Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

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I . Sermo periculosus tallio livin men might be aughtu an reporte a treasonable s. De Ben. iii 26, I rι, a. Caraar . excipiebatur ebriorum sermo, simplicitas iocaurium ibit 27, 1 sub diuo Ati usto nondum hominibus uerba Sua

periculosa era=at, iam moleSta.

amicitia capitalis : Sen. ad seen the friend of Sejanus executed. 15. sumptuosa the hie sumptus o a Roman client ere I his res the tota, an expensive arment, as indispenSabieri a preSent to servant : s. Juv. I 88; 3 a strena O NewVear' gist to the patron himself. obseruatio, cultus et g 1ὶ.16. De illos non stabit quominus, it, ill noti thei sauit, f

with laudetur. a. et . forte, by hance' the wor is em Phatic casu Would e more usual but s. De Ben i 5, 1 nec mim cordi Secuiquam possunt forte ac remere da a.

25. nobilis ace. I have ritte for nobis, hi chri belleverio becorrupta the emphasis, hicli iis position ivescit, is incompati blewith the sense sor en means that at men is the Choose, canali thenaseives illi the illustrious ead For. the conStr. licet nasci nobilis, s. n. o, 6 non licet palam esse miseros Cic. Prouealbo et civi Romano lice esse Gadita=rum the dat is the normal

26. famillae are the different school o philosophy cf. Nat. Quaest. vii 32, 3 tot familiae philosophorum sine successore sciuum, Cic. De Fin iv Aristoteles, Xenocrates, tota illa familia, . e. the Peripatetic Sen. maiies se of the oubie meaning of the wOrd. 27. in nomenci a Rome the adopte chil somelimes inheri ted the nam only, Ome times the properi as elici cs. Suet. Itil. 83 Caesar havin test Octavius of his property in ima cera Octauium etiam in amitiam nomenque ataoptauit.


i Sordide nec maligne, 'in a mean or niggardi spirit.' a. quO-stiuiseris, the more idely o distribute them': qtio is abi. Damount of dissereno aster Iuristis. g . . mortalitatis luna an lis : for the common ense, cs. O DI morIalitatis exempli Dial viciet, s. io I, J. 6. quidquid extruXit is an amplification o honores, mon menta ali that the ambitious have ei ther commandedi means os decree or at sed ut in the hape of public bulldings.'ssecreta re comput Sor voles O senate or eopte conferringtities of honori on the ambitiosetis: s. De Clem. et quos i. e. Pompey et Felices i. e. Sulla et Ar tis os diximus, et ambitiosae maiestati quidquid potuimus Dulortim congessimus ohe quotationfixes the mean in os ambitio here. Opera are the triumphat arches and ther monuments erected by monarch to their own glory cf. Pol b. I DI.8. subruitur the ver is singular, hecatis honores, monimenta

have been supersede by the qui quid clause. uetustas an mean ei ther suturit 'las here, or antiquit ' sorthe rest, s Poly b. 18 vid et i neue operis famam possit Selere uerustas for the second cf. Hem. 74 8; vid et i

o quis hoc credat, nisi sit gro teste uetus as 9. mouet seem to bear the sens os amotiet; ut it is surprisingas ter the stronger vord demolitur. iis, aliose ritings.

ii deincte semper ulterior mi dε επιγιγνομενος χρον os .

I et quoniam quidem cf. et 4 introduces a patri contrasted clauses, hicli ould e distinguished by με and δε in reeli

siqnidem is osten used thuS. in ulcino uersatur, Works close at and cf. MI. vi I9, mala bonaque circa aliquam nersantur materiam mus have omesubstance to orti on : O the actu in uicino, cf. Diat. X , . 13. Simplicius, more rankly cf. Simplex Helu. 94 5. The sentiment common in antiqui ty cf. Vell. lat. ii iapraesentia inuidia, praeterna e teratione s Sequimur Mart. io, 3 hi sunt innidiae nimirum, eiule, mores, praeferat an Iiquos Semper ut iam nouiS.


5 sapientis here the Stoic age. I . multum Riet cf. I D . I 5. legibus dimitations the conditions under hicli mortalstive. I 6. illi . . . Serviunt: i. e. he is thei dominus: CL a 4.I7. instat, C. Iemprι aliquod is presentio 'ci cs. Lucr P 6o tranSactum quid sit in aeuo lotim quae rei stet, quid porro, deinde sequatur et instare is osten se of an event in the nea future. 18. praecipit: cf. 4 3

pleasure impleasure Their Dasures are et Dion and in or ferro palliat the vices of men the fores have iuvente monstrous fabita bour the go G. 1. I. praeteritorum: in Sen. and ther silver-age riters the neut plur. O the adj is osten sed even in the ambiguousCRSOS, RS a noum e. g. Quint. ii proem. cupiditas honestorum destre os excellen ce).22. eum uenerunt, ,heneve the come the pers indic is properly Sed to eXPres repeate action se n. to insanierint

Optant se n. to I. a. 29. argumentum . . . diu uiuentium m argumentum quo probatur illos diu uiuere the compression is remarkable, ut common



in Sen. s. Pol b. 84 L Dial. v 29 et ar timentum iuste irascentis vii et I ar menIum pessimi neut . Iurba est; ibid. quo Lar mentum est recti, contigit malis masc. displicere. 3o. dum, intil.

I. condictum tempus, the time fixed' the common phrasei condicere cenam alicui, invite ourself o di ne illi someone, 'e. g. Suet. Tib. 2. et deseruerunt, sat them.'3. Restuant, alie are ungetllecl. 'quomodo id extrahant, how to malle it pass' i seems o long cs Lucan iv oo of soldier round a cana fire extrahit insomnes bellorum fabula noctes For a di flerent sense of extrahere, es. I. . aliquam, some ther, With the sense of aliam quam theus is Mundisi sewhere: CL E . raudemuS, Siquid inuasimuS,

inuadendique alios malios quos spes naua delusit Ovid et iii 6 obfripui, capiat ques aliquis is alius quis moderamina ' Mi.

6. tam me herculea : se n. to 54 3. 8. constitutum, appotiate time the common phras is consti- Intum habere cum aliquo, to have a meet in seSp. assignationi arrange with sonaeone' se Mayor on Juv. 3, a the wor is used as a nou De m. iv 6 6 ad constitutum temsorum Vi 7,

Supra constitutum above the fixe amount); at Guaest iii 16, 3

per constituta proretaere rata. 29 constituta naturae Petron. C. 5, here uenire ad Onytitutum m απανταν to appea in Courtio anSwer a charge.

g g. o. tempus quo amant: i. e. the time during hicli theexpecte pleasiare lasis But the ex is uncertain.

I5. erigunt, the spen 'ri classical Latin ould e contentwith arunt: se n. t Io Q. 5. 6. furor os a poet generali m inspiration here itis uavita madneSS.'IS. stuplicasse noctem cf. Plaut. Amph. II et haec ob eam rem nox est facta long ior, i dum cum illa quacum uolt uoluptatem capit. I9. Incendere, uo inflame.'


1nscribere cet. lit. to rite the nam of the gods, a Settin an example, po ou Vices, i. e. to quote the Od as a precedent sortur vices the passage is imitate Dona vix et xv et ipsos inscripsere deos cerari: CL Dial. vii a 3 uitiis suis sapientiam inscribit he label his vices as philosophy' . The classica phraseis nomen praetendere : cf. Cic. N at icte Pythagoreum soles Hicere et hominis doctissimi nomen tuis immanibus et barbaris moribus praete=adere; CL also Sen. Oedirus 68 a mentitur ista, praeferensimu i EOS.

2 o. morbo, our eal neS See n. to 34 2. diuinitatis, eorum. excusatam licentiam cs. Dial. iv I 3, I non est quod parrocinium nobis quaeramu et excusatam licentiam.


i linis also governS fortunae. a. . mensuram Herodotus vi imo describe ho Xerxes numbere his arm a Doriscos in Thrace te thousan men erecounte and packed together a clos as possibi eri the space occupi ed



by the was the walle round an fille again and again bydisserent de tachments. The number of the arm Wa thus asceitaine to e Iro Io,ooo the pace havin been filled 17 times


5. tant iuuentute, So great an army' speciali in the poetsiuuentu an iuuenes are sed sor exercitus and milites hicli present metrical difficulties. 8. consumpturus illos, uo destro them amri se n. to consumpsere 13 I. quibus ... annum timebat so the constr. Cf. JuV. 6, 7 cum iurem nemo timeret caulibus. a. quid, quod, besides': s. Hem ira 3. gaudia ought to e distinc Dona noluptates, of hicli jus the Same hin was sal aboveri ut Sen. Seem to have orgoiten his anxio contrast raudia illi the ear of Xerxes. II. ealem uanitate mos causelessty se Pol b. 18 g . I 3. Ree. c. gaudi the epithet could hard lyte applied to empora: cf. Dial i 6 sincera felicitas Liv xli ne incero audio frueretur quidus is then abi. o cause. I . fuse hominem, above humanit ' cf. obb. 7 5 suser

humanum saeum.

4. 18. quae successere, ,hich have turn ed ut eli' the ver is notissed, in his sense, illi a personat subjeci. uota, .e alia usta. et i casura, ,hat is doomed to sali can neve please heiaceth great have no Pleasure in their great ness. 23. magno-POSSideant CL EN II 5, Immaiore ctim tormento pecunia ossi fetur quam quaein turri Juv. I , 3o3 tantis sarIa malis cura maiore metuque Geruantur. 5. 26. nouae occupatione : s. Plin Asp. ii, , a uel ibus


negotiis noua a GreScunt . . . tot nexibus, o quasi catenis maius in dies occuparionum a men extenditur. 29. honores m elections. torserunt the past ense m non iam torquent.

os a court cf. Plin En vi et 7 quotiens iudico, quod uel saepius facio quam dico lasti hecis resident quaesitor os Some Specialcommission quaeuerio extraordinaria, . . Sui Opidus m suarum opum procuratione.

G. Marium caliga dimisit, alie boot et Marius o , i. e. M. CeaSed to e a common soldier, the alia bella a notabie partos Roman uniform s. Plin Nat. Hist. vii 13 Ventidium urteu tam inopem in caliga militari tolerasse: and Caligula a So calledbecause he ore the whole iniform ' os a private barrack-room might servem an equivalent here. 5. Xercent, Mor him hard ,' ieepaim at drili': the verticis perhaps intende to suggest the nou exercitus. have ventu redo change the ver froni sing. to plur. thechange is light, an it is like Sen. to in in his a that Marius Was Consul an times an he actuali cloes o De Sen. v I 6, 2 Marius ad consatiatus a cali a serductuS. Quintius: Cincinnatus is sal to have been tu ice dictator; ut ab aratro hould refer to therars occasion, ad milabi describe by

dictaturam eruadere, 'uo ge to the en os his dictatorship' this musti the meaning, ut such a use of the veri, is remari able. 7. ibat ibit os mss. is ut o place in te of the prece lingexample, it is clea that the sut shouldie sed ascit is in agitab ιntito describe the subsequent troubles of Scipio, o his early uCCesses the copyis has assimilate the ense to reuocabitti just

Haas remove loliis difficult by readin tuis; ut his is an antiquate sortia hicli Sen. ould ardi e. I have heresore printed ibat, a the impL, in iis descriptive se is sui table here :


cf. Epp. o Pompey in Hispaniam e Sertoriana arma...tiadebat.

Scipio the older of the duo fulmina belta: at et he was appotiate genera against the Carthaginians in Spatia et Io B. C.);he beat Hannibal a Zama acia B. C.), and servin as exutus t his brother Lucius, beat Antiochus, Ling of Syria a Sipylus I9 B. C. . In consequence of political troubles, he est Rome sor Liternum 185 B. C. an die there two ears later Sen. describes the simplicit os the uilla a Liternum in Ess. 6. See n. to obb. I a .

8. uictor itim uicisset his victories ere the reason hythe eopte ere ready to orshi him. 9. decus: sor decus applied to a man, cf. Cic. Phil. ii 5 Pompeium, quod imperii omani deestis ac lumen fuit. sponsor Lucius ould o have o the command against Antiochus, hadiso his rother offere to serve unde hi m. ni. Sit . . . reponeretur this irregula protasis is mund in poetry e .g. Tibull. 4, 63 carmina ni sint, i ex timero Pelopis non nituisset ebur and may have been sed by Sen. cum Ioue reponeretur, ,ould have been consecrate beside

Jupiter' explaine by Liv xxxviii 56, et prohibuisse Affricanum statuas sibi in Capitolio, in cella Iovis sonici it is to the secondproposal that Sen. resers. Aster his death, his bust was actuallyplace there in cella Iouis), and et ched rom here tonat erit placein funerat of thie gon Cornelia Val. Max. viii 15, in and there itha been his habito seel qui lance os the od e re an important action Val. Max i , in. io ciuiles se in time fieace : ha sol lows is contrasted withthe three ars of the revi ou Clause. i I. lis aequos bonores: cf. Juv. , I dis aequa potestas thecon Str. called comparatio compendiaria.

ia contumacis- ambitio, he will fin pleasure in posita asa rebellious exile he was force into exile hecause he was contumax in resistin the a viat authorities of the state Forthis sense os ambitio, cf. Iara .i3. felices tueri ProSPerity. I . per 'in a SuccesSion Os...' per consilia et g et . ulta trudetur cf. Petron. c. 5 sic I ita truditur.


NOTES c. 184 1 161 XVIII

1. 6. Xeerpe te uolgo, uat se ourset above the crowd': Cf. cum possis eximere te notro et aae ejicitatem hominiim maximam emeriere Dial. V 25, 3 Se exemerit turbae vii 2, 3 tme nititudini e cerem. 17. non pro aetatis spatio, to much for the time ou have lived' i. e. ou have et illi more rough, ea ther han a manifyou years could expect for his fro, Se n. to Hem. I D . 18. lactatus f. 5 The event aIlude to are uni no n. I9. Partim, som Of them': cf. I. 22. quid . . . meiat, io it ili bellave. 'melior : s. N. 7, 2 bona aeta est yoti are stili oungin. 23. aliquid temporis sume cf. Diat. Viii , I refert, quo animo ciuilem agas uitam, an semper inquietus si nec tibi umquam Sunia ullum tempus, quo ab humanis ad diuina respicias. 2. 28 repositus, when o are lai disside,' in Our reti re

Da. I. rationes, the accounts ' of the frumentum publicum, whicli as importe stom an paris of the wOrid. a. abstinenter Se n. t Helu. I 4 3 The meaning bou could not e more lean-handest, i themone belonge to a friend, o more cares ut is it belOnge to our-Seis, o more Scrupulous, i it elongen to the nation.' ut it tabelon to the nation ence Benile proposed sacras for publicas; but the change is violent.

3. melo post 'ci the praefectura annonae See Introd. p. X.

D. S. II



fortia flgis. 7. tantam molem soleav a burden, like the stone os SisyphuS.I8. nec rationem patitur, iei ther istens to eason ' howeVer good excuses ou may have, it ill have non of them: cs. Lucan iii 5 adserit urbes t sola fames hunge alone malles citi eShee, i. e. an gerous to auulerin nescit plebe ieiuna timere.

Petron. CC. 37, 2, 6 Mart. ii 57, 7. It S O Vague an expreSsionto hel in datin the reati Se . intra paucos illos stles quibus for the conStr. CL Suet. Is 3 intra quintum quam a uerat diem,stia tuor quibus in conspectum uenit horis Cic. Rosc. m. ostia friduo, is haec festa Sunt Murday after his happene ij in the phrase of Cicero, quo hould ea quo ut is attracte by qua friatio in the xx. rom Sen. and Suetonius, quibus is due o salse analog stoin the constr. sed by Cicero. The XX sho that Sen. means, within hos se dayswhicli followe the death o Gaius. Even e re his death, the