De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


Aedui also.' It is hinfod in c. 5. 6 that tho Aodui had neglectod to hindor the revolt of the Bituriges. etiam, to beta ken With Aeduis. De suα salute is certainly not to bereferred to tho saloty ireedom in of the Aedui. J5. priusquam, With the conjuncti Ve, although no purposeis implied ; Roby, g I674. On the covi. see iii. 26. 3. His purpose of directing their attention to one potui, in order toarrive ut another uueXpected ly, Was attained, and is hecame possibi e to concentrate the entire amy beiore the suspected provinciais, through Whose land his route lay, and Vercingetorix became aWare of his determination. Flor. iii. 10. 22,αnte in mediα Galliα fuit quαm αb ultima timeretur.

tWico, res Beli. Civ. iii. 21. 4, eo in ItαΓαm evocato. .. 8sbi coniunarit αtque eum prαemitit. 3. conssceret, to See to the whole busin ess ' ; cp. i. 3. 2 αd eα8 res conficiendα8. iter faceret, upon Vercingetorixto Gorgobinta. 4. quod eo mitterent might be more concisely expressed praesidium, quod Cenrebum m tterent, compαrαbαnt. Praesidium, reli ei force '; translate res ii the Sentence rati quod


tinguished themselves in every engagement; See cc. 70 and 80. instituerat, Vi. 3. 4 n. 3. Biturigum m the ferritory inhabited by them ; the olossconnection mith Biturigum causes the omission of the preposition ; ii. 4. 6 n.

8. 19SOsne ... impedimentisne : this form oi double questionis very rare in classical prose ; Caesar uses it only here. In like manner neu ... neu, corresponding to each other like neque ... neque ne αut ...ctut) i S rare. Beli. Civ. i. 76. 1, neu se neu Pompeium αbsentem tradant, obsecrαις Cic. de O . i. 39. 14I,


otherWise Surround the toWn. aggerem, si ege materiai tomahe an earthWork; Introd. g 30. Vineas, turres, ii. 12. 3, 30. 3, prohibebat, tollowed by the ini. ; ii. 4. 2 n. 2. non magnis me. , abi. oi attendant circumstanees, as in 10. I, duris subvectionibus. 3. caruerint ... Sustentarent: the peri. conj. denotes a definito historical iaci s α so that the corn fialed them'; iii. 15.


lar, as in 10. 2. The change in construction is duo to thowritor hosping in sight the sense rather than the syntax. In oratio rectα he Would have Sald pαrentemu8. Cp. Corn. N ep.mmilc. I. 5, ut ip8e periturum 86 postu8 diaeerit, quαm cum t to flagitio domum rediret Weissenborn on Liv. ii. 15. 2gives many instances of the conj. With and without ut alter potius quαmin. Parento moriginalty to mulie sacrifice in honouros dead parenta. 318.-1. qui ... consuessent: for delatis of his modo offighting see i. 48. 4-7.2. allentio, abi. of the manner. 4. sarcinas conferri : When a batile mas imminent thobaggrege Was carried oss and piled up. expediri, got readytor action. 19. I. coHis the locus editus et Nertus of c. 18. dissicilis,


NOTES. VII. CHAPS. 19, 20.

sacrifico of tho lite of the soldiers and his oWn ; rather, by the HSe of a Strong expression, the high valvo whicli Caesar attaches to tho preservation of Auch vallant and devoted troops is brought into prominence. 6. Ossisti, emphati eatly placed, Eo as to contrast With thoabandoned undorlahing against the height.

givo bach ' tho imperium, Whicli they had gi ven him. Beli.

Cis. ii. 32. 14, vo8 me imperatoris nomine α euαυi8ti8, cuius 8iv08 paenitet, ve8trum vobis benescium remitto. Videantur,


that thoir ultimato triumph restod almost entii ely on this, namely, the successivi deleuce of tho toWn. ' For the phrasecp. Beli. Civ. iii. 89. 3, victoriαm in earum cohortium virtute con8tare. On Summa Athe generat Eafety,' op. Beli. Civ.

tenebant, ne po88ent muro immitti. cum dest. . . . Teducebant, iit.

3. murum.. . turribus contab. m contabulatis turribus instruaee




2. consuetudine, vi. 27. 5 n. ad Opere intermitteretur ; so Beli. Civ. i. 32. 1, ut reliquum tempus a IMore intermitteretur. At v. 11. 6, αd laborem HSed. SuccenderRnt, c. 22. 4.3. tu ium, those, namely, of the Roman s. Not of thobesieged, for as they totum murum eae omni parte turrimus con-tαbulαverαnt c. 22. 3), it is hard to see What in this cassi theutrumque ἰαtus turrium can be. J5. instituto, i. 50. I n. partitis Vi. 6. I in temporibus, i. e. , in turns. turres αmbulαtoriae or mobiles) went On Wheeis orrollers ; Intr. g 30. interscinderent, to provent the flameSprending. Omnis e. e. multitudo, the Same order of Word sas ii. 12. 4. ad restinguendum, an object is eastly supplied.

vires but in 33. 6. 8, consilium fuit eaecidendi); Roby, g l345.

2. conati ii thoy should have attempted '; see v. 39. 4n. neque, c. 20. 4. DeTDetua, by draWing into tho relativo clavss and by tho introduction os intercedebat the iaci is more clearly brought out that the marsh dividod tho camp froin thotown without α brea , than ii the words had ruit perpetum palu8, qutae, etc. ad, aiter a Word of hindering,' as altor impedimento, ii. 25. 1.3-5. quos does not exclusiVely refer to liberos. suntlicarede, i. 42. 1 n. quo timore m cum8 rei timore, V. 19. 2.