidence presented by this Word. E. Holding the final choice of meaning stili in suspenseruntii a later ordir Words iurnis the decisive evidencela the case of an initiat word ste D does not occur, and we have onlyΑ, C, and Ε C is presentiecause the contexi meaning carriefover iromearlier sentences heipso eliminate ome of the forma possibilities. In the casei a final Word ste vis absent, leaving A, C and D. Thest Sore Ot necessarii chronologicalis here arranged; apparentlyetther reor C ma precede in other, o the two may be an interrelated complex ith severat reciproca movementS. We ma nosconside in readin processima hio levet, in Whichthe student has no need os dictionarnor grammar, but as a result oi his Prerious experience atready knows ali in possibilities of word anxio meming. e hali assume however, at this potnt in the descriptionthat he read flowly and deliberate , one Word at a time later, inali note differences involve in rapi reading. In the case suggeste Step dis pears. Instead, have substituted:

2. The recognitionii

e ther si S, C, D, and Ε, are the samerus in the caseis readi in the lower levet. Apparenti neithera nori is an absolutet essentiat element of thereading process either may be absent providedine of the two is present. C, D, and Ware essentia in ali readin sociar a me have examine it. Reading Whic emptos ores and form lookedi in reference books isentitie t be calle reading, as et a that hic employs Word and form previoust memoriged There is a difference in degree, in iacilio, but both are reading. The actuat readingi most student ismeitherin the lower levet noro the high levet as,e have describe them, buti some intermediate


ΙΝΤRODUCΤΙΟΝ level bet en the two. The essentiat elements C, D, and Dremain constant, hil in Mandra element alternate at times the student is employing What he has previouslydeamedii the word and torm meetings; at times his prev usi acquire knowledge proves inadequate, an hegoes to his reference bookcior additional information. But does a student actuali exhaust ali in possibilities in the wayes meaning an partia meanings, and thus finali arrive at the accepte solution Θ As a matteris iacche does no usuali domo. The description ather represent the lis of thingsine an do an someli inita he must do allii,hich he may do in caseii need. The numberoi separate inierences made Will varnwit the difficult of the materiai. It is hemine real meaniniis obscure an dissiculi to reac that ali possibi hypotheses are trie out in eas passages in firs sumis may ld good to the end. It is important in note also that in student need not and does notdiglutina reference book ali the facts of meming hic hemeed and with Which his previousty acquire&knowledgeriails in supplWhim. hegenera contexi in tes him in inter many meanings ior,hich he has noimmediate evidence the sameris true, of course in reading an English book. The stemtaken here is not essentialty different irom the C and Ddescribed a ve it is stili a selectioni meaning on the basis onavail le evidence, in his case les complete, but stili suffcient to serve as


1 S TAX OF GmSCmoL LATINunusuallyavid reade of Englis it does notappea tote more than siveo si Mess. The durationis such an eye pauseris notria immin half-Second, o in Ver rapid reading may approach one-laurinis a second. In the groupis Word seemat one time thetye does not ordinarii movebach and orth considering first one Word and the another ii anythingoi this sori occurs it is an interruptionii the normat course of the reading. The remain stationar during the briel pause, an sees no ordsduring the rapid movement. The absenceii back-and-forth π ---men during a paus Would not preclude in possibilioli separate fixations os attentioni different delatis Mihin the wor gro . An in dissiculi passages the ordinar continuous proces is interrupted, and theeye jumps ac to an earlier potnt an read the Same group again, somelimes severat times, untii apprehension is attained A the student develops speed in Latin reading, have no reason to doub that thephysiolog oi the eye movements becomes simila to that ound in Engliin reading, and that word comerio be seen in gro Saatherethan singly. In the natur of the case in number of Word actuali see Would tendio be about the fame, but ii the rateii readiniis flower in Latin than in Englis the durationii each paus tend tot greater, alloWing a longertime o the min is assimilate the ne impression an realige their significance. Seeing Wholearo si Nord at a time mahes it possibieto hort-circuit the proces by omittin many inierences that ould tollo imm the evidence presented by the individual Wordsii the groupperceived onerat a time. It is in evidence of the complete Moup thatis utiliged though it is true that this may require ome analysis ando ellingis separate delatis. In the caseisi a novice a long paus is coincident With a hortispan a beginner' gro S consis usualino a single Word; as there are more dissiculi passages in Latin than in English, and in iaci the entire texi may be dissiculi, there is a more frequent Oingbach an starting Ver Visuali as et a mentalty a anyone may verit iro his own reading. Sum manthin os readinyas proceedim omine basisti a partial previous knowledge of the word an syntax involved. n theone hand w should not ordinarily expectrio fines complete preti nary


INTRODUCHO II an rapi reade the visual uni es progress is a mali gro is Wordsracter inama single Word Theirst large ste in the procedure is etinerine recognitioni torm an recallisi associale meanings, o else, as substitute, the searchrior simila information in referenc books Theessentia steps in the proces are in tormin o hypotheses a to thedetatis o meaning suspense during the acquiring o adde evidence, and the final udgment a to the combine and detailed meanim. Notat the possibi hypotheses are forme excepi in passages o unusualdissiculo. As ne develops kill through practice e comes o have more or es of What the mathematicians cali intuitio in the siluations presente by the language he acquires an depines in gettingi theright trach with a minimum number ianotheses, a minimum i ostmotion. robabi the practice reade seldom actuali carries longis suspense a series of parallel interpretations aWatting the critical word; ratherine alWays seizesin a preterred meaning tentativet entertained, andris astris ne evidence appearche mahes rejections of the unienableand substitutions ot corrected meaning so rapidinas tot almos ii notquite una are o these Wiit mentat gymnastics. The hypotheses arei some cases basedin the concrete eViden emi knowndorms and woros, in some cases o the gmerat driit oi the contexi, Whicli readilfleapsin sinanowledge i thesei notrio Wide. The powerrio inter successivllyiro incomplete evidenceris a destrabie oneri cultivate, and iis practices uid notae discouraged. I cannot ahe pace to describe tuli the translation proces a distinguished iro the readin proceSS. The two are no the Same, and

shil in oneris not necessarii acco anted by skill in the other in iactone tend to inhibit the ther. What he have in common, howeVer, greatly exceed thei divergence. n m opinion translation should onlytollow reading. The meaning ona sentence an iis delatis should have been graspedietore mahing an attemptrio se torin the ideas in Englist. It is an unsound procedure t begini translatim portions os the sentence, an to arrive at in author' thought ni by piecin together the fragments o Engllah. It is unsound because Such a proces cloes no involve reading the Latinis ait, it meret involves readin some crude Englis phrases instea os proceedin to an Englis versio bythis method it,ouldi preferablerio go tinc to the Loe or similartranslations an secure a superior rendering Ii, assume that thereadin proces is to precede translation the lalter a ear meret as a Supplementar Step ior ursu ofecit is unnecessaryno tW to extendanalysis beyon the completioni in readin act.


An important educationat question is, How much syntax and What syntax shouldi studied Wit a vie 'o promotin readingsower Ηwe mahe a tuli stud of at the grammaticia iacis it wili completes filithe ou years of high-school Latin and more, and will leave no mom orreadim at all. It is then amice questionii u ment to decide the proportioni time hic inali beatve toratu in syntax a preparationior reading, and the proportion hic shallae devote to the reaclingilseli; a supplementar judgmen is neede to decide hat syntaxtopic shalli take u in the time allotted. his book does not under-take in urnis final ans ercto these questions but it cloes aim to ovem expositionii the facts of irequency in syntax usage so that any Latin


ILwe Wis to ge the facts whic Willinabimus to judge intelligentlyas to the amountii syntax tot studied the topic tote included, and thei arra gement, e must investigate by statistica method therelative an absolute requencymi occurrence of the different constructions. abieri present the result oi such an investigation.


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