장음표시 사용
had se fortii that thes enes Comman enectus oblige in no more in the e Tesaniem, cause timi a Time, et en one an hias e orsi Wives This cani proved by the Deposition os a Reverendaetergynam, o was present a that Sermon. Whiis' frequented the oravia me
leaminifroin their Transactions that their Tenet ar lihely to e ver pernicious to Church an State. As a great umber of Letters wrotei Count Zinetendoretiamself, to the Regenc of that ounty, are ob met with in his Rece, and a they ares many authenties ucher se the Truth
lli Solicitations os an Acquaintance, holi ad dessire me to ive the Public a Translation, o Abrid ment of this Account,
ita is known to have been printed by Authori , in orde that very unprejudice Person might be en led by these Documentario form a Ju ment of this
ne secer ut his DesignJapenin aster xv d m e ropi, I thought it ould an e the samelu ose, sinould I consultthe ritings of the oraUia Leaders and by comparing the with hat was Alledged against the Society, acquire a thorough Knowledge of their Doctrines and Teneis, and that with a View of doing them impartial Justice.
inat no him, tote an Honou to his Profession acquainte me, that a PastoralLeiter against analici , publime in Holland by r. Stinfra, Minister of the
Mennonis at Harlingen, had been transis ted into reno by an anonymou Author, who ad thereto prefixed a resace, in whicli ome Account a gives of the Herrnhuter or Horatians, and of the
writings of thei Leaders, and that twould e doinia Service to the Public, mould I publim a Transation o both
was no more than a Trevise against Fanaritas in generat, and that the Account of the Her buten prefixed hereto, Was imperfeci, and in ome laces inconsistent with the eaning of the writers of Her
transsatin this ork an after havingcarefult perused the Writings of the Mormian Teachers, preserve thos Articles of Accusatio that had been properly stated in the above Preface, and collected further What appeared to me orthyi Notice: thence composed this Narrative of the Ris and Progressis Herenbutis an iis Doctrines, o whicli Ii ve ad ded observations o the olitic of that Socie , me in the Dange that may aris to a
si The Author of the following reatis propolassiortly to give an Engli Translatio of that excellent
plisting the sanie in a particular anner 'hei Conduet in the Countsos Bitata
vine in Germani that have rote againsthim, Withis πολυπρ μοσυν , Willhe muchmore liberal in besto nimis Censure naiayman. ut a Liae it tote the in- dispensi1ble ut os a Christian, o unde cesve the orid lieneve it lies in his Power, this Consideration alone Mil uia ficienti apologiete se the Liber a avetalienianii, besides, is Linistae not, the Per formance iself will on this Account, meet with a favourable Reception frona me Pub lic Had a Clergynaan underia hen the dis agreeable assi Phave no in Hand some Person might perhaps,be inclined to placetiis ea on the Score of Interest or Par ;m bellai Layman screens me even romthe Suspicion of any olive of this ind. Upon the whole, tis nota that chargeth Societ with the rosis Errors and Pr tices mentioned in the ollowing Treatisse; the ritings and Conduet of the Count
himself, and thos of the other Teacher os Her huti , are thei sole Accusers. have bares reporte&What has been publime by them, ithout magnifyinior tessening Objects As for the observations
made by me o thei Politic and secret Constitution thenare se obvious an derive so naturali from heir Doctrines and Discipline, that hoeuer is acquainted withthem, must fide illi me in the followingopinion, Siz Thatio Govemment thatharbour them, ante secure whilst their Leader gino a the Rate they have donehitherto; specialty lienat is considered, that thei Conduet abroad plaint proves, the mali no Scrupte, unde the Clohe of Religion and Libertyis Conscience, to attempt any Thing that suit thei Desigias. pu osely mention the Leaders of Her huti , as Ι ould noti undeinood toliave so indifferent an opinion of the private ember of that Body. his ouldb iram, an unwarrantille Judgment Ireatly belleve the lalter tote, for the most Pari, honest and undesigning The Go-
verninent that grante them Protection
road neve objected against these they
me of the Her bufers. Moravians, and mke them tote j iiii and upright in thei Deal-ings lut then the axe Wholly ignorant of in Arcanior secret Counseis of their Lead res, and ony give themame of the Societym the Undertaking of the former. have quoted ome of the Hymns the Her tauri, 'tis fit, Pshould me, tion, that ount Zinetendorf, or hos that apologige sor him, endemour to evade the Charge of Scandalirought against him onthe cor of these Hymns parti by as serting that thenare composed in a Ger manario peculiar to the Bohemians, and that it is his Peculiari ty that rendera some Passages in them obnoxious to thecensure of thos that are unacquainted illi theseid Idiom parti by enyin potiat-blanli, that suci, of their scandalous Hymns as Milno admit os a tolerable Defence, andare contained in thei XIIth Appendix, id ver exist o were sed by the Society. In Answe to the rst artiftheir Plea, P may illi the reatest Truth assert, that nominicante morepiti fui than his vassion, hicli si fre
an an half ago he rote in 7 7 and has since that Time been publichi sold
of the seconri a I have oined ali long the origines German ex to the Transatio of those Pasiage I have quoted fromthei Authors, in orde to do impartis Justice bolla to them and myself though, I must achnowledge at the fame Time, stat the inimitabo Stile of Count Zinzen dorf, has ornetimes iven me no mali
inithout siservinis in his eaning. et me add that it is no unusua soro Apologist I in speat in os, o reatthei Adversaries untiandsomely theyfrequenti mentioni illi the ulmost Con- tempt the riting that appea againstitiem, adding, that the deseri esto belurni by the Hand of the Common Hangman, though penn'd with neve so much o deration. his hews lia Spirit theyare os, and that were thei Power equalto thei Inclination, a panis si uisitionwould probabi be the Consequence. The are leased semetimes to intrenchahemselves bellind a Wallis Paper Char- ters Granis, Testimonials Synodalineis,are a in os Barrier hey oppos to their Adversaries illi noramali Ostentation, pretending them tote sussicient Proose of the Soundnes of thei Doctrines and when-
Socie , hicli, ma suppos to e virtualty comprised in him; sty some ire tendiso to e ember of the Horrn- Murs that thes Apologies may bear agreater Appearance of Impartiality. Such Shisis and Contrivarices, inateve in manthin of them, hew, that he have no the Truth in Vie , but tho Executiones a favourite Plan. Vis to b hoped not-with stan ling, Inould the minii prope toans e this reatisse, that the wili consim der, the are amon amation to Clea fghte to suffer themselves tote impossed upon after his Rate, and that the willhe prevalli upon a last, totiue u the Inssincerities they have been conversant in forta long a Time. I