장음표시 사용
Μart. x 58, I et non inciosus amo even thoughes do no cal onyou, I love ou . 22. manu here a ostencis' naturi the diseases are o dueto nature ut have been artificialty contracted by ur vices: Sothose ho disin heri thei children are sat orbiIatem manu facere
23. uidebis: the apodosis os a conditional sentence, theprotasi hein represente by the imperative hicli precedes a ConStr. Quia in many angvages, e .g. as and ye hali receive.' In Cicero' use of this constr. there is no et between theimperative an lature: and so here: ut en osten se Such
Plin E . vi I 6, 2 certus su e. 26. in Statu suo uoltus, your face ore it natural expression ': in generat ou expression a determine by the eeling os sonaeone et se honi o wishedo he wet witha cf. Diat. iii 19, et placidias esse debet et in statu uoltus See n. to Dt. 184 6. Comp. Emma c. I illi men e can e rational and unaffected, ut lienae has adiecto please, very feature ortis.'27. intrepidus, De stom ex item ent,' calm ' trepidus is in a fluiter stom ei ther ope or ear it means frightened on lywhere the contextinives it that mean in se n. t 84 3. facti operis : partiti v aster quid 'Mhat ou have of work done, to ho for ou long i se' cf. Epp. 22, I nemo quicquam habet facti in futurum enim nostra distulimus.
conuersatio, Ver common in Sen. is neve 'sermo it means society,' intercourse cf. Hem. 74 9 Dial. sumuntur a conuersan sitis mores a man get his character rom his company). Cic. Ses consuetudo in hi Sense.
quid in causa puta esse fltanquam, in the belles that ...' cf. l. 9. 5. uobis... Succurrit, enters ou heads': cf. obb. 184 9 occurro is more osten Sed with the fame meaning cf. I.
fragilitas cf. lin Nat Hist. vii Semum profecto uitam aequa lance sensitabit qui semperfragilitatis humanae memor fueris. 6. obseruatis, uake notice': his veri, is almos always active in Plin Esp. iv 3o Si diutius observes, utrumque iterum ac terito uideas, there is no expresse objeci. 7. perditis, you quander, tempus hein understood as objeci. The wis man dat, the oolisti or ver-ricli man perdit: cf. Mart. iv o 7 iam donare potes, iam serGre yo are so Ver rich).
the preS. Subj., no potentiat, follows cum interim Valerius Maximus uses it osten an always illi ind. qui . . . lonatur, ,hicli ou mali a presentis.'
quinquagesimo : se n. t 2 D . I et seXagesimus for reti rement rom active life at si xty, cf. Iuv. I I97 qui M tibi sexagesimis annus is erat.
I 3. ossiciis here has a wide mean in than in et g 5 it Ouid include the work of a public office cf. obb. Hem. 64 et in orbusines a the bar, osten calle ossicia imita Se n. to Juv. 7, io6J.
CSP in Poetry osten Omit a persona pronoun here Englisti neediit: Cf. Mart. V Ι3 9 quod Sum, non potes esse What Lam, Fou anno be).I6. bonae menti, for isdom, i. e. for the stud os philoSophy, whicli,ill malle ou a belle man bona mens occur Ver osten in Sen. in the sense of wisdom an virtve' e. g. 's. 16, I per uerandum est, donec bona mensuit, quod bona uoluntas est tili honestendeavour in the preSent turn to true virtve in future).I8. uiuere has a regnant sense, to live in earnest cf. 24 2.2o. inst . quo, at a poliat, O Which. ...' uelle, to intend. '
The mos pomer l, he mos prosperous, of manlineo en si h fori time hen the cara a b stes Emon frona Veis ira place Noman ad ver more pomer han Augustus; et his position involved suchis tibias and angor that his chias Dasure a to et ora trioa his os a retirement, ich e mas never able to
treatis os his in generali consist parti os praecepta, Parti os exempla se n. to odib. 1 4 1. Havin devote three
chapter to the first, Sen. nowaives an equat space to the econd. 1. a. potentissimis . . . excidere uoces, that the OS powersu men et drop remariis' the ver suggest that the word are noldeliberatet spolien bein casual ulterances, the are more lihelytote incere. 23. optent, pra for' cf. Epp. 95, 2 saepe aliud uolumus, amι opta natis et erum ne dis qui em dicimus: do isti is ararer meaning of this verti. et . interim, at times': cf. μδει. 17 the classica Latinis inter tim o aliquandia. 25. fastigio : cf. Dial. ix o, 6 multi sunt, quibus necessario aerendum sit in fastigio suo, ex quo non fossunt nisi cadendo
descendere. ut, suppoSing thRt....'
26 1acessat denote les destructive power than quasset.
in se ipsa fortuna ruit, greatnes comes crashing own Pon
ma a ruunt; Sen. Apamem. 87 licet arma vacent essentqtie doti si ut ipso pondere magna ceditque oneri fortuna Suo. ga. 27. diuus in histori times, Augustus a the econdRoman orae dei fiexaster cleath, Julius Caesar the sirst. ulli multa alii the ellipse is common in sit Ver-age ritorS, intolerant of any ord that an e est ut: s. Lucan ira nullis nulli alii'. Pliny Nat Hist. vii 1 7 enumerates the incident whicli arre lili immense felicitas of Augustus. 28. a re pudlica goes illi acationem, not illi fetere: f. Hem Cic. uses the simple ahi or gen aster uacatio: cf. 2, 3.
I. ut speraret otium, his ope of leisure, defines the precedin hoc. 3. Se uicturum Sidi, that he would live to leas himself': cf. Hor. Is i 8, io ut mihi uiuam liuod superest aeui Mart. 2o II expressin a destre sor otium nu=ac uiui necuter sibi. a. . cum ... pollicitus esset the letter contained the promise , whicli came e re the word quot ed. t appears that the et ter, bella intended sor his subjecis generalty was publi Shed. 6. StR-POSsunt, there is more credit in redeeming this promise than in meret malitia it.' speciosius is hard ly the word ne ould expect but s. n. 2o, 9 magni centior sermo tuus in grabat uidebitur et in anno non enim dicentur Iantum ista radprobabuntur. 7. eusiclo Augustus as a puris in language ut es os a
Puris than Cicero, ho ould have sed cupidi as: ith him Cupido is the od Ialy. 8. rerum 1aetitia, the oysul reali ty. '
praesumeret. The licenc is bold; ut in eugma os this indLatininoes sar : cf. Cic. Ad Att. horum imperatorum non modo res grata non antepono meis sed ne fortunam quidem ipsam ques Vi
retarissima, nos uriore consistati,idem tir wheremutis consis alimusti supplied a veri, illi the opposite meaning). Ia nominibus, individuals, is in gentibus. 13. fortunam stabat, Made happyi untiat py, forti natavingi vo meanings comp. ii Distris a sinis et e beau Iems toti le
illum diem, that future da' ' the wOrd cara mean alia pastday, when the contexi requirescit.
I 6. Xprimerent is sed in iis primar sense of ringingmoisture rom Something et a Z Ponge or Cloth. g5. 7. ciuibus, his countrymen,' in the civit Wars, at Mutinas 3 B. C. an Philippi et B. J.
18. collegis hould mean the the two triumvirs, Lepidus and Antony but en evidenti refers to the batile os Naulochus 36 B. C. against Sextus Pompeius it is true that the deposition os Lepidus as a consequence of this batile. adfinidus plur sor Symmetry refers to Antony the hvsbandos Octavia the sister of Augustus: he was deseate at Actium 3I B.αὶ .eto. Aegyptum, Syriam Asiamque the historical orde is notobserved Augustus en to Asia an Syria inii 3 B. G aster thebatile of Actium; ut e didis figlitin there, and his setilement was made by diplomacy, no by arnis. Froni Syria he went toEgypt 3 B.αὶ, here e occupie Alexandria illi litile tro utile and ad Egypt into a province Suet. Aug. 7 and 83. 2I. Oras, countrieS. The language i Some Uliat exaggerate :it ouldie rueris Julius Caesar cf. Hem. 94 8. 23. Alpes pacat Augustus age many ars, ut o inperSon against the Alpine eoples these Camerio an en in 8 .ci, when the province of Raetia as Ormed at the Same time a trophyWa erected, and the sit name Tropaea Augusti no Torbia near
ImmiXtOS...hostes apparenti refers to the Ligures an other Alpine tribes, wh hel out long aster pati an Gaul ad teldedi Rome. O Sen. ma reser to the Dalmatians the and the Cantabri, o mentione here, ere the ni soreigii foes against whom Augustus fought in perSon.
paci et imperiora the ea esul empire paci Romana mighthave been Sed illi the fame meaning cf. Diat os the
Germans o the fronti erygonus, uinibus Romana pax desinit. 24. lienum, Euphraten, Danuuium the orde is again PerverSe, and the State ment is rhetorio, o history. The notoriouSpolic of Augustus a to consolidate, noto extend the empire: CL ac Ann. addiderat consilium coercendi intra terminos imperii. The facts are a sol lows. si By his tepsons, Drusus and Tiberius, Augustus aged a beyon the Rhine IVB. C. -6 A. D. , when the isaster of Varus ad hi in illidra finalty to the outho the river. a The Danube a crossedini once, probabi in DA. D. by an arm Os Aug. Cf. Mon Anc. trans Danuuium ductus exercitus meus Dacorum Dentes imperia populi Romani perferre coegit. 3 He neve Mugh himselfi sent armi es heyonditi EuphrateS. At Seneca's death, Rhine, Danube, an Euphrates ere Stili, except so the conquest o Britain the limits of the empire. 26. Murctnae cet. sor conspiracies against Augustus CL De Clem. where si are mentioned an Suet. Aug. 9 Who record eight j. Sen. again digregard the order of time theconspirac o Lepidus, o of the triumvir, a suppresSed 3 B. C. that os urena an Caepio et B. α, and that o Egnatius I B. C.
Egnati, aliorum Eruatiorum, the readingosa, is notionfirmed, a might appear, by ac Ann icio, Dinterfectos Romae Varrones, Egnatios, Iulos sor Tacitus uses the plural in the sense os conspirator like Varro Murena et: ' cf. Catilinas 4 Q ut Sen. could notisse his plura in the case os ne conspirator only, hilementioning three thers in the singular. 27. mucrones, Nasi, by the figure calle synecdoche, the partheing used so the whole: es. Quint. viii 6, 2 prosa, ut mucronem pro gladio et tectum pro domo recipiet, ita non Puppim pro naVi. s. nondum te reae had .... 28. filia: ulla, the ni chil of Augustus, or 39 B. C., was arrie successivel to Marcellus, Agrippa, and Tiberius herdissolute conduci pol sonet her ather' private ise; he die in
tot nobiles iuuenes: ve o Julia' lovers are amen by Veli Pal. ii oo Tacitus Aun. iii et in says that Augustus punished he lovercas quilinos reason, maiestas Pli ny Nat Hist. vii 1 9 spealis os adulteritim stiae et consilia parricidae palam facta. adulterio uelut sacramento adacti enliste in her Service bylier guili savour.': .e a her overs, the were virtuali SWOrn tofight orier, even against her ather. 29. iam-territabant, osten alarmediim, hen he hadiecomeol and Deble.
I. Paulus L. Aemilius Paulus a the hvsband of the youngerJulia, grand-daughter os Augustus; e lost his life at a date
timenda cum Antonio mulier is ali ne phras quali fied by iterum Antonio, an Antony.' In I B. C. Augustus ha to glit Marti Anton an Cleopatra; in a B. C. his nemie were Iulius Antonius, sonis the triumvir, and his param our, the lde Julia. Julia a banished Iulius asput o death: cf. ac Aun. Iulo Antonio ob adulterium hae morte tinito. This Antony, a sonos Fulvia adopte by his tepinother Octavia, Wa Consul Io B. C. Som mss. o Horace in the de addresse tollim si et , an inscriptions stio that his nam Was ullus, and the verse hows that it is a dissyllabieci the nam is aulisti hyhe go it is notanown it is osten misspei in Ss as Lum o Iulius. et haec ulcera are the wo Julias Sen. imitate the word os Augustus himself cf. Suet. Aug. 6 nec aliter eos the wo Julias an Agrippa, his grandson aspella; e solebat quam re uomica atria carcinomata sua Sores an CancerSin.
cum ipsis membris, 'limbs an ali': the two omen Seem to heidenti fie hoth with the ulcera and the membra. The mean in is, that the were anished. The ounger ulla die on an istano offApulia in et A. D. aster a years of exile. Ovid also a banishedin 8 A. D. anxit has been surmised that his sate a connected illi
3. uelut cet. the metapho Doni diseas no iecomes a simile :as the ody, in a certain state os disease, is liable to intermittent
6. resistebant, frona restis: Quia relies' Cic. ould probablyus adquiescebant in his senSe. uotum has here the sense os υχη, an uiareali sed isti, a thingio good to e true: cf. Quint. xii , 6 Sed hoc uotum es et rara felicitaS. 7. facere: Suppi homines, manliind, 'a objeci. Cicero is nother ea ample fci man who si edis great sar in public air an came a lauet to tirse his own achisDementi Cicero, in his misery, an o Dis as Io us langu eo himsely, to hichthe mise an ould, Per condeSceni 1 8. Catilinas, Clodios cet. , men like Catiline Clodius et α': the regular diom : Cf. Mart. x 19, 2 tunc me el iridi Gant Catones even a steria Cato might rea me then). iactatus egins a metaphor, hicli is continue below of a bernator try in to save a Sint in Ship the fame metaphor is constantly use of statesmen by Cicero iniseis.
tenet, keeps-steady, by kilsulisse os the rvdde and satis. abductus, carried way by the violence of the torm f. Quint ii 7, 2 rubernator. . . tempestate abreptus. The syntaeis notclear an et is ante sonae here o couple iactatus and abductus it might have fallen ut aster tenet.
12. nec luersarum satiens perhaps a recollectionis Livy'scharacteris Cicero omnium aduersorum nihil ut uiro Uignum erat Iulii praeter mortem Sen. Suas. 6, 22ὶ.i . laudatum m qNem laudauerat: en preser concisenessio Clearness. For sine sue l. CL Mart. ii laudat Achilleos se
sine sue, sedes Plin Nar Vist. XXXV Io pinxi et Grum sineri ne laudatum his picture The Invalid is excessive ly admire lin.
domo remember that Cicero, though he bitteri regretted the
ConSequenCOS any here qui te curses the glorious ones of December:
ut e roteo his rother frona exile si a r meus ille laudatus consulatus mihi te patriam, fortunas eripuit
Da. 15. ad Atticum in the extant letters o Atticus, the wordshere quote do no Occur But in V B. G, oon after thebatile os unda, Cicero roterio Atticus rom his villa a Tusculum thias semitaberi saltem simus, quod adsequemur et Iacendo et latendo Ad Att. xiii 31, 3ὶ Two explanations are possibi e . Either Cicero repeate this phras in another et ter no extant, os the Same time o Sen. remembering the ne important ord semiliberin invented the res of the sentence. Misquotation in ancient riters has ideli miis it has recently been suggested by M F. . Hall that his
inaccuracy siue in part to the great troublei veri Win quotations in rotis os the ancient orna. I 6. altive 'stili, where the classica writers ould se etia utum 'illi them, adhuc alway refers to the present an means ipto this time. 'filio : Sextus PompeiuS. 17. refouente, wa tryin to rei indie': the metapho mayhe rom ursin an invali or ursin a re cf. Suet. Iul. 35 Scipionem ac Lubam reliquias partium in Africa refouentis denicit, Pompeii liberos in Hispania Pharsalia affough in Aug. 8 B.C.,
Thapsus in April 6, Munda in Marcii 5.18. alia deinceps cet. there is nothingis his hin in Cic. Ad Au. xiii 3I so that the hypothesi of adost letter feem the more likely.
a. I. me hercules a favourite expletive illi Sen. , sedeSp. aster I and tam there arent leastra examples in his Dialogues, an a in his Letters t tw of me hercule he neve omit the me, a man writerS, .g the ounge Pli ny commoni do no does heus hercle. Cic. Ses at these forins, ut me hercules east osten. Se Friedlander Cena Trimalch. p. II. 22. sapiens, the age, the Perfeci an os the Stoics, homthe admitte to e a rare a the Phoenix ome considered Hercules, Some Odysseus, o have reached the igh dealci in Sen. , Perfeci viriue is generali represente by Socrate and stili more, by Cato: s. Dial. ii et I Catonem ... certis exemplar Sapientis uiri. . . quam Vlixen et Herculem prioribus saeculis The Mord
sapiens is sed by him in a loose sense also, o denote thoge holea a morat ii in philosophical principies. The introductionis ille sapiens is omewhat irrelevant here. procedet must be a Compound of cadere procedet is ungui tablehere and the es mss. os Latin author osse form like accedere, recepit etc., here a of the simple verti ecomes e no i in thecompound cf. Hem. I gQ hereis has recepit sor recipit: see Mutar on Lucr ii Ioa notes IJ. 23. integrae, complete i. e. there is notat es abola it. libertati : en os deScription. Solidae, statile' lit. ith no hollow or oles incit' ostenapplied to uoluptas Hel/ι. 5 4 , pax, felicitas etc.
2 . sui iuris, his xvii master,' independent': sed as anassi even in the poets e. g. Lucan viii 65 iam Cornelia non est iuris, Magne, sulci se n. to precario, odib. II I. 25. SuPra fortunam the miles and the rowns os Fortune a like e read unde Mol.
In Livius Ortistis, have another active solitician, hos subliccareer, egura in eardi Fouth lecam a burden even to imselgHis eath, hether uicide or uot was he ondi Asiae frona ahoseles siluation. No en rh of me can satisis Mose hos lives are caretras and vicisus. In i B. C. M. Livius Drusus, ein tribune carrie an agrarianta an a cor law: the senate thereupon declare his laws nullan voix on his return rom the senate-hous he was strue down
1. 26. cum leges mouisset, ,hen he had propose revolutionar laws an revive the evit polic of the Gracchi ' the verbapplies in ne senseri leges an in another o mala. CL Dial vi 6 Cornelia Liui Drusi clarissimum iuuenem inlustris in uii, nasutem per Gracchana uesti a inperfectis Io
rorationiblis intra penates interemptum suos, amiserat incerto caedis
auctore. His legislation sol lowed the lines lai down by the Gracchi; ut, have litile certain nowledge of his motives and