Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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분류: 미분류


27. stipatus, supporte an surrounded': his ordias osten no at ways cf. Postb. 3 an invidious ense. The Italians ereeager for the ranchise, and Drusus a savourable to their clainis this alliance, ein odious to the senate, prove his ruin an his death was the direct occasio of the Socia War 9o-8 B.αὶ.28. Xltum rerum, successsul Ssue o his poli cy. '

paralleis to hicli ad Liv ix , et are quote by Rei on Cic. Pro Archia p. 86. 5. pupillus P s. Do. he mus have os his ather

in early outh ohe fac is not known rom an other ource. adhuc se n. et . praetextatus cf. N. 4, 2 tene memoria, quantum SenSeris uiuium, cum praetexta posita sumpsisti uiritim totam et in for intdeducitis es: to lea in the ouris e re this format introductiontook Place, as evidenti mos exceptionatri Quintilian spealis ossuch cases, ascis he hardi belleve them xiii I cum praetextatos gisse have spolien quosdam si traditum. reos commentare it a commone sor ouia nobi es t beginpublic life tirocinium ponere is the phrase by ProSecuti nil Ome criminal cf. Quint. xii , 3 re siti sun etiam clari iuuenes obsitaem rei stiblicae dare malorum ciuium accusationem the quotes asinstances, Hortensius, the Luculli, Sulpicius, Cicero, Caesar, and both CatoS. 6. foro, the law-Couris.'7. iudici Taepta mineos ereptos cf. Quint. vi , Io o Cicero ut Cornelium eriguerit: the ver impli es that the ver licis ere in theleeth of the evidence no delatis areanown. a. . quo non erumperet, et What tength wa not... likel togo Θ ere has the sense os eruptura erat his turbulent beginning made iurure excesSe certain. 9. Seires, in could have old': s. viii et i 16 scires

D. S. S


priuatum apparenti reser to the late os Drusus himself, uti Serve maini as an antithesis to pubiacum. II. I suspect that puero has droppe out aster contigisse : theomission ould e likel to appen o in to the repeated ord, and the state ment Surei gain much in Potnt by the insertion.

12 aestitiosus, lactious.' foro here reser to the rostra, O to the law- couris: cf. Lucani 799 to Curio quid nunc rostra tibi prosunt turbata forumque, unde tribranicia plebeius sirnifer arceri arma dabas postilii Therostra forme the arx tribunicia, the Stronghol os the tribunes' despoti power; and Drusus, ille Curio, turbabat forum, henti addresse contiones in suppor of his laws. disputatur, an : a there is no expresse alternative, Cicerowouldisse num or n): ut his se of an is common in ali silver

35. tempestiua hecause prolonge life ould have meant certain fallure in his enterpriSe. Velleius Paterculus, our chi es authorit for the histor os Drusus, talae a disserent an much more savourable vie of his character. He was apparenti What, might cali a Tor democrat. That he was a sincere and unselfisi patrio is beyon doubi Hettianda 835. ga. SuperuReuum sufe uacaneum is Cicero' sor of this

18. perosi, ,hen the expresse their Oath in sor ...' odisse osten denotes no meret the eel in but the expression oscit somira brantur 3 See n. to JuV. 7, 35. actum annorum, actio of their lives': s. Quint. X I, 7 in ceteris actibus Nisae therars nou is notissed by Cicero, excepi fortite aci os a play.eto eruperunt: ind. Os repente action, regula aster cum

adfectus, thei Delings : se n. to I g I. Q. et uestra : Sen. no turn to addreS men in generat. The transition rom his ex ample is stranget abrupi, and the connexion illi et is no made clear perhaps the abrupines is oratorical buta seem utis illat, speciali in his reati se in the artis passin homine Oin t another.


a classi and then sine formis occupatio the preSent passage ould solio Keil nough, an istortim Ouid reser torali occupati Gert gwould transfer it to the eginning of c. 3, o as to solio thequeStion, quaeris fortasse, quos occupatos uocem ra Di . A et terrem edy thinli, ould e to prefixo g , ut os place there tothis hapter. 1. 29 in primis momong the orsi. et is here meaningless-no the clas os occupati hau in been


nulli re nisi uino uacant, live ali thei timeo nothin but ne ' uaco alicui rei has two meaning 1 Pliave time sor a thing ; et I give time to a thin: both meaning are seen in Mart. io, nec tisis acat, aut sui uacaret he has no time for poetry is he had, he would se it to rite poetr of his o n). Thesecon is the meanin here.



et occupati the term hegins here an pervades the est os thetreati se sor it peculia meaning See Introd. P. XV. uana, falsa, is emphati : See n. to 3 Q. 3. Speciose errant: i. e. there i nothing ut Wardi disgusting

computent, calculate thei gains.'8. timeant suppi insidia hom the precedin verb. 9. uastimonia sua atque aliena, civit actions in hicli theyare defendant or laintiffs uadimonia re bail-bonds requiredhom the defendant in suci actions. Io quae iam ipsa ossicia sunt, even the have come o bea matteris bufiness, though thei natura objectris pleasure. Ia uel mala sua uel bona, thei sol tune, hether o calicit baxo good. '

s . occupato is sed here in iis ordinar sense a minit uakenup by the things anno maste suci a stud a rhetori ; ut in the nex sentence occupati ha the peculiar sense note above. 15. liberales stisciplina m τὰ ἐγκυκλια μαθηματα the branchesos a liberal education even ere admitted-grammar, muSic, geometry, arithmetic, Stronomy, rhetoric, and logic cf. ;

on Cic. De Fin U I.

listrictus, pulle in different directions,' ence extrem ely


busy cf. m. o6, 1 districtus occupationibus: Mun in Cicero, this sense is constant in Pliny's Letters se Mayor on E . iii 5, 19.16. altius recipit, 4Wallows right down cf. Hem. 1 gQ. inculcata, cramine down it throat, ' f this figure may be sed of the animuS. 18. scientia: the ars tuendi is philosophy, to hicli en is working round . I9. uolgo everywhere, couple here it an avi. 2 o. ueri Remodum, Mere hoys : ne suci art was that fhair-dressin cf. Mart. viii et tonsorem puerum sed arte talem, qualis nec Thalamus fuit Neronis, Rufo, Caediciane, commodaui. ita percepisse, have mastere so completely there is a play on the ound of the wo verbS. 21. uiuere S So placed acto suggest the contraSt. tota uita the abi is regulari used to expressiuration o timeti Silver age riterS. et a ciscentum est morici the saying irrelevant here Was nonovel ty Cicero Tusc. Disp. attributes it to Socrates : tota philoSophorum ita commentatio monis est he is referring to Plato Phaedo PD au τι μελετημα αυτ τουτ εστι τῶν φύλοσθφων, λυσις

g. 23. relictis omnibus impedimentis Simila phrases are common Cf. Diat ii 3, et omnibus relictis neDotiis Stoicus fori Nat. Ouaest. vi 2, 2 omnibus omissis hoc unum meditare; N. 5, omnibus omissis oc unum a seri Sen. Controu. vii praef. omnibus omissis rebus apud Fabianum philosophum sedere Lucr. iii o7i iam rebus quisque relicti l naturam primum Studeat cog noscere rerum. In ach of these passages, the phras is used os a man who devotes himself exclusi vel to the stud of philosophy. In Cic. Ad Eam xii letter o Lentulus omnibus rebus retactis has nore rence t Study. 2 . ossiciis, business': cf. 344. renuntiassent, the had renounced' cf. n. io8, 5 os himself, influenced by the philosopher Attalus inde ostreis boletisque in omnem uitam renuntiatum est FO a different senseos the verti, Se n. to Pol b. 6 Di. 25. Oe unum . . .egerunt, have made this thei one objeci': cf. De Ben ii 36, et hoc agite, optimi iuuenes. See uiar o Lucr. I.



I. totum ipsi uacauit, was entiret devote to himself. i. e. to his own improvement. inde, ex eo, urvive in the rench en cf. Mart i 3, ii nihil inde arrim St. Otiosum, dργον, inworked,' salio . a. sub Vin the controi Of...'. 3. quod permutaret cum, to tali in exchange or ...' the Same ConStr. an much the fame thought in Horace Carm. iii I, 7 cur valle permutem Sabina j iiιitias operosiores DG. I. plerosque m multos See n. t 24 2. 8. quo grauati quibus grauis est: cf. famem. o clades scire qui resurit suas, i grauat mrrauiorem facis timorem Tac. Ann. iv 2, 5 quo gratiaret inuidiam matris the simple active ver is rare in ProSe. inter is inmong when applied to greges, ut 'during when applied to actiones. 9. causarum actiones, 4peeche in law-suit.' actio, vere, actor are constanti used illi thi mean ing Cf. Petron. c. cum agere in foro, sic illius nox crescebat tanquam Iuba. Lonestas miserias, gilded chains cf. Livyxxxv 38, o splendidiore natu eos catena Sed multo grauiore uincto esse. 11. quidni non liceat, ' of course it is impossitile. Sen is fond of quidni, e. g. De Sen. v et , a quidni meminerim of course Ire member and ometimes, as here, he add nou so that the two negative cancellachither, and the whole phrase m cur cf. De Ben.


I3. ciundistatus ossice bella nox conserred by the vote os the senate, a candidate' supporters su a atores canuasse thesenators That much time might e Spent thus by loya bachers, is hown by severa letters of Pliny' e. g. ii 9 anxium me e sollicitum habet petitio Ertici mei. ...prenso amicos, Susplico, ambio, domos stationesque circumeo; ibid. iv I 5, vi χ and . anus the old lady having buri edali her natural heirs, is nowseriet,so that ill-hunter spend thei time in paying cour toler cf. et g et . I 5. Simulatus aeger. 4ham invalid. The ili nescis ham medio stimulate the liberalit of the captatores . s. Mart. v 39 Supremas

tibi triciens in unu si nanti altilas, Charine, misi blaeis madida tismis placentas i defeci miserere iam, Charine. signa

rarius, aut seme ac illuae t mentitur tua quod subinde tussis.16. uos, yo and ou like : en substitutes uos sor re, to ho concisely that he great an has more than ne retainer. non-apparatu, no to e his friends ut as a par of his grandeur' apparatus osterum pomp, magnificence. The reat man likes plent os lienis, o mali a ho when the cali ponhim in the ornin and escor him about the streets. I7. dispunge, balance' lit. mar clown o both ides' of the account cs. De Ben iv et uae me Stae expenSorum accessorumque ratione dissuraruntur. 18. reiculos, derelici' days hich no ne et se anted. ridiculos os mss. is mean ingles the rare or evidenti pugZled the copyisis; ut en has an rare ords There an e litiledoub that in Esp. 7, 9 reicula mancipia hould e read ascitused tote, o ridici of SS. resedisse, restatio fuisse. m. o. Subinde is the renchoouvent. The ossice of consul expire at the en of the ear ut, unde the empire se mentiet it for a hole ear Se n. to oriri. 2I. Reli. . . ludos, da ludos disserent mean ing, cf. Pol b. 1644. The praetor is mentione nex to the conSul sor, unde theempire, it a the ut of the praetor to anage the public hows se n. O JuV. 8, 9 . quorum sortem cet. the hanc os giving hicli, he oncerechone a great pie e of luch presumabi it a the ossice theman ovete an no the expensive duties attache to t.


23. diripitur lit. is torn to ieces, i. e. is in immense demand, e verybod Wishinito secure hi in cs. Diat. v et 3, 5 Iota ciuitate

direptus est the whole town scramble sortim Stat Sim. I, 3o Maeoniden. . . urbes t diripiunt compete to posses Homer Mart. vii 76 te diripiunt potentiores. The mean incisini hals metaphorical in Sen. N. hanc imaginem animo tuo propone, ludos facere

Fortunam, et in hunc mortalium conum honores, diuitias, ratiam excutere, quorum alia inter diripientium manus scissa Sunt, alia cet.

and uot metaphorica at ali in Quint vici, child ren havin been

brought into a law-cour to increas the effect os an appeat sormercy the proSecutor managed to poli the effect fueris in est gum productis, talos iecit in medium, quos illi Hiripere coeperunt. et . omnia, lati the place 'ci Common in ali Latin. any passages in Cicero' speeches, e .g. Pro Flacco 66, sho that, is the orator spolieci ou enough, he could heraear ouisi de the ourt, hicli asno entiret shut in. complevi cause to e cranimed sor e cloes no tali ii thespace himself. Simila idionas are common in silve Latin se n. to duxisse 134 8ὶ, and cf. Juv. 7 86 rerit subsellia uersu, hereth breat age siue to the demonstrations os the audience, nota thereciter himselfq5. res proferentur, Mill the Term end rerum prolatio asthe lawyers vacation. 26. futuri desisterio, rom destre so the future' an impossibi phras in classica Latin, here desiderium is sal on lyos the pas and of the lostra ut in silve Latin esideria are ostenmeret want 'ri f. Hem. Ioa a corporis desideria.

D. 28. nee stat ... nee timet: s. Mart. X 7, 3 Summum nec untias diem nec optes.

29. quid is a separate lorom uoluptatis hicli it overtas: et seu here en put the en in uia expecte placeS: cf. I go: Post, et his claus refers to the precedin optat notri timet.


percepta, enjoyed ' in Cicero, percipio is sed a Deel osiainas os leasiare in Sen. the sense tend to e les neutral CL E . 99 tora computant quantum perceperint ibid. 5 ingrati aduersus percepta pastileasure Sumus. de cetero, a to the rest, . in future 'ri f. Diat ilici I nce youindulge anger, faciet fecetero quantum uolet, non quantum termiseris; Cic. AT It vii, Io Se reliquo quid amam nescio. 3. Fors Fortuna : the nam by hicli Fortune vas orshippedat Rome.

orlinet ma dispose ' potentia subj. iam is the emphatic ord, no vita. . huic cet. in the case of such a life no subtractio is possibie addition is, ut onlyin the sense in hich. ... That uitaeis to e understood illi huic is hown 's. 98, 5 ipse uitae plenus est, cui adici nihil desiderat. 6. quo nec desiderat et capit, ,hichae oes not an andyet has room or' so the sense os desiderare, se n. t gi. capit, χωρει can hold usualty ith a negative in hi sense.

1 non est itaque quod . . . : a clums but Common turn CL DL; non est quod . icto Common in Sen. 7. canos, ,hite airs': the ellipse os capillos is common: cs. Cic. Cato a non cani nec rugae repente auctoritatem adripere possunt; Sen. Nat Ouaest iii 29, 3 Diem barbae the necessi tyo growin a beard canorumque nondum natus infans flabet. 8. fuit, has existed. '9. R POrtu as Oon a hecies harbour.'io huc et illuc excepi in hi phrase, Sen. generali Wrote

hoc so huc, is his mss. an e truste an for illuc alone, ealmost always has illo e g. Hem. 5 I, 74 3 in Caesar and Cicero his II is rare the Lyon inscription, hicli record aspeech deli vered by Claudius in A. D. offers the forni illoc Furneau Tac. II p. IIIJ, whicli is exacti parallelo Seneca's hoc for pelling the authorit of this inscription is much greater tha that O any s. an ranks illi that of the Monumentum An ranum. The colloquial Latin os Petronius has o et Eoo

II. De eadem . . .egit, 'has rive round an round ver thesam course cf. Diat. Vi 5, oit in orbem ista temptatas.



opis do nos realis the value os time, hecause se anno b hanes o seen ther o realis it heu confronte mira eath. Their langu e sometimes implies that time is recisusu ut theis acu belle theis mori. Vet se astens on inexorabor an a theentis eath. 1. I . facillimos, Most ready to oblige ' cf. EN IOI, 3 deos faciles.

17. Te Iustitur, 'men trisse illi the mos precious thin in theworld ita fere is used thus 18 g D there is nore renc togambling, excepi in the metaphorical senSe. I 8. incorporalis, ασίματος, occur firs in Sen. generali a technica term os philosophy cf. Epp. 58, II 89, I 6 9O 29. 19. uilissima : nilissime or uilissimum ould e more Correct, a the ea subjec is tempus, no reS. a. o. unu here a noui cf. De Clem. i5 et annua illi praestitit De en i alienae uxori annuum praestat Pli ny Ad Trai. 31, et ut publici serti an nua accisiunt; uv. 6, 48osunt quae ortoribus annua praestent anntium SQ congiarium, presentini ven oncessor all. Sen. neVer mentions the sportula, the clienis' ait dole, ofwhicli e ear so much in Martia and Juvenal that amous institution egan unde Nero : cf. Suet Nero 6 publicae cenae ad

Sportulas redactae. 2I illis ...1ocant, ii relut for these.'Rut ... Rut has a distributive ense and m alta . . . alii Some selllabor, e. q. the hodii toti of the client, thers opera, e .g the eloquelace of the fatronus others diligontia, e .g the anagementis Property such seem to e the distinctio intende here, ut the three nounsare osten sed ithout an Such dissereno os mean ing. 23. laxius is the opposite o adstrictitis i. 25. genua tangentes, implorin: cf. Plin Nat Hist. xi 25o hominis lenibus gnaedam et eligo inest, observatione gentium: haec supplices attingoni, ad haec mani S tendunt, haec ι ara adorant. 27 discorstia adfectuum, inconsistency os seeling ' cs. 16ari.