Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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a. I. quomodo ... trepidarent, ,hat a uiter the wouldie in 'ri se n. to 34 3 the origina sense of restiuare, cf. Dial. I 6, I aues uiscum bird-lime), aetim residantes excutiunt, plumis

5 lenciat has the sense os defectura sit: cf. erumperet 64 2. g g. χ sit suppi tempus as SubjeCt. 7. ualdissime Cicero is sal to have introduce ualtae intoproSe-writin and osten se it ut seem to have considere the Superlative Superfluous Horace Esp. 4, 6 and Petronius c. ij

have aliuS. Partem annorum suorum: cf. Stat Sim. I, 7 par animae uictura meae, cui i=rquere possem l o litinam, quos atra mihi rasit

8 dant cet. the di give it, ithout realis iniit, and the doit in Such a way that these os is no gain to the recipients. Thedoubie antithesis, an triple repetition of the verb, are characteristic. Io. Oe ipsum, an stetrahant, nesciunt, the readin os themss., should e et the don' know the ansu er o his Ver question, hether the are robbin thenaseives cf. Catuli. I7, 22 isse ni Sit, utrum sit an non sit, id quoque nescit. II. lactura detrimenti latentis, the los os something hose subtraction o domo notice': the expression has heen suspectedand a correction proposed by erig on the ground that iactura and detrimentum a re almos the fame hing but the ex may be ound . 5. 12 te lis is identi fied illi personali ty. ibit qua coepit, sc ire ill proceed along the path t

I 3. cursum rapi rate. '1 . nilii tumultuabitur, 'it ili ake no demonstration ' tumulitis suss busile, ' display' cf. N. nihi nos maris concutititiam quod ea aliena potentia impendet ma no e imstrepitu et Iimultu uenit et , et demere rebus tumultum Oedipa set I re i tumultus.



15 regis, of a hinc here disserent sense, cf. 34 2.17. missa est, cit a star ted ' the wor is regulari used os stari in the chariot in the Circus. curret, 'it illi on running. 'nusquam has two meaning here Gree has tu o different

uelim nolimve. 2o uacandum est: to Deathoo cannot say o at Home': Cf. uacauerint et g 5.

Sonae men sen the time, in hic ther ought to e liditur, in preparin sive Al Helain is a Diale, heu Fou cannot count son Io-morrom. Auenae to Vir i s a in , and male the mos of time. Tahen et ther I in F, men foro thea roach of olae De and Gath. The ex os the rs sentenc is corrupta I have printe an emendation suggeste to me by Professoriousman. 1. 'a prudentiam iactant, mali a boas of thei forest glit,' in gettin ready be reliand prudentia is osten Misdom, but that sense does no fuit this context. occupati See n. to I. 23. inpensti uitae uitam instruunt, the spen thei lisein mali in provision or lila' thei objec is to earn the right wayto live, e re practi sing t. o thought Browning's Grammari an, and was lamed by contemporar critic : Others mistrusi, and an tu time escapes:


in longum, with regar to a distant future s. Diat viii I animus uoluptatibus futuris iam immineat, ac spes Sua ordinete ... cogitationes ad futura graemittar. 25. primum quemque, iacti as it comes.'

26. extrahit, tragisrom them ' nota prolongs' i eripit, hi chfollows may have caused the se of this Compound . dum ulteriora promittit, Mi her promise of the suture 'ci thepromise is the instrument by hich she ob yo os the reSent.

I. Xpectatio, alie expectant altitude.'3. quo te extendis, uo hat oin do o pust forward Θ 5. Protinus uiue cf. Mart i 5 5 non bene distuleris, uideas quod posse nerari et solum hoc aeucas, quod fuit, esse tuum. l. II non rat, crede mihi, sapientis dicere uiuam. seria inris uita est crastini nive ossis Martia means by iue enjoy our lila';wha Sen. means, is explained in c. I See Introd. P. XVi. a. maximus uates: Virgil: the verses are froni Geori iii 66 quoted again by Sen. Io8, 2 . 6. liuino ore instinctus is a Strange PhraSe, ecau Se SProperi belongs, noto the od ho inspires, ut to the poetWho is his mouth-piece: cf. Quint. xii io, et infrinctis ditii/ro spiritu uatibus Henc the proposais of criti S in orde to remoVethe difficulty.

9. Oecupas, ' O gras it instantly ' occupare osten implies haSte: CL Troades o miser occupet praesidia, securus Diut thema at eas may picti and choose his friends, the afflicte must tali the firstae caninet, De Ben i , I occasionem, quis deSSet, et occupauit et quaesiuit Another meaning common in Sen. i. to anticipate ' cf. Threstes o in medio est scelus bosi una occupanti τψ φθάνοντι ready so the one who doecit irst De Ben. iii 27 Itit Caesarem occupet to get hol of the emperor firstin.



I 3. hauriendum elong to the simile in Englisti omethinginust e supplied as o must drini qui chly. . . so OV USt Seti me qui chly. It is common in Latin o mi up the simile illi theobject hicli it illustrates cf. rumpebatur 4 6. a. pulcherrime sc dicit Vergilius.1 . infinitam cogitationem mi has been proposed to read Uitalionem O cunctationem, but this read incis supporte by coritationes in longum ordinant aboVe.16. in tanta temporum fuga, cum tam cito tempora fugiant ali Latinoriters se in illi his diomatio sense cf. Posth.

lentus, indifferent' cit implies to that the an is 4low'whil time lies. gQ. I. puerilis adliue to e tali e together: se n. to

et incisterunt in the have tumbi ei upon ...' non sentiebant, the neve noti ced' cf. Juv. 9, 29 obrepit non intellecta senectuS.g5. 25. lectio : Romans osten used ourneys asan opportuni tysor stud : s. Mart. qui tectim cupis esse meo ubicrimque

libellos, i et comites longae quaeris ab re uiae xiv 188 si comesis a tibi fuerit membrana, prι tam l carpere te longos cum Ciceronenias. Iulius Caesar rote his orti on Grammarand a poem called Iter while travellinguo oin his army. 26. cogitatio, meditation ' disserent rom coxitatio above. decipit 'heguites. The les studious travelle could comforthimself by count in the milesione : s. Quint. ivra et a facientibus iter multum detrahunt fatigationis notara inscriptis Iasidiatis spatia.

et iter uitae the fame phras occur in Tacitus Ann. ivra ,3 in a speech ut into the mouili os en himself. 3. eostem gradu, at the fame rates' so addere gradum tomend our Pace.'


L Nould te eas to prove formali tha men male heir lives horterri the w in hic Meropenae them ti sucri arxumen motis be missia d. et allaci on thesilies of men natist e combineae mira admonition. Compare tu ast time, present time is tries anae insecure ut nomau, unitas his in is at eas an unlroubleg an derives asure frona the recollection of his fas time. 1. quo Proposui, is thenae.' In partes et argumenta diducere, a divide into ead and then prove them. He oes no do his, ecause Fabianus ad tauillit in that vice hould o be argued illi ut ut down by force. 6. occurrent: cf. et g 3: ut succurrit 34 . 8. Fabianus ad aught Sen. who lavay spealis of him illi admiration the et de Seneca Controu. ii praef. DI says os him adulescens admodum, tantae opinionis , famae in declamando,

catliedrariis is senerisu cathedra is the prosessor' chair Juv. 7, 2o3ὶ, an catheaerarii are philosopher who do not ac as such

9. adlaetus τοι πάθη passions,' osten calle by Cicero animi perturbationes the Stoic distinguished Mur os these-metus, agritudo, libido, an laetitia the two irs are excite by halmen hin to e viis, the two las by ha the thin to e goods' se Cic. Tusc. Disp. iii ali are of the nature of sin, but veniat, compare to suci morbi os the indis auaritia and ambitio : for an account of the differende et Neen adfectus and morbi, cf. N. 75. II soli. Io. Suptilitate, by hoppin logic 'minutis uolneribus, i pin-priclis.'

Iet cavillationem : a translation os σόφισμα introduce by Cicero Sen. N. Ita, in used by en in two senses: 1 strictlogica argument, notransair ut in effective so here an EN Io8,1 et relictis ambiguitatibus et vllog ismis et cavillationibus et ceteris



De Clent. ii , a possumus es ore cauillationem. contundi, non vellicari, to e sinashed p no lighil attacked 'ci f. Diat. vii 5, 3 quae non tantum lacerationes sed etiam uellicationes e uo; it. 13. illis are those ho suffer rom adgectuS. error. . . Suus, the aut peculia to them.'I . eplorandi tot gi ven uinasio petes ': cf. n. 78, 1 gustian Seploratus sum a meis, notiens a medicis relictus Ι'liny t. Hist. vii 166 Pheraeus Iason deploratu a medicis uomicae

morbo, cum mortem in acie quaereret, uulnerato pectore efficinam

inuenit ex hoste. 2. A ne paragraph is require here by the sense Q do notfinxit so mari ed by an previ ou editor. 16. quod agimus the present time. 17. dubium, cannot be counte on.' Loe, the last.

interserenoe, ut has no ceased tot SO.eto illis uacat respicere: uacat is osten impers an sol-lowed by the res ins. cf. nil art. X 58, 5 tecum celebrare uacabat Pieridas. praeterita respicere : Martia may have ad his passage in minit, he he wrote of Antonius rimu in id age x 23, 3 praeteritosque dies et tutos respicit annos i nec metui Lethes iam propioris aquas. nulla recordanti lux day est ingrata grauisque, nulla subit, titus non meminisse ιelit. l amplia aetaris spatium sibinis bonus: hoc est uiuere bis, ita posse priore frui. For ali Martiat' beauti sui verses, ne thiniis that the destructio os Cremona in 69 A. D. as et a some ther incident of his ast lise, might have caused Antonius soni qualms Tac Hist ii 86 iii 15-33ὶ.


animum thei thoughis.'23. quorum the antecedent is no ea, ut et whicli mustbe supplied. et . surripiebantur, ,ere disgui sed ' lit. 4muggled ut ossi glit': cf. Quint. iv 1, 78 oratori quid est necesse s rripere hanc transgressionem to tur ver his transition 825. Tetractando cs.fertractandum, odib. M the subjecto the gerund is disserent rom the subject of the sentence: s. Lucr i 31 an γδει in igito s=ιbter tenuatur habendo - δια το φορεῖν

26. sucis emphatic the fauit os mos me is that the live

sub censura aliena.

gg. I. inpotenter, Mith violence' impotens regularly m ἀκρατης, uncontrolled,' violent' it is an epithet os indes and waves and tyranis: the meaning powerless is rare : Liv si i , 5 has suarum impotens rerum unable to anage their own flairs): LTac Nisi iv impotens amoris madi in love . . sacra ac delicata: s. Quint. ii II, 7 of the orator, holias retire Dom active liis cum iam secretus et conSecratuS. famam in tuto collocarit.

5. regnum, the arbitrar power' it is the distinguishingmar os a rex that he is limite by no laws cf. Sallust Iur. 32 et inpune quae lubet facere, id est retem esse; Herc. Fur. Os

sceptra uictrici heram l dextra, regamque cuncta sine zum me Iι. 8. intrepida, De stom anxiety. 'singuli-sunt, the present offer Only one a at a time, an leve that, a minute at a time.'9. momenta here seem Clearly orae the division of the Jay one might expect per horas ac monunia, ut en is insistingit theshorines of present time. Io. Omne : Sta dies. I 2 quod-non uacat this a sat besore in Da. g5. I3 omnem the three paris mentione above.

I . iscurrere, osten se of ainiles activit cs. 34 et), is sed here of re an rapid motion in ali directions like that of the spide rin her ebri s. Mart. viii 33, 15 discurrit aranea te i. D. S.


sub iugo the comparison is to a horse or X, hoSe nee i Solighil harnesse that it canini look in ne direction: there is noallusion to missio tib Igum. I 5. adit in profundum, vanishes in an abyss.' his suggestsanother figure, that of the leve into hicli the Danaid pour ater kr ver this leve as osten sed by moralist asin type os insati able destre : CL Sen. p. 99, 5 adquiescamus iis quae iam auSimuS, Si modo non perforato animo hauriebamus e transmittente quidquid acceperatu Lucr. iii 36 pertusum uas Plato ori 93 Β τετρη-

16. nihil prodest nihil is adv. I7. 1 non subest, Vis there is no botioni. 'I8-2o nihil . . . detur is parenthetical: M a simila parenthesis, cs. Dial. iii I, per quassos ... transmittitur is the apodosi os the conditional sentence. HaaSe perhap rightly punctuates : Sic nihil refert, . . . Subsidat

18. nitid refert, it malles no disserence' refert is common lyused by silver- age riters in proferas ellis poetry Where metreosten rescribes itin, illi the sense an constr os inter t. detur, b Nature s. dati 14 I. I9. non est ubi subsistat, there is no place or ito setile

foratos the compound perforatus is commoner sor hicli the poets use sertusus S a metrical Substitute : See n. to Juv. 5, 3I. 23. uenit is persec te Se.gG. et . unctus, the firmament, ' hos unceasin revolutioncauses the movement of the star cf. obb. vid et ii oadde quod adsidua rapitur uertigine caelum i sideraque alta trahit. 25. in eodem uestigio stationary' sor his phrase, L Nat. Otiaret. vii Io, 3 Plin Esp. vi et o 8 Val. Max. viii 3 Tac Hist. ii 78 eodem uestigio. et en admit that certain tarsnea the olerare stationar Hem. 84 6 .


I euhorrnes of life or uost meu se pro Ded by theis unci illiu es to ave D. heu heund comes, heF admittit sorro that si has been sent amiss. ut the philosopher is illing to die, hecause e has synandere no par of his alioue time. 1. 29. quam non diu uiuant is an artificiat equivalent sorquam breuis sit istorum vita.

illa, quae animum inmmmabat, remiserit. minore natu : C. quam Sunt.

et mentacio fallunt: cf. Mart. iii 3 mentiris iuuenem tincris, Laetine, captitas, i tam subito coruus, qui mota σcnus eras. non omnes fallis scit te Proserpina canum personam capiti derra et illa tuo. 3. una m pariter. . inbecillitas, siclines. no wealineSS, as the are atready weal through age, is his stili reser to senes. 6. exeant, eXtrahantum exeunt uolentey, extrahunIur nolentes . 8. euaserint, the puli through' cf. Plin E . vii 26, 3 ofa sicli an mollem in Mosterum et sing uem, si sentin ut euadere, destinat uitam. ualitustineo siclines. so osten ualitudinarium, in hospital, 'is sed Dial. iii I 6 t. Quaest i prol. EN. 7, a Thewor is probabi belle spei ualetudo: hereve it is sed in classica poetry, the and syli is long .io. fruerentur fructuri essent. In caeSSum ... ceciderit: s. Destra io 7 cecidit in cassiιm olor. a. II. quibus metu a quibuSQ the dat os the agent, hi chliere a be due to attraction, is notissed by Cicero illi a res. tense in Sen. it ostencis, e .g. 34 2 tibi premitur. The word suggest a countryman' lis a describe in Hor.



inde m ex illa : cf. 7 4. 16. in restitu est, is a part os income, i. e. bring mone in , is et invested. Sen. seems, b his apology, to conside thephras technical: s. Plin Esp. iv , I solum mihi Laitrentimιm

meum in reditu. I7. Quandoque m 7Ita cycti myrte Common in silVer-Rge writers,

especiali in Suetonius.18. sapiens, the philosopher, no here the age 'ci se n. to 54 3 os coui se it ould e even more true os the age.

the comis Stage.

1. o. a Basilica, drom the law-couri' probabi the basilicastilia in the forum, the clites civit cour a Rome. 2I. canes eiciunt the dog are et into the our a night-sallio actos uardians. Sen. doe no mea that the dog actuallyevic the tollerers, ut that the coming of the dogiis the signat sorthese men to leave cf. l. 23 Hem. Dial. x 12 6 numquemque ex his ... lux orta agellit the dawn is the signat so themto turn ut of theiriouses).