A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Discipline, o much overbiit den d Count that o Herenbutim could no very wel Z in Π-takellac but in a mali Oziely, and We 6 us find that in Proportion, a this Seci Cameri sane forspread abroad, it Was thought necessarycio at Secis.forego, in soriae eas ire the Rigoti os ita Rule,in orderito accommodate the Institutionto the aste, Humour, and Ideas of the neis Proselytes This ave Ris to the odisi Cations Forms, and different Usages no in Belialamong these Sectaries Count Zineten- fors est them Tropes, apes, and at this very Time there are three of them viet the Moralian Trope or Tape, hichris the most ancient, the Lutheran Whicli appear tolinato e the most salutar to the Children os God, and the Reforme o Calvinis Trope, sor,hichine also has a great Regard, and

no as well, and with as much Reason, multi. I ly them stili farther, and mali a Socinian Trope a Roman Catholic Trope a Mennonistor Dabaptis Trope fisa er' prope, and a Separatis Trope ascit is ellino vn he trie ito do in Pen Olbania a Power feem tolewhat he hie y aim at. I cannot exactly say, therein the above three Modifications differ frona acti ther: These are Secreis probably nown by the Adept alone Thus much the have thought fit to acquain the


Publi with, that in Bohemian Consessionis received by the frst Trope, the Confessionos et urg by the second, and that of the

s rope receive the A fluet Consession howeve 'tis pretended, that this has made noConfusion among these severat odifica


t these Tropes Count Zinetendorf, frona thesanae olive, hews a genera Inclinationto ali Christian Communions. He would have rote to the ope, ad he nown What ille to ive him. He has even been Persecuted sor having maintained that the Pope Wa no the Antichrist. He has senta Deputation to the Patriarch of Constantinopis, hici has been very et received.

ismi hereos he constantly retend himself tote a Member. He boast of beinga Minister of that Church, and aTrms, in Spite os ali that cante said to the contrary, that he an his rethren have no ther Doctrine, than haesis augi, by that Com


stren, he howeve declinesit Althouoli, accordinito im the takinios Oathd igno prohibited; et the Society, hereverit fetiles, is known to e verse to them, and that probabi out o Complaifance tolli Mennonis oris baptiss. He declares

in generat, that hoeVer embraces Heren

hui m need not change his Religion 7 . Such Advances a these cannot but infinitely facilitate the Propagation of the Sect, whichalready boast os decimatin ali Nations, an pretends, it has a Right to at the Chil-dren os God of hateve Persuasion thev

the Wil of the Superior of the Socie , is xule bya ery essentia Article of his System. me φλββteaches, in his Sermon to the Synod of β , Zeis that God obey the Volce of his Servanis that is o say, of the Brethren , ut that tris required that firstis at they agreewith thei Priend that the ad in concert

. XXXIII Sermon a Zeis page 76.


whichine prescribes them, must go se aras to suffer themselves to e led te forStep like litile Child ren, by en homile est Minister of the oly Ghost, and of the Churchoi , representingiliem a beinis many living mage of


misi θω, in another Manner, Io the Placefor hic themare desin'd 7 . his Ex- ample of the Count' Faith Will appea lessastonis hing, hen, atten to ha hetelis iis further, ia That he has ound by Experience, that the Brethren, heia the Saviola directe them in thei Traveis, have performe amazing Things, Things

Interes and Viems Ohis a es a reat Alteration, and cannot ut have, fome a orother, an in ence ver he Brethren But


fbis Baj, at ome Miles Distanc sto the

tionis Circumstances hali prompt)im so


saonaries for the Conversionis the Heathen;

atearer Inspection, it appears that this is very far rom eing thei Purposse. Count Zinaendors telis his himself, that the Commissionis the Societ was neve calcula ted foris genera Conversionis the Heathen, that the Time of this great Event is notas et come : ut that the Society being an lection, a chosen eopte , it mus have an παρπὸν the Firstlings orFirst Fruits), here and there among the Heathen Thecli tuebumber, the Brethren have hitherio converte to the Christians aith, is ut a Co ori, hichahe Saviour has granted them to malle them Amendosor thei Labours, and they belleve thenaseives weli rewarded sor hei Toil, is in Two Hundred Voyages the mal e but One Hundred Converis et . Mayio this again be

mission they nee oni say that thei Instructions id not oblige them to do any

tunityis inspecting these Instructions and


we must there re reser our lve o that Hea to the Count, ho Without oubi, has received themiroin Hemen executed indue and legalior and Satan himself, itfeems, must have also received otice of it, is, are tu credit the Count For, e Lsuresis that his Enemyris quiet enough, and leis the Brethren alone, as long as the dono transgress the Bound that are prescribed them But When they go berond thei Commission then Satan indeed play the Devit,

and opposies them illi ali his totis

He also telis iis, That the Herenhutera, in Orde to acquire the Firstlings of Paganism,chus to ook ut so them antonin hoste Heathen, that have had the least orio Communicatio at ali illi the retender to

require considerable Expenc 'tis necessary,


Ches, hicli is become ver considerable by

toward the common Necessi , and sacrificed severat Sum to the Establissiment of Herrnhut LeLong, hoagrees in his illi the Count, adds, however, that