장음표시 사용
Genitive. Subjective is include Wit possessive Appositionat is imcluded withiaterial insiste separalelmi Would probabimiail in the classis
rare constructions recommendet for omission Descriptive includes easure. Ρredicate genitives ali unde other categories Genitives it Verbs aregroupedis follows: hos Wit verbs o remembering an formitim; ithadmoneo, commoneo, commonefacio Wit VerbS O accusing convicting, condemning and acquitiing Wit miseret, paenitet, piget, pudet, taedet; ith interes and refert wit verbs of pleni and want; it potior. Dative. Reierence includes Ethical and Separation. Ethicabit listed separates Would tali into the categor o rare constructions. Doubie dative is siste unde Purpose Wit Directio are liste other poetical constructions,
a Wit verbs o contention. Accusative. Almos the ovi adverbial accusatives in Caesar are multum an nihil so that it might be et to postpone the construction to the thirdyear. Wo accusative here include three groups: those Withiems ot maring, choosim, calling, regarding, hoWing thos Wit Verbs of ashing, demanding, teachim, and concealing those With commund Verbs Limit Without a preposition occum ovi eleve time in Caesar. The figures for accusative ith preposition domo include the numerous accusatives of limit. Ablative. Separation and Places ence arearouped together. aterialis listed ii Source Way by Whicli is include undermeans Ablatives
wit opus est, fretus, an nitor are counte Withmeans, but thei occurrencesare rare in hi=-Schoes prose opus est, Caesar I, Cicero o fretus, Caesaris, Cicero 3 nitor, Caesar a Cicero . eans does no include ablatives ith utor, fruor, etc. Attendant Circumstances is put it Manner Accordance
wit Respect Ablative it preposition does no include hos siste under
the various other heads. Tenses. Figures io indicative sequence are givencio comparison. The totais ovencio indicative sequence an ior regula subjunctis sequenc in Caesar are thos o seven books.
In estimatin the number of exception to the rule of sequence, it ouldbe possibi tora et the totalciar beyon thos giVen, speciali by countingthe instances of repraesentatio, as Heynacher has done in his urachgebrati Caesariim Bellum Gallicum V it is necessary thereiore, to state the principies that have been observe in the wor on tenSes. I. The instances of repraesentatio A.-G. 585, b, note B. 318, though thenam is notissed have no been collecte unles the repraesentatio has preservexa subjunctive exceptioni the direct form. The fame destre for vivid-ness,hic lead Caesar o se the historices present lead his also to relata in many passage the presentir periect whic Was used by the weaher, insteado the more sober imperfecti pluperieci hic the ruleii sequence demands. Repraesentatio is no more exceptiones than the historical present. et when
the fame menomenon occur in indirect questio , he instances have been munte as exceptio , ecause the grammars do no recognig the iaci that repraesentatio ma occur in indirect questio . a. o account has been ahe of the Varyin sequence iter historicalpresentS. The primary sequenceris the more common, butieither is an exception. ossibi arceret, Aen. i. 3ω, shouldie counted as an exception because
the historical present, demittit, has atready been tollowed by a present, pateant. 3. The mos dissiculi cases to decide are those in hic the main ver is aperieci inita, ieel as a present perfeci. The Romans havinglutine formior the present perieci and the historical perieci, did not discriminat shamlybet ween the two meaning whic are so distinc torus. It is a recogniged factthat the perlectris usuali tollowed by the secondar Sequence, eis When e translate by have V though, i coune, it ma be tollowed by the primary;A.-G. 485 a B. 268, 1. In collecting these examplexneither the primary nor the secondar sequence has been considered an exception alter Such a perfeci, but forine stritam instance, ee B. G. V. Ι, ΙΟ.
Tenses in Resul Claus es Alle an Greenough, 485, c, eadS, In clauses of result, the perfeci subjunctive is regularly the present raretrivsed alter secondar tenses. V resumabi the reviser intende to say oesytha the perieci subjunctive in result clauses alter secondar tenses is more common than an other exception to sequence though it is dissiculi to under- stand why the changed ver osten, ' o the forme edition to regularly. The truth of thei present statement may be tested by the ollowing statistics: In the seven book of the Gallic War, me have ound buti periecis in clauses of result tollowin secondar tenses; hilemeynacher, though apparently counting the occurrences of the constructio rather than the individual veres, find 11 instances of the imperieci tollo ingraecondar tenses. In the entirebodno Cicero' orations Μrs Nelliemin Cureton, a student in the Universit Oi,ansas, ound but 6 periecis in clauses of resul tollowing secondarytenses, as against o3 imperiectS. The delatis o irregula rescit sequenc in
the limite texis are perieci indicatis tollowed by perieci subjunctive, Caesaris, Cicero 4 perfeci infinitive indirect discourse followed by periectsubjunctive, Caesar a perieci indicative an present subjiinctive, Cicero ,
miscellaneous, CaeSaro, Cicero T.
Independent Clauses. Mortato , Iussio, etc. are siste a Volitive. De liberative, tollowin common practice, is sed rather reel ior subjunctives in question in independent clauses many are stricti subjunctives iis different me, ut distinctions are dissiculi tomata in the inte
Substantive Clausea. Ne and quominus arearouped Wit quin But quinequivalent to qui non is also found among relative clauses. Relative Clauses. Here are place oesy clauses sed adjectively. So- calle clauses of Characteristic are designate a Descriptive. Adverbia Clauses. The miscellaneous indicative clauses include those th relative adVerbS. Ρurpo se The conjunctions employed in pumos clauses armas followS,
the number simih in times sed by Caesar, Cicero, an Vergi respectively:
Time: he ood an tenses ound wit cum are a sollows indicative Present, 3 7, 4; imPerfeci I, II, a furum, O s,4 Perseet 3, 15, 21 Plu riset, 4, a, a future Persect, O, O, 3 subjunctio Present, O, I, o imperfect 73, 5 Ia; perfeci, O, I, O Plu risei 53 25 O. Antequam an priusquam are liste together. he mood an tenses Mundwit,each areas sollows antequam, indicative present, o I I; future Persere, O, O, I; Subjunctive present, , , a priusquam indicative perfeci, I, o, a subjuncti present, O, O I; mPerfect 7, O, O Periere I, O, O Plu rimi, a, O I. Dum donec, quoad, and quam diu are lived together. The mood and tenses Wit eata are a follows dum indicative present, , , 16; mPersere, O, 1, 5;
future, O, I, I Perfeci, O, O, a future Persect, O, O I; Subjuncti Irment, O, O, I; imperieci, , , a Perfeci, I, o, o donec, indicatiVe perfeci, o O, 6 future, O, O, I; future periere, o, o, I no Verbi remed, o, o, I quoad, indicatiVes Sent, O, I, O future, O, I O; Perieci, , , o Subjunctive pluperisci I, I, o quam diu, indicative future, O, I, O Perfeci, O, I, O.
Potiquam, Mi vi, and simia aque in their various forma are siste together. The ood an te es found with ac are a folio a potiquam, indicative Present, , , 5 Perieci, , , I poSteaquam, indicative perfeci, a I, o pridisquam, o postridiequam, o Gi, indicative preMnt, I, O, 3 Perfeci, 26, Ο, 24;pluperfeci, I, o, o iuture perfeci, , , 5 Mi primum, indicative perfeci, I, o,o; ut indicatiis perfeci, o I, 14; luperieci, , , o ut primum, indicative perfeci, o I I simul vique, indicatiVe perfeci, o a I simul indicative Perfeci, I, o,o; quotienscumque indicatiVe Perfeci, O, I, O. Proviso includes occurrenoes With dum modo in Cicero, With modo an si modo in Vergil. Cause The subjunctive tenses found Wit cum follo present, a, as O; imperfect 37, 4, O Perfect 1, 5, o Pluperieci,s, O, O. Quod quia, quoniam, and quando are inhen together. The use of ood Mineac is as follows: quod indicative, 69 48, o subjunctiVe 34, 16, 1 quia indicative, o, 3, 5 subjunctiis, o quoniam, indicatiVe, o, 18, 3 Subjunctive, , o, o quando, indicatio, , , 5; SubjunctiVe, , , a. Concession Tametsi is listed Wit quamquam With quamvis are licia, ut, an ne etsi an etiamsi lire together. ood use Wit different concessive conjunctions are aiiollo A cum subjunctiVe present, I, 6, O imPerseet 7, II, I; Perseet, 1, 6, o Plupersect 3, 5, o quamquam indicative, o, 8, 3; subjunctive,
o, o I; ametri, indicative, o, 3, o SubjunctiVe, I, I, o quamvis indicative, o, o I licet, Subjunctiis, O, O, 3 in Subjuncti , I, o, o ne, O , etsi indicative, 7, o a etiamsi indicatiVe, o, 3, O SubjunctiVe, , , . The grammam ShoWconsiderable variet in Moupin concessive or adversative clauses. Tameisimas disted With the etsi roup Without affecting the arrangements of this book. Conditions The regula types are no Mund in Caesar excepi in indirect discourae Vergi has the indicative in contrary-to-fac conditions and the
present subjunctive in s. The figures for taxe an irregula condition are ven meret sor comparison; thendo not constitute a real category. The various forma combinations in conditiona sentences are a solioWs: indicative present in protasis follo edi indicative present, o 16, 1a by future, o, 7 8; by perseet, o, , a b future perfeci, o, I, I by subjunctiV preMnt, o, 7, 18; by imperieci, o I, o by imperative, I, 9, a I by clause With vere omitted, o, o 4 indicative imperfeci fosso edi indicative imperfeci I, I, o indicative future With indicative present following, , , o With future, o S, T Wit Subjunctive present, o I a indicative perfect With indicative present, o, 6, s Withimperfeci, O, I, O Wit future, o, I, I With perfeci, o I a With subjunctive present, , , a Wit imperative, o, o, 6 indicative luperfect with indicative imperfeci, et, o, o indicative future perfect With indicative present, , 5, o With future, o I9 6 With future perfeci, o 1 o Wissi subjunctiV Prment, O, I, O Wit imperative, o, I, o Withio eis expressed, o, 3, o subjunctive present With indicative present, , 5, a Wit future, o I a With perfeci, o, o I Wit SubjunctiVesrment, a s s Wit perfeci, o, o I subjunctive imperfect With indicative imperfeci, I, o, o Wit perfeci, o I a Wissi subjunctive imperfect 8, 14, 7 With pluperfeci, o, 3, 5 Min infinitive present, I, o, o Wit partiCiPle, I, O, O Wit no ver expressed, I, o I subjunctive lupersect With indicative present, O, O, I Wist imperfeci, o, o, a Wit Persere, o, , a Wit Nuperfeci, o, o a Minsubjunctive imperfeci, 4, 7, 4; ith pluperfeci, o, 6, 3 With no Ver expreMed, o, o a ablative absolute With indicative present, , I, o Wit future, O, , O With Perfeci, o I, o With infinitive present, I, o, o ver omittes it indicative future, o, , a With subjunctive present, o, o I Wit imperatiVe, O, O, T. Itinould be noted in these figures that some apparenti regula combinations are in realit tam so s. Thus a present subjunctive in conclusio ma be umiVe,
Thos in indirect discoume ho the ollowin combinations indicative present Wit infinitive future, o, o, I subjunctive present With subjunctive preSent 3, o, o With infinitiVe present, , , o With future 6, o, o Wit Perseo, o, O, I subjunctive imperfect Wit subjunctive imperfect 8, o, o Wit infinitive
P Sent, , , O Wit future 6, 1, o With perfeci I, I, o subjunctive persect th subjunctive present, a I, o With perfeci, I, o, o With infiniti- Prment. 2, a, O With future a 3, o subjunctive pluperfect With subjunctive imperfeci, 4, o, o With infinitive present, a I, o Wit future, II, 1, a With Perieci, I, O, O Wit no ver expressed, o, o, 3 ablative absolute Wit infinitive present, , , O
The se of conjunctions in conditiona sentences is a sollows, the fame conjunctions osten Min emplo disit more than ne verb: a, 117 87;
Comparison: The ne instanc in Caesar is Withisinu si in Cicero illi quasi Vergi has vestim times 4 it the indicative, 1 Wit ver omitted),
quam si and subjunctive 3 cm and indicative, , subjunctive a no Vere a. In direct Disco urse an Attraction, placem heres for convenience
include oster subordinate clauses a Weli as adverbial. An example o Repeated Action is appended to Attraction. Infinitive. he categor infinitive as objec is sed is designate cases of infinitive Min subject accusative sed as object of Verbiliae volo, poetior, iubeo; it domino include indirect dis urse. Wheremo subject accusative is introduced the infinitive is siste a complementam. The infinitive is used a subjectis the tolloWing expressionS ωι, 19, 37, 4;
habetur, I, o, o interem, I, O, o licet, 9, 3, 3 ne ne era, a 3, 4; oportet, 14, 15, O opus eri I, I, O placet, a, s I; metiat, 6, o S in tu commodissimum, I, O, O contiat, O, I, O convenit, , , O libet, O, I, O certum est, o, O, I contingit, O, O a datur, O, O, 9 decet, O, O, I; Gyrat, O, O, 4 iuvat, O, O I4 -yrat, O, O a nos era, o, O a paenitet, O, O, I piget, O, O I; uidet, O, O I; αι or Satis era, o, O, 5; ισι, O, O, 3 Succurrit, O, O I; aedet, O, O, I tempus rat, O, O, a videtur,
The infinitive is sed a the objec os adsuefacis, , , O cogo, , 5 7 deridem, I, O, O subeo, 7, 3, 42 nolo 4, O, O patior 8, 9 4 proAibeo, , , 4;
veto, I, O a volo, II, 8 7 cum o O, , O imperor, O, 3, O iubeor, O, I, O malo, O, , O Sino, O, I, 2 Migo, O, O, I ago, , , a concedo, O, O, 1 do, O, O, 8; doces, , , a Ia , O, O a hortor, O, O, 7 impello, o, o 4 impero and passive, O, O, I; opto, O, O a perauadeo, , , a poScs, O, O, I probo, , , a Stimulo, O, O I; Suadeo, O, O a Subigo, , , a. The infinitive is sed in In direct Disco urse With admiror, , , O ago, 6, o, o animadverto, 3, O, O arbitror, 26, 17, O audio, 3, 5, 4; cogito, I, O, O; cognoSco, Ο, I, commemoro, , , comperio, , , conclamo, , , a
confido, , 5, o confirmo, 4, 6, o conium, , , O conspicio, 6, a, O contiat,4 O, O coruutuo, I, O, o credo, , , 9; demonStro, 6, o, o denuntio, , o, o dico, 58 6o 1 dicor, , 14, 1 doceo, , , o doleo, I, , O duco, , , O existimo, 34 II, O miStimor, , , O gaudeo, , , O intesiego, 6, 16, o invenio, 6, o I; subeo, I, O, O iudico, , , O loquor, 27, O, I memini, I, 3, 1 nuntio 13, O, O ostendo, 3, O, O persuadeo, 3, O, O polliceor, , , I praedico, are 3O, , O; 1 obo, , , O propono, 8, 2 O; to 15 43, 5 queror, 3 I, O renuntio 3, O, O; reperis, 16, , O reSpondeo, 32, I, O Sentio, , 19, 5; Scio 7, 13, O Significo, 3, O, O Simulo, T, I, O Spero, I, 7 8 Statuo, 6, a, O mulcor, , , O video, 7, 49,ao; videor 6 63, 35; certiorem facio, II, , o civitatem obstringo, 3, O, O cumhu mandatis 3 o, o in verbum, Is o, o intus rat Orationis, 5, o, o in Spem --, I, o, o legato mitis, , , o legati gratularum veniunt, , , o memoria laneo, 3 I, O moisSte fero, , , O nuntius mitto, , , o oratio St, 3, , o Satis habeo, I, O, O verba facio, 6, o, o commemoro, , , o habere explorata dico, Ia, O, O incrus I9, O, O obSecro, , , O oro, , , O peto, I, O, O pontuo, a, o, o Se ad pedes proiciunt, , , o acristio, , , O admones, , , I ag Sco, O, I, I aio, , , a censeo, O, I, O concedo, O, I, confiteor. , 5, o contendo, O, , O criminor, , , O decerno, O, , o declaro, O, I, o defero, o, 6, a deSpero, O, I, O dictito O, I, O; Meor, o 8, 1 ignoro, o, 3, o indico, , , O infiteor, O, I, O laetor, O, I, O lugeo, O, I, O miror, O, I, O nego O, 3, 2; racio O, 3, O oblisiscor, O, 3 o obtineo, o T, o opinor, o T, o praecipio, o , o praescribo, O, , O profiteor, , , O provides, O, I, o putor, O, I, O recordor, , , O Scrabo, , , Ο Suades, O, , O trator, , , 3 opinio G, O, I, Οἰ raponsum ero, O, I, O cano, O, O IO; emo, , , 5; dico, O, O, I Gallo, O, O I; Iero, , , 3 feror, , , a sum O, O, I mentior, , O, I peramus, , , a promitto, O, , 5;3 reor, O, O, 3 repeto, O, O a reSpicis, O, O, I volo, o, o I; amatum occupat,
prouisio, , , a Iama St, o, o 7 fama eri, o, o I; Iam volat, O, O, 4; in manifesta, , , 1 nuntius venit, o, o I signum effodis, O, O, I; vox est), O, O I. Infinitives, it adjectives paratus, , o I certus, O, O, I dignus, O, O, I
The infinitive expresses urpo se With do, , , 9 institus, O, O, I vaco,
e active periphrastic occum in the fosso ing mooci indicauis, , , I; subjunctiVe 3, 5 P. The gerundi ve occum in the folloWing cases, no including periphrasticuSe nominatio, I, 8 7 geniti , 17, IO, O With caum, additiones, Ia, 7 O; dative. , O, I ac SatiVe, I, 13, 16 Min curo, additiones 3, o, o Wit ad, additiones 33 4a, o ablati , II, a I Vocatio, , , I. The passive periphrasti occurs in the following, ct indicative, 14, 39, a SubjunctiVe, a Io, O infiniti , 34, 39, 5. Gerund. he soli in cases of the gerund are found genitive, 9, 2, II; Wit causa, additiones, Ia, o, o dative, o accusatiVe, o except With ad 7 Ia, o ablatio, , 15, 16.