장음표시 사용
2. nde, protecti On '; cp. Vii. 5. 2.3. petentibus Aestuis, at the roquest of the Aeduans, ' noldat. as i. 28. 5. quod aestivum tempus e88e tempus instantia
belli, his opinion being that tho summer Ahould be devotedio the impending War, not to an inquiry.' Beli. Civ. iii. 60. I, tempus illud animαdversionis esse. At the ond of thocampaign he held this inquiry at Durocortorum, C. 44. l. arbitratur, presens alter the presens in the principat clause,
as Beli. Civ. i. 4. 3, Scipionem eαdem Ue8. . .eaeercituum, im- Pellit, quos δρ...p-titurum cum Pompeio arbitrαtur. 4, 5. eodem, to Agedincum. Obsidibus ...hOS, iV. 21. 6; cs. c. 43. 1. clientela, i. 31. 6.
quaestor, Inlr. g Ι 8. pontibus, cause ΜΗ ' acrosa theSWampS ; Tac. Ann. I. 63. 5, With FurneauX A note. aestincta Vicosque, i. 5. 2. hostium numero habere, See i. 26. 6 n.
aut sit consuli, i. 21. 2. populi R., Stronger than eaeercituum, militum Romαnorum. in tanta propinquitate, i. 27. 4.
cum Pompeio colloqueretur, postulαι. amplius, alamer number,' used as a subalantiVe. stare pollicentur, iv. 21. 5.8. cognita caesar causa, ii. ΙΙ. 2; V. 49. 4. cognoscere,
placo for introducing it than hecauso it sis in bottor than itwould in severat other places. In iaci, he does not wisti toplaco I camo and went ' too closely fide by fide, and soaeparates them by this episode. J
NOPES VI. CHAPS. 11-13. 2. partibusque, civitαtum. The genus niter the Species, RS osten in Caesar ; i. 39. 1, iii. 14. 7 n. The natural orderoccurS C. 23. 5, regionum atque prestorum.
3. eorum, Gαllorum; but quorum principum so muchao that under their. . . comes,' etc. in redeat, subj. beeause the Sentence is consecutive seXpressing the redire as characteristic
i. 4. 2, se alterum fore Sullαm ad quem summa imperii redeαις iii. 18. 2, eo mortuo αd neminem unum gummα imperii redit. Ρlui. Anton. 56, πάντα εἰς Καίσαρα π ε ρ ι ελθ ειν. 4, 5. ita-que m et itα, referring to the foregoing, elus rei tothe coming final clause ne ...esteret. Si faciat ... habet: the Onlyinstance in Caesar of this sequence, according to Drager. in summa, as a Wholo ' fnot in the chi et governmens 'J; cp. Cic. ad Q. Fr. 2. 16. 3 Drusus ... erat αbsolutu8, in 8ummα quattuor sententiis. Galliae, niter rαtio.
fαmαm opinionemque hominum teneret. 13. 1 3. numero, account' like ὰριθμος). Ioco, metaph. i. 26. 6 n. nullo, dative ; cP. αlterae, V. 27. 5 n. aere alieno
4. intersunt, ossiciate in '; interesse alWays denotes an active participation; See, e. g., vii. 87. 5. ΙΠ c. 21. I, it is expressed, qui rebus divinis praesint, Whicli combines the sacrα- fciα...procurant, religione8 interpretαntur of thi S section. procurant : see io,' manage '; i yisse dicuntur, ut omnia ια mpublicα quαm privαια 8us loco et tempore et α quibus et quomodo fas et opus e88et, ' Schneider. religiones, religi oua principies, customS, and ceremontes, docent quid religionis cαu8α in quαque re faciendum 8it, ' Jacobs. eos, Gallos, aseorum, c. 11. 3. 5, 6. si is nos repented beiore de Mibus, as ne, Vii. 66. 7, ne tecto recipiatur, ne αd libero8, ne αd pαrentes, ad uxorem αditum habeαt. s. poenasque, aWard A and penalties, ' notpunishments for crimes for Aee c. 17. 5 f. 3. constituunt, A decido. ' cle as With cognoscere and like Ve S. constituunt repented RS, e.9., consciendα8, i. 3. 2 : See i. 49. 2 n. idem Giidem . si qui non stetit has refused to abi de 'i ... inter- dicunt : see iv. 1. 5 n.
municatur, neither to their prayer is justice rendered, nor have they any share in the ossices of the state.' Usuallyeum his Would be again supplied With communicatur I but ep. c. 23. 9, his omnium domus pαtent victu8gue communi-
9, 10. contendunt, to be supplied also With suffragio, Whicli, like αrmis, is an instrumental abi. consistunt, sit in judgment.' The place appears to have been Where Dreuaenow standa. lisciplina, the institution. ' In Britain, Wherono foroign influenoes Would counterbalance, it Would Aurvive in ali the more rigour. 14.-3. Versuum, into whicli form tho doctrines Would bo
4. quod Velint, Subj., as i. 23. 3 n. ut remittant, added todes ne quod . . a cidit, as i. 5. 7, 7. I n. So c. 15. I, quod αccidere Solebαt, uti ...propul8αrent; Cic. de Orαt. 2. 10. 39,
5. posita, A What has been deposited' as an offering to the god. Diod. Sic. 5. 27, ουδεὶς απτεται τούτου διὰ την
3. de morte, Η any suspicion has arisen about his doath. Servilem, Alaves alono could be tortured at Rome. 4. Daulo supra hanc hominum, qui nunc vivunt) memoriam, g. e. , Shortly beiore our time; Liv. 2. 41. 3, leae
agriculture earlier than the Germans. 2. gentibus, families. cognationibus, hians.' agri dependS On quantum, but et quo 1oco is put botmeen in ordor tobring the two relations close together. What Caesar at iv. 1.1. ascribes to the Suebi in particular is here, as in Tae. Germ. 26, gi Ven as generalty German. anno ... cogunt, a year later
3, 4. Irigora atque aestus: see V. 12. 6 n. aequitate contineant, heep them quiet on a principio os moderation ' ;Cic. into. 1. 1, novi moderationem α nimi et α equitatem; Nepos Thrα8. 4. 2, nolo ampliu8 quam centum iusterre, quαε meam αnimi α equit αtem. . . indicent. With continere αequi-
5. Each seηerat district had iis own mαgistratus and principes. principes regionum : Τac. Germ. 12, eliguntur in eisdem conciliis et principes, qui iuτα per pasto8 vicO8que reddunt. Centeni singulis eae plebe comites, con8ilium 8imul et auctoritas, adsunt. Tegiones, districis,' a Wider Word than μαgi, cantons,' c. 11. 2. minuunt, Settie,' by peaceiul arbitra
thoso Who have talion his fide. quaque, any Vii. 22. 1 n. On qui venerunt, αb iniuriα prolisbent Aee iv. 7. 3 n. ab iniuria prohibent, V. 21. I. communicatur, c. 13. 7 n. 24.-1. Tac. Agr. 11, nαm Gallos quoque in bellis soruisse αccepimus moae 8egnitia cum otio intravit. trans Rhenum colonias mitterent. AA early as Tarquinius Priscus, the Κolliching Ambigatus, eaeonerαre regnum cupiens, Sent his nephewSegovesus With colonisis acrosa the Rhine : Segoveso sortibus dαti Hercynii sαltus, Liv. 5. 34. Tac. Germ. 28, ταlidiores Gαllorum olim res fuisse summus αuctorum divus Iulius tradit: eoque credibile est etiαm Gαllos in Germαniαm ωαnvremos. Istitur inter Hercyniαm silvαm Rhenumque et Moenum αmne8 Helvetii, ulteriorα Boii. . . tenuere. 2. Eratosthenes, born at Cyrene B. C. 272, diod Ι92; distinguished as an aAtronomer, mathematician, and geographen quibusdam, certain others,' sta Timosthenes, to Whom Eratos
licet. quam Video. . . quam Usellant, c. 11. 3.3. enjoys a Very high reputation for justice and promess in War '; cp. ii. 8. I ; Vii. 59. 5, mαaeimαm hαbes opinionem Mirtutis. 1aus : metonymice dicitur de recte jDctis et virtute, quiα his laudem meremur, ' Forcellini. 4. The generat sense is : in days of old the Gaula mero
bester moti than the Germans this is proved by the setflingoi tho Tectosagos in a fruitiui plos of German laud) ; but noW,whilo tho Germans have Lept up their hardy mode of lite, the