장음표시 사용
longer consisted of Roman equites. These servedonly in the commander-in-chiel A pretorian cohort
posed ot auxiliaries, tormed os contingenis partly
armed ei ther alter the manner of their severat
tho Roman fashion : Tac. Ann. iii. 42, αἶ- equitum, quae conscripta e Treviris, militisi disciplinilque nostra utebatur. These lalter Wore distributed among the legions according to the usual proportion Wheiicelegionurii equites, Beli. Afr. 5l; turmae sociuies equitesqu8 legionum, Tac. Ann. iv. 73; equites legionum auriliorumque, Tac. Hist. i. 57). The former class Were aspectat body apari froin the legion A. Caesar had sometimos 4, 000 or 5, 000 horse, Pompey
11. The socii in the legions: the insaniry of
The insant of the a ilia either retained their nationes leaders and equipment, Or Were organi Sed in the Roman method. Affer the suppression of the velites mentioned sor the last time in tho Jugurthine War, Sall. Jug. 46ὶ est the Roman legionaries Were milites gravis armaturae ; in Caesar's army ali milites
hom Crete, Lacedaemon, Pontus, and Syria, and tWo cohoris of funditores, 600 strong Beli. Cis. iii. 4). Tho auxiliarios lovied in the proVinces Were more
INTRODUCTION 12. Further changes in the composition, armingos the legion, and arrangement, Sinoe MariuS. l. The distinetion into disserent hinds ot troops,
i. 24; Beli. Civ. i. 25), or legiones tironum, legiones prorime conscriptue i. 21; Beli. Γλη. iii. 28, 29, 34).2. The pilum is the arm common to ali the legionarii,
9bs. The contury, Whicli name occurs only thrice in Cassar Beli. Cin. i. 64, 76; iii. 9Iὶ, is iisualty called ordo, Beli. Civ. i. 13. eae primo Ordine pαuci milites; i. 74; Beli. Gall. i. 41 ;v. 28 ; v. 37 ; helice ordinem ducere to be a centurion, Beli. Civ. i. 13; iii. 104; Cic. Phil. i. 8. 29. Ordines are quoted fido by si de Willi manipuli, Beli. Civ. ii. 28.
In ordor os batile the cohortA Were generalty formedin three lines, in suci, a Way that of the ten cohoris Dursormed the firAt line, three the second, and three thothird. Tho intervals botWeen the cohoris in each of the three lines Were equat in tength to that of a cohort,
and they Were arran ged like a quincunae. 4 3 2 1 cohort
the most remarhable of the passages Whicli mentionthis formation Beli. Cis. i. 83) the tripleae acies is composed of sve legions combined.
4. The ad vatice in order of batile sucies tripleae, i. 49 ; iv. 19; Beli. Cis. i. 4J, 64ὶ Was made of coursesor a comparatively insignificant distance in an occupied territory and When eXpecting an immediate attach of the enem .
We have Hready spolien os tripleae acies, the usualorder of batile. Other particular formS arel. Formation in a Straight line, fronte longα. 2. Formation en Dhelons,' obliquil, is the force is divided into an offensive and defensive Wing. This
6. Orbis, or troops massed lar defence, i. e. , a solidor holloW Aquare, Or, for Smali delachmenis, a solidcircular platoon. This formation helped in openground to effect a retreat in face of superior numbers of the ehemy, because the troops could not be sum rounded iv. 37; V. 33; Sall. Jug. 97. Romani. . . orbis fucere, utque itu ub omnibus surtibus simul feeti et instructi hostium sim sustentsibant).
16. The Generat. The principat ossicers of the
legion. In th0 most ancient times the hing in person usedio command the army; under the Republic, the
Cis. i. 6. 6ὶ Where he could not remain eum imperio. His functions ceased When, on his return, he had passed the pomoerium, Or, is he WaS receiving a triumph,' at the end of the ceremony. Tho badge of the Generat, as sueti insignia imperatorisi, Beli. Cis. iii. 96ὶ, Was the paludumentum, Whiel, he might Wear only When in actuat commandos an army. But he had the toren pruefertu and sella eurulis ot ali the higher magistrates. He Was duae belli, but alter a victory he reueived ii Om tho troops
Tau. Ann. iii. 71, prisco erga duces honore, qui bendgestu republicu guudio et impetu victoris egercitus conclamabuntur).
Stas offuers of tho commandor in chios, a hind of aides de-camp: quos comites et adiutores negotiorum deditissu respublicu Cic. ad Quint. Fr. i. 1. 3). They Were nominated and their number fixed by the Senato; the commander-in-chiel, hoWever, Atated his Wishes, whieli mero talion into consideration. They Were ordinarily three in number; Caesar had ten in Gaul. They Were talien irom men ot senatorial rank. Theywere immediately under the Orders of the commander- in chiel, and responsible to him iii. l7. 7): they ab Stained, as a rule, irom independent operations
Obs. To Caesar's lieuienanis by the leae Vatiniα, as to those of Pompey by the leae satiniα Appian Mithrαd. 943, Were assigned the rank and privilege of propraetor. Such, a fleast, is the titio of T. Labienus in Caesar himseli i. 21 , oi Q. Fufius Calenus, legαtus of Caesar, first in B. G. viii. 39, then osten in Beli. Ciu.; ho is callest in an inscriptioniound at Olympia legαtus pro prαetore πρεσβευτhs καὶ
Obs. The opinion of Schnoider i. 52ὶ that Cassar had in
Gaul severat quaestora ut one and the fame time is decidedlymistahen ; it resis on a false reading V. 25). For oven ii Caesar had three quaestors in his three provinces, these musthave remained each in his oWn province during the absonceos the proconsul, and only one could accompany him into Gaul. Ii in different years we find the names of different men mentioned as quaeStors, We cun eaSily understand whyit is iv. 24, Μ. Crassus; Viii. 2, M. Antonius).