De bello Gallico commentarii

발행: 1887년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


ne se quidem ipsi, for ne ipsi quidem se or ne se ipsi quidem: cp. iii. 6, ne in locis quidem superioribus. 25.-1. demonstrata, mentioned. ' eYpedito dαι. commodi sequi sine impedimentis iter facit; Herod. 1. 72, μηκος ὁδου ευζον se ἀνδρὶ. patet, extenda. ' liniri, computed, ' c. 18.

the sentence. initium, the eaStern end. quae in tαKα ut sint.

Tho Romana called any unknown large animal bo8, Eo Lucαbos 'the elephant.' unum cornu, Probably an error arisingirom Caesar's informant haVing Seen only one Whose horn


58. 2.


D'Anville and V. Golor propos0 CL as the original os D -500j. But Aee v. 3. 40 as to tho direction of the Silva Arduenna. st posset, to See ii ho could ' ; Eo c. 37. 4, si

reperire FO88ent.


fortis od post held by troops ' ; Beli. Cis. 3. 36. 6, neque


dimittere plures m-us and diducere. Ii Caestar Wanted to gel

instituta, establishod. '7. ut 1n, so far as Was possibio, ' ut With a limiting forco, as in iv. 3. 3, α lα αtque foren8, ut e8t c tu8; Cic. Brut. 26. 102, scriptor fuit, ut temportibus illis, luculentus. The adj. in the principia clause, Whicli ut usualty limiis, is here represented by the adverbial expression quαntum diligentia provideri poteratraqu- diligentis8ime. So os in Greeli, Thuc. 4. 84,

ἁδύνατος, ως Λακεδαιμόνιος, εἰπεῖν. 8. eVocat: c. 35. 4, Omne8 ad prαedam evocαri. 1egionarius miles, aliori for What 7 magnus ... conVenit. This Sentence

oi nemo nullus in vii. 66.


resistere or 8ub8istere. 37.-I. hoc ipso tempore et casu, iust at this timo and crisis.' Germani equites, V. 48. 3. decumana Poria, ii. 24. 2.


40.-I . calones, Intr. g 23. stelecti, dialodgod.' insigna manipulosque, into the linea and companies '; cp. 34. 6; Intr. g 27. 1. cuneo facto, Intr. g 15. 4. censent ut, voto that'; Eo ptacuit ut, i. 34; cp. the formulta expressing the vote of the senate, i. 35. 4. at, yet, ut least.' 5. inter se cohortati, iV. 25. 5. ad unum omnes, iV. 15. 3. multum, the ioot,' as Opposed to the cαlones equitesque, i. 48. 6. hunc: We aliould expect tunc ἰ but Caesar dopicis theacene as ii it Were even noW present '; So hunc etiαm, Vii. 62. usu percepto, haVing guined no experienco '; Beli. Civ. iii. 84. 3, qui cotidianα consuetudine u8um quoque eiu8 generia proeliorum perciperent. This inexperience is mentioned in c. 39. 2 HSo) as an excuse. ut se stelansterent, added toexplain eo con8ilio; See 1. 5. 1 n. vim celeritatemque, attracted into the relative clauso; Hor. Sαι. i. 10. 16, illi scriptα quibus comoediα priscα viris est, hoc stab-t; Μunroon Lucret. , i. 15; Ter. Eun. 653, eunuchum, quem dedisti

both recipere and demi8erunt require it); π. H. 3. 2 n. The position os se malaes the omission enSier. 7, 8. ex inferioridus ordinibus : from the lomer cohoris of

41 -I, 2. quam deposuerant, c. 35. 10. ac, iii. 15. 3 n. Volusenum, iii. 5, iv. 21. lidem facere, Again credence';


as he could in consideration Oi these Services. 42.-1. eVentus, the chinees of War,' nec. pl. unum

questus: See last note of o. 41. statione, A the post ' ontrustodio his charge. praesidio, the place Which hs h ad to detond. Caesar uses the tWo Words in order to give prominence to the desertion by the soldier of his post. casum c M. 1Oeum relinqui, V. 52.2, 3. amolius, much more stili.' quarum rerum, With theneuter α Θαndum, as quαrum rerum nihil, iii. 4. 3 n. I

3 n, etc.

stand too long, and the autumn ruina had beaten it domn. 4. in eum locum, to that potnt.' cliviso, sent in Amallbodies ' ; Liv. 37. 45, consul in hibernα eae citum M nesiam et Pralles Ephesumque divi si ι divisum misit). in fuga, with Ariovistum, on the analogy oi eae e edis pugnα, iv. 33 n.

nec plane etiam m necdum plane.


44. damno, M With the loss,' abl. of mannor, like reipublicαe commodo, i. 35. 4; V. 46. 4. de coniuratione: for this con- Spiracy cp. c. 4. Princeps, ringleader. ' more malorum :


vantage ground , and had nos effected a lassing submission. The universat rising organi Zed this year under the leadershios Vercingetorix, the ablest oi Gallic generata, placed alliormer conquesta agnin in question. The execution of Acco hadrousod the wholo body oi Κeltic nobles. Caesar Was hept ata distanco by tho imminent civit War and separated hom theiorces collected on the Upper Seine; a generat insurrection


Tho object os giving hosfages is contained in the worda ne res erαtur. iureiurando ac lide, byoath and plodged Word.' quo may ei ther agree Willi more or stand separate here- by joining more eorum us ut v. 56. 2, hoc more Gαllorum est initium belli. In Caesar, Whereas the circumlocution With resis common, the use of the neuter Oi pronouns used substantivoly in the ablative is eXtremely rare, es. 6.9., eae gus, i. 40. eae eo quod, i V. 31. I. The oath by the standards resembles the αrmαtum concilium, V. 56. I; but the secret mesting herodescribod is distinet ironi that.