장음표시 사용
them, were the Allegation true, the need sinumbe thesin to know them to e so. I have butine Thing more to animadvert pon, hicli is that the Leaderso Her butim, ein sensibi that their Doctrine an Constitution canno possibiybear a Scruti ny have amonisundry other
Artifices made use of to preven it, en dea-
ei ther rediculous in themselves, or at leastilia afford amandi sor Ridicule True
Christianit has non of this Nature lawould e semethiniquite ne and un- common in deed, should a Criminal pretendio moid ein trie and condemned by pleading that the ovemment ould there maheanown to the Worid thaticliad harboured a bad Subject in iis Bosem. Pigrem plura proferre.
turies, and is certainly among thers, ne Reason why to many sae se much Indis renc toward Religion in generat bylooking upon iis Doctrines a leas asincertain, since the perceive that ersonsos different enominations in Religion, pretend, ach in thei Turn, o maintainthei Principies by direct roof or Consequences deduced froin the fame divine
AuthoritieS. In orde to remove this Inconvenience,
and at theriam Time, to tali orallire-tences se Irreligion, , me have thought, that he Decision in atters of Religionought no solely to e est o hateverany might alledg on that account romthe Scripture, but to the Determination of the Church, that is o say, to the Decision of the principat ember of the Clergy. ut after ali, et en Sentiment about his atterie what they,ill, there remains ut one Wayci try a Religion by, and that is to examine, Whetheriis Doctrines give his suci, an Idea of the Supremae eing, and ea iis to suci, a mors his of him, ascis consistent illi the
ReUerenCe,e we hina, and the Practice of them are conducive to the Interest of civitiise For it wil always remalia an incontestabie Truth, that the Tree suo beknown by the Fruit it bears. When heresore en roach any Doctrine concerning the Deity that must be
be mockinito the Ears of ali true Chri
tion, are lasciviolasty commemorated in thei Hymns, and must of course prove Incentive to a scandalous Lise; hen Matters concerning the interior state of thei Affair are so contrived as Vidently
selves Unitas Fratrum Pana sensibi it,illappea strange, a perhaps incredibi tomany that his Society hould deservasuch a Celisure For, tisanown that a respectable Bod of earned Divines, Uiet. the Theologica Faculty at in Universityos Tubingen, has given them Testimonials of Orthodoxy. e also now that the Leader of this Brother ιod ad the Legislative Pomer of this Κingdona belleve, that thei Tenet do in no res pedi differ frona thos of other rotestanis, and thatopon his, an Ad has assed in thei Fa-Vour, Whichirant them Leave to setile in the Britis Dominions. ut thes Objections, o specious oeve they are, illimmediately vanish, is the Reader illgive himself the Troubie to inspect, at the End of this reatisse, Testimonials flate Date, gi ven by the fame University, whicli, supposie, Count Zinetendorf, the
has no thought prope to produce in whicli thos Divines that granted the forme in Favour of this edi , give a livelyΡicture of their gros Errors, and the dan-Gerous Tendency of the Authority of iis Leaders
aris theres rom to thei Society. Count
truth, hicli induce thallo lycio testifythe fame, by a public Act unde their eal; a Copy Whereos, a, is annexed to this
I could produce an more Proof of the like Insincerities; ut a m Intentat present is olive the Reade an Ide of this Sect in generat, mali notiwel any longer pon these articulars and eginwith the Origin and Progress of Herenhuism; after,hichri halloreat of iis Doctrines, and in the las Place, he what Dange may accrue to a State fixo it.
vacant, to a Student, in Whomine had perceived Sentiment analogous to his oWn.
has no contradicted his rognostication. good many eopte frona Moravi andelsewhere, to melle thenaseives unde the Protection os Count Zingendorf, Bock'd tothis ne Settiemen and bulli Hotis and the Count himself fixed his Residerice there. In a se Years illecam a considerable Village, minian Orphan-hous and ther public Buil lings Thirty-four Houses,erealready buit there in 17 et 8 and in 173 athe
the umber os Inhabitant amounte tosii Hundred. An adjacent Hili called homu-Berg, me occasion to thes Colonisisto cali heir Dwelling place fluth des Heren, an afterWard Her huth; hicli a be interprete The Guar o Profectio of the Lori; and rom his the whole Sed hastalien iis a me.
hate, j. Unite them to ne another, divides theminio different Classes, ut them unde anentire Dependance of thei Superiors, and confines them to certain Exercises of Devo
tion, and to the observinio different litile Rules. One a calicitis, sic Insti
The differetice of Age, ex and the Siluation thei Member are in illi Respect tomatrimony, constitute these different Classes 3) There are Classes of married Men, married omen, Wido ers, Widou's, Maids, achelors, Children. achlias it Director, hoste by iis Members. The fame Employmenis the en have a-mong thenaseives, are among the omen, Whicli are exercised by Persons of thei Hown Sex. very Member is dati visited by one of his Classi, wh gives in Exhortations and alies orice of the actua State of his Soul, hereos he malles a Reporto the Eldera. Frequent particular Assemblies are