장음표시 사용
4-7. imprudentia Bit., c. 15. 4. unum consilium, he Woulde et a combinod rising Wi h one single plan os action. Impetrari, he adopta a milder tone, humbled by his recent
4. In the case of an interregnum the pri estA Would nominate, uni ess the outgoing magistrate had appotnted a SucceSSor.
Valetiacus had dono this, but he had nominated his brother, Which Was contrary to laW ; Convictolitavis as the nominee of the priosis is upheld by Caesar.
34.-1. Omnibus omissis rebus, to the neglect oi ali et se, they were to dovote their attention to the war. SeTV1Tent, iv. 5. 3 n. in praesidiis, in different places, Where they could proieci the corti su ly and heep the roada open ior iis con-
nolico tho transposition of the worda for erat 88αria re8, etc. ne, e. 10. I. ante autumnum, hecause in the summer thomel fing snoW SWelis the river; See c. 55. 10. Vasto transiri, i. 6. 2.3. captis : the generat sense is clear. TWO legiona mere
c. 34. 1.38. - Ι. The place Was neu the modern Bandans. 2, 3. insimulati proditionis, c. 19. 5, iniquitαtis condemnati. ex ipsa caeste, straisthi hom this massacre,' m eae mediα cαede
NOPES VII. OHAPS. 42-45. 5. stlo lata, Aundor promise of sale conduci.' 1lem facere, the sense is gi ven by the preceding educunt. negotiandi causa, o. 3. 1. The number of Romans Aelfled in this Aeduan to of Cabillonum must have been considerabie. 43. -4. sui surgandi, ii. 6. 1 n. capti, fascinatod istho gain derived iroin the ptundered property ' ; nearlyminstigati. ea res includes the acts of treachery against the Romana in generat und the ptundering in particular. Almost the fame phrase occurS V. 25. 4. tametsi . . . tamen, i. 30. 2.5. omn. eXerenum contraheret, by uni ting With Labienus, who Was in command of 4 legionS, c. 34. 2. ab Gergoria. The proposition ab is attached to the names of places Whendoparture trom the en virons is indicated. See c. 59. 1;
Beli. Cis. iii. 24. 4, Libo discessit a Brundisio α hom tholia Our of B.); fcΡ. USe Oi αd, e. 9., i. 7. I ; Vii. 76. 5. J The proposition is inserted When direction irom one place toanother is indicated. See c. 45 4 ; 80. 9 ; Beli. Cis. i. II. 4, ab Arimino Arretium mittit; id. 25. 2, α Cor sinio in Siciliam. ne Visteretur depends on quemαdmodum discederet, so thathis doparture might not look like,' etc.
2. Caesar could nos underatand Why the Gauis had evacuated so important a Position. 3. conat at inter omnes, A Were in One tale '; cp. ii. 2. 4,
imperat; cp. Cic. pro Sest. 18. 41, quem domi me αe certi homines monuerunt ut e 88 et cαutior. Omnibus locis, i. e. , in the netobourhood of the severat entrenclimentS. 2. impedimentorum, pach horses.' equitum specie ac simulatione, Eo arranged as to loOh like Roman cavat ry.
stramenta, Ρach saddies, on Whicli riding Was impossibis.'collibus, abi. ; they Were to ride on the hilis and over them to the opposite fide of the tOWn. 4, 5, nequem neque tamen, i. 47. l. tanto spatio, sat sogreat a distance.' eodem iugo, abi. like collibus just above, and g 10, alio αscensu; Liv. 2. 50. 10, ni iusto circummis 8us Veiens in verticem collis emsisset. Thia is the fame ridge alongwhieli ho h ad sent the caVHry. 6. ad munitionem : π. 44. 5, αd hunc muniendum y 48, I, qui munitionis ca a conbenerant. 7. insigninus, i. 22. 2; ii. 21. 5. raros, in scatteredhodies, ' v. 9. 6. in minora castra, in order more eastly ironithis camp at the ioot oi the hill to attach the camp evacuated by the enemy. 9. mutari, i. e. , remedied; the dissicul fy arising irom in feriori ty oi position Would be removed; cp. Beli. Cis. ii. 29. 3, esaris benescium mutαverαι consuetudo. occasiones : it Wasa question oi overreaching the enemy by a fortunate eo rather thau of engaging in a formal batile. 10. alio ascensu, ah another pars of the ascent ' i alia parte quα α8cendi poterαι. The Aedui Were to scalo the east fide, probably from their campiying east-south-east, While thelegions attached On the Aouth. 46.-1. Si nullus ... intercesseret, aberat, had no bend in the path occurred, the Wall wαs distant,' a nos unusual
2. huc, i. e. , to the I 200 paces. circultus deponds onquidquid. ad molliendum clivum molliore αcclivitαteiretur. The si ope Would be mitigated by A ZigZag course; OP. Liv. 21. 37. 3, molliunt α γαctibus modicis clivos. 3. eX grandibus ARXIS... murum, V. 40. 6 n. densissimis: the camps of the severat contingenta lay close together, henco
43. 5. animo is ei ther dat. and almost α sibi, or abl. , and sibi must thon bo understood With proposuerαι, as in Beli. Cis. iii. 76. I, confecto iu8to itinere, quod proposuerαι. constituit, haltod '; tho 10th was his favourite legion. 2. valles : this valley is that near the village of Μerdogne, oui tho middie of the Aouthern Alope : Caesar With the 10thlogion made an attach to the east of it, the other legions tothe west of this. retineuantur: nolice force of the impi. theleoαti tried to keep their troops in, but could not. 3. elati spe : Beli. Cis. i. 45. 2, etαti studio. non, placedas in iv. 7. 5 n. 5. vestem, clothes,' collectrue singular. passis manibus,
thoir right shouidera bare ' ; the abi. is one os quali ty ; cp. i. 28. 5. sui fallendi, iii. 6. 1 n. 3. muro, Without prep., as in Beli. Civ. ii. 11. 1, praecipi-tαtαque muro; Li V. 9. 22. 7, ut eaeαnimem equo praecipitinet. 4. sivi: the dat. With despero is used also by Caesar in iii. 12. 3, suis fortunis de . I by Cicero p. Muren. 21. 45, sibi; in Pis. 36. 89, rebus 8uis; f pro Cluent. 56. 68, saluti; in Pis. 34. 84, oppidoJ. quidem certe, ior your lite at least '; quidem laya AtreSS on ve8trae, certe emphaSiZeS pro8piciam. 6. post paulum, a litile later'; post is an adverb, nos a preposition. The phrase occurs only in this pasSage of Caesar, constantly in Quintilian ; cp. vi. 9. 3, paulum Supra, and fortho position of the Worda) 60. 4, post paulo. Saluti fuit, inaΗ- much as he made retroat possibie for the rest, by heepingbach the enemy for a moment at his personat rish.
neque senαιu8 αuctoritαti obtemperaturum. neque ... neque,
cp. Beli. Civ. i. 61. 4, αd eum locum suminis pontem imperαnt seri ἰ see 34. 3 ; 35. 2. eoque, over it, ' scii. sumine.