A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


held in acti Clasi, and genera ones by the

Whole Society. The verseer o Leaders have also thei private Meetingscio instructone another in alter concerning the Gui-dance of ouis. The Member of ach Classi are subdivi ded into eopte that aredead, waked ignorant, illin Discipies, Discipies that have made atrogressi. Properastis hanc is iven to each of thes Sub divisions iubabove ali great Care is talienos hos that are spiritualty dea

They pay an uncommon Attention to the Instruction os ovili. Bessides hos that have the Care of Orphans there are others that are intrusted illi that os ali the other Children. Count laetendors's eat has somelimes carried hum so far, a to alie Children to his own horne to instruct them, to the Number of wenty, phereos nineor teri lepi in his Bed chamber There

perintend ali the Classes There are like-wis Informers by Ossice, sonae of them known sona hept secret, besides a great many the Employments and Tities, the Detuit


tedious here.

A great Par of their Wormi consist in singing They retend that Children in particular, re instructed in thei Religionby Hymias 5 Count laetendors relates a Ver extraordinary hin in his Natural Resexions 6), via That he hanters of the Societ mus have received a particular anta mos inimitabis Gis of God he might aswel have sat a quit inimitable ne forti hen themare oblige to iv at the Head of

the Congregation, their Songiare a Dia con


hut o marr only such a Person, Mili Respeet to whom God hal have Iad known to them,illi Certainty that he is regeneraled instructed in the Importance of the Conjugat State, and appotnted by the divine Direction to enter into that State et .


Ali is extraordinar at Her fui. Thomost stubbornmis asses vanish there ithout Hel : ery raret one dies there os a vio lent Fever But 'tis common to die hereos a Cold, Defluxion, o such like thersight Indisposition These are at leastThings Count Zinaendors affirm in a Wriling, dated anuar 24, 173a, and presente to


oravia Brethren mixed illi the Reformed in Poland and that notine of thosetha prosessed thei Doctrine, rematiae in Bohemia


Iohemia and oravia, here it has beenentii ely extirpates ever since the ear 162 o. The oravians, who reti redho Her hui, and who are the mos inconsiderable Par of the inhabitant of that Village, have nothing common,ith the ancient o hemia an Morcotan rethren They are Roma Catholich converted to the Protestant eligion, a the Her Buten thenaseives

db f CCOrdinito his Ideas and View. it monilii; a but natura heuhould have a very great Seet, and Authorit ove it. An s it happens 'eius A s R tW y beeri oracle, and assume, Pramlim sibile of it He telisis himself that he has alway been at the Head of his Sect both in Temporal and Spirituals and his Discipies a the fame. Though Tities could ad nothinito his Authority, et helias not disdain'd them. He has even made Alterations in them at different Times Fromthe ear 17 26, he was calle The Truseeor Guardiam 9 of the Brethren, hich hap-

to curious t be omitted here. e says that this Titie designs a Director ad interim and for so much Time a Prudenc requires that certain Dispositions shouldae made for the Interes of the Society, whichare tome kept secret He ades, dia the Socie , as Ionias it has suci a Director, is unde Tutelage. Hebetheved that it Was of Age hen e spolie thus in the


pen d in a Rapular anner, sine telis ahimself Christia David the Carpenter of

whom Mention has been made, bellatorice in the Count' Aparimen to talk with him,

afterward was confirme by the unanimous

Consent of the Society i). In the orithos March, 173o, e resign'd his Dignity. In September, 173a, the Societ pressi'd him to ake it,pon him, deliverinito hi in an Appolamen or Callior thallu osse, in formos an Aet, signe by the Brethren and is ter that were of the Priv Counci of the Society et). At that Time e refused tocomply, ut grante their equest ome

the ear 73o, an it was ne of the Reasons thatengaged him a that time o give u this ossice. Itfollows then, that i had returned since that Time to State of Tutelage, ecause Count Dizendor' th recYear after took pon him again his ossice Heperceived in ali Appearance, that Secrecy was inlnecessar to the Ailair of the Society. his servest explain the ille that has been iven him in the Actis resau. He is create there Minise PDnjο-

tentiar man Oeconomis concerning the Secret and Myster 'of the rins Besides the Tities here mentioned hetakes at other Times uponaim hos of S, P, Com-mbary, Plenipotentiary A ocius Ecclesii ordiniaraus Fratrum 'infectus ubi is Fratrim rebus gerendis. Tisalway the samelower unde disserent ames ii Le Long Tom ii page O.


cleiace to an Ecclesiasticat State or Condition of Lise, and who h ad atready publicklyprea ched in s me of the Lutheran Churches, go himself consecrated Bisiop of his Secti ). From that Time accordinito the Customos Bilops , he made se of his Christian


he nitas Fratrum. The Reader, perhaps,

cate, o take them again, an nevertheless


have a Successor. The important Ossices whicli heris charged lith, illi executed by severat Brethren Oined together in Commission o that Purpose i). e sine of thole Men, that cannoti succeeded by an Equat, and wholare like Pieces of Gold, agrea Quiantityis smali Moneycis scarce sufficient to malae, the alve.