장음표시 사용
28 quorum uirtus sustentat, Whos virtve to this da propul mur vices' i. e. t we, vici ou a we are, have no come o ulterruin, e we it to thei viriues cs. Sall. Cat. 53 4 os publicmen in his ouili res publica m nitudine sua imperatorum atque
magistratuum uitia Sustentabat.
etiamnunc, to this day, up ill now' se n. to Paul. 34 3. 29. Paradant, procured ': Cf. Juv. I . 18 panem quaeramus aratro parabant could mean cooked' ut his anticipales thestor o Curius elow.
q. ciues, Vos hahe clay : e re the mage of the odswere madet goli or martile, aths wom by the god were epi: Cf. n. I, II non potest ex hac materia go id an silver imago dei exprimi similis cogita illos, cum fropitii essent, scitias fuisse Iuv. II, 15, hanc rebus Latii curam praestare solebat suilis et nullo uiolatus Iuppiter auro. 3. ad hostem ... Testibant: the reserene is to Regulus : the se of the plur impli es that Regulus a typica os contemporary
morituri, though doome to die.' B. . lictator noster Manius Curius Done of the grea Romanheroes, exactissima norma Romanae frugialitaris Val. Max iv 3, 5 :Ρli ny Nat Hist xxxvi iiij spealis os Nero' Golden House, an laod nimirum sic habitauerant illi, qui oc imperium fecere tantum, ad deuincendas Pures triumshosque referendos ab aratro aut foco exeuntes 5. Audiit, gave audience to ': ut a Curius refuse a presentos old offere hi in by the Samnites, oeshould rather expectaresu δε- auit se Plin and Cicero elo an Val. Max iv 3, 6 restidiatis ovis the ense, too audiit instea os audietat, is suspicious cis it possibi that the firς Mur letters os repudiauit have been los and the las si x huffled Θuilissimum cibum: turn ipsi as e learn rom lin Nat. His . xi 87 Curium imperatorem, quem ab hostium letatis, tirum
restidiatur adferentibus, rasum torrentem in foco inuentum annales nostri prodidere; cf. Cic. Cato 56 Curio ad focum sedenti a timatiri pondus Samnites cum attulissent, repudiati sunt.
i lauream. reposuerat: the privilege os the trium mur: Curi a triumphe ove the Samnites, the Sabines, an Pyrrhus. 8. Apicius M. Gavius Apicius the prince os Roman epicures, nepotum omnium altissimus urges Plin Nat Hist. x 33), lived unde Augustus and Tiberius P his name ecam proverbial, an hepoliat many a mora in liny, Martiat, and Juvenal.
nostra memoria, in ur time patrum memoria is common soran earlier date. 9. liquando i. e. 6 B. C. s. Aul. Gell. v I C. Fannio
Strabone, M. Valerio Messala coss. senatus consultum de philoso is et de rhetoribus factum est M. Pomponius praetor senatum consuluit quod uerba facta sunt de philosophis ..., Se ea re ita censuerunt ut M. Pomponius praetor animaiverteret curaretque, uti as ei e re 'ublica deque stia ni fere tir, uti Romae e SSent.'The decree o expulsion a repented unde Domitian cf.
Aul. Geli ibid. 5 qua tempestate sicurus quoqtie philosophus pro re id senatus consultum Nicosolim Roma decessim Suet. Doni. io itin E . iii II, 2. Io scientiam popinae professus opened a schoo os gas 'ronomy' prosteri an professor a re generali used os professorsos rhetoric, his heing the staple of higher education cf. Pli ny quo ted on odib. I grammaticus is aio docere, a rhetor, prosteri.
iti Capitol, is not known Tacitus An νι iv i, 3 Speak of his wealth and prodigali ty. I . congiaria for imperial gi fis to an individual Tacitus
regulari uses liberalitas: AtDa. ii 37, 2 iv o I misi i o, a cf. Sen. De Hen. iii 27, 4. I 6. rationes suas, his accounts the rue Roman Lept care- fui accounts se Heli land o The a reful anagement of properi and judici ous invest mentis money a notini a par of the Roman character it was honoured and consciolist practi sed as
Mart. iii a Meras, Asici, bis trecentiens uentri, i et adhuc riser- erat centiens tibi laxunt i hoc iti grauattis ut amen e sitim ferre summa uenenum sorioue perduxti l nil est, Asici, tibi ulosius
factum. Io. o. nunc et puta, after that ou anno suppose. 2I modum, the amotant.' ad rem pertinere matters, os importan e Cf. Paul.
non nimi, C. o lum the es o more of greed ' is haimal es the differen ce. 2 . Saluberrima : death a the only cur so the depravit os Apicius. 26. ostentaret. hepara ted. 27. ciuitatem ... conuerrieret, te re the attention os thelown for conuerteret cf. Dial. iv O, 3 uersus qui tu Meatro ictus totum in se populum conuerrit vi 2I, 7 infantiam in Segueritia conneri, the child is alien ta by the thought of oy-hoodi Pli ny at Hist. of the oun cuchoo ille auiaetis ex natura praeripi cibos reliquis pullis, itaque pinguescit, et uitiaeus
in se uti ricem conuertit illa antae eitis specie miram que sese ipsam, quoiu talen pepererit otios comparasione eiu Samuat. ciuitas is Rome, o Ital o the empire : cf. a . 11. 29. haec : such an en a that of Apicius. 3o liuitias reuocantinus, to those ho measure ealthno by the standari os reaSOn. . . : the res participi is sed sor a relative an pres indo Se n. to sedib. I. I.
I arbitrium is sed in the sense of tibi M. I, 2. CupiditRti parum cf. 's. 6 8 exiguum natura esl- erat, opinio immensum ... naturalia est seria finita sunt ex falsa inrorae nascentia ubi Hesinan non habent: a Constant texi illi Sen. ut the sermon ould e more impressive i the rea herhadiso been colossali richri praedives is his epithe no onj in the satirist Juv. Io, 6 but in the historian Tac Aun. vi , j. Parum Ἀων mulsum for his mean in g, advig on Cic. De Fin V i quote Sen. N. I, 6; IO, i6, 7 dentes it to Cicero.
. exilium, ita eis exile': s. a 3. 5. abundo fertile: et w hear I that Corsica was nixa tutelam incolentitim fertilis, et alone exiles it is hard for a
rhetorical writer tot consi Stent.
I et intextam auro et cf. Plin Nat. Hist. viii I96, aurum intexere inuenit Attalus rex, unde nomen Attalicis colores iuersos ficturae intexere ablon maxume celebrauit et nomen imposuit; Lucr. v I et a nos nil laedis est carere i stirpurea, atque auro
si nisque in entibus apta. I 3. istinctam, spangled,' dot ted,' studded' cf. N. 76, I vagina gemmis distinguitur the word is appropriate, hecause more than ne colour is sex thia the se i insulis distinctum Diat vi 18, 5), and the k is stellis distinctum Nat Ouaest. vii et , 3ὶ butio sole distinctum. artibus apparently corresponds to signis of Luci ., textilibi sui illisos Val. Max. ix , , and α artisti figures.
fortunae uitio : fortune, hicli sent in into exile, is no tol,lam for his sense of OVerty. I . Ruper est: cf. De Ben. vii II, qui uiae habet ei quod curis comparet fauster St. I 5. nihil ages, your labour Will e lost 'ri f. n. and De An. 4, 1 nihil egisti, Fortuna
restituto seem a necessar emendation, ecause ome dative is indispensabierio balance exuti exulanti : et there re main SomeliarShness, ecauSe the sense of restitiaene is no the fame in both
places. Transi. 'sor, in exileae fel the los of what he noe had after he has been restore i , he will seel stili more the disserenoebet ween his possession and his destres. 'Gert keeps restituento an explain it a mei qui restituitur Such a se of the gerundi ve is surpristia in Sen. but hecis certain lyright in hold in that restituendo is no abi. of the gerund. a. 7. SuPellectilem i. e. mensas on hicli his gol plate is displayed. 18. antiquis nobile, ilii silver plate, amotas sor the reputation os the artist who made it cf. Paul. I Dial. X i,
placet argentum graue ruStici a ris sine ullo nomine arti se stomwhicli it appears that the malae s anae a Stam pedisn the metal. aes i. e. Corinthi an bron Ze : See n. to Paul. I Det .ao. quamuis magnam. ho eve large ri s. Paul. I D . iumentorum CL alti. Roman grandees Ooli pride in
87 8 quid ad rem pertiuent mulae a inatae, unius omnes coloris et a lapistes, martiles' there a White martile a Luna Carrara in Etruria but the Romans preferrei the coloured martile of ther countries, speciali green Serpentine DomLaconia, lite martile illi purpi velias rom Phrygia, nowknown a pavontra tetro, and red-yello marbi Dona Numidia, no v called fallo antico . et . desisterium, 'destre se n. to Paul. 74 8. 25. inopia, lach of water the ancient riter attribute in ordinate thirs to thos suffering rom drops : CL Hor Carm. ii 2, 3
crescit in tit Pus sibi dirus hidrops, i nec Sitim pelZit nisi cansa morbi Diu erit uenis Ovid astici et i sic q/ιibus ultimuit stis satieuter ab unda j quo siti sunt solae, plus uiuuIur aquae. The
istuc, quod tu summum the opὶ putas, era us est Threst. 7 6 sceleris hunc finem putas furadus est Herc. Fur et i et sinis ulterim mali l gradus es fultiri. itaque : See n. to Paul. 244.
i non Sentiet utilliso suffer DomQ se n. to I g . 3. sequetur, mill stici clos to hi in 'ri se n. to 64 1. necessariis rebus, at necessarias res, to provide necessaries' a Strat nedisse of the clat even sor Sen. se n. to uitiis io and cs. Epp. 9, 5 usscere ne ad necessaria quidem potest; 85, 7 omnes conce ut ad beate uiuendum suscere uiritium the dat is notgoverned by ussciunt. . nec regna, ne regna quidem CL Io Q. 5. . ni in exilia sequitur cet. so Ovid in his exile rote: en rara, cum a ria caream uobisque domoque t raptaqtie sint, adimi quae potuere, mihi. in ni tame se ira comitorque fruorque
ruere orbes, round sections os the citrua true, the rhor li
29. nescio an Sint Ilam inclinet to thini the are ...'
et distringitur, Wis dragged different ways': the oor ave wer octipationes Io for the constr. cf. Paul. Ioa 6.
a. transeamus De Paene inopes, et u passive wealththat i almost overty, i. e. thΟSe whO, without ein fauperci, cannot be calle locupletes. This seem the mos probabie correcti On Dan uncertain text. . circumcisae sunt peregrinantium arcinae the aggageo travellers abroad is restricted 'ci Comp. the simile of ca in furniture in Bishos lovgranss solo , here the Jerome, iano, and bath lare circumcisa by the ruthleSS agent.
V silium ... XII pora io 12,oo itis arrenti habuisse suae exercitum ferocissimis gentibus oppositum Sci/uus. The statement of Suetonius fui. 6 in that Caesar on his campalgas sed to carr abolit illi him martile oors in sections is hari or indeed impossibi toreconcite illi the rapidit of his movenient s. 8. Summoueat Q have remove the question-mar aster his v orda there is learly n queStion. a. . condici tem9OTum m special occasion cf. De Cle/H. i , I condicione temporum. That locorum also Saoverned by condicio, is hown by Esp. 23, 3 multae dissicut ales locorum, multae temporum, etiam locupletibus et instructis ae uoluptatem prohibentes
Io. inopia is there re abi. in respectis needineSS.' sumunt, the Choose 'ci there is no compulsion abolit ita cf. p. 18, 2 aliquos fies HStina, quibus sece fa a tuis rebus minimoque te facias familiarem . his practice is calle by Sen. EI p.
ao, 3 ima inaria paupertaS.Ia quibus num cenent, in hicho dine n the round, discardin thei fine colaches and ushions Sen. an Martialspeal also os sat erum cellae, roonis uili in fine ouses illi an artificia imitation os overty, to give the rich the leaSure os ane SenSation cf. Sen. N. 8 7 non nunc noae existimes me dicere Timoneas cenas et pauperum cellas, et quicquid aliud est, per quod luxuria initiarum taedio uiuit Ioo, 6 par eris cella et quicquid aliud Inauria non contenta ecore simplici miscet Θ comminiscitur Mart. iii 8 pauperis exstrnxit cellam se tiendidit Olus brae sau nunc cellam augeλis Ius habet.
Pro f. Summer p. 83 suggest that cena Timoneae ere PiC-ntcs, meais alien in the ope mair. The present passage impli es thatthos eatin them sat o the ground In modern times the ostfamous anseris celDe were thos O Mari Antoineti a Versatiles. 13. Oe this State, i. e. oVerty. aliquanto timent note the oubie antithesis. It is a false antithesis, ecause these ade revellers never isti orae oor, ut
18. respexi, ook back idio m requires the pers in Latin, the present in Englisti. paupertatis objective gela. Solaciis m an ConSOlationS. quoniam quidem: cf. Paul. 2 4 I D . 2O. uiaticum exulum : e ma infer that en himself was notbadi offdor attendan e and com foris, Ven in Xile. principum, of the chie men in the state': ha sol lows about Homer and the philosophers, is a digression, hici end with D . 2I. OmeTO apparenti it a supposed that, ein blinit, hemus have ad at leastine lave to ea him about .
Platonici in lato's ill recorded by Diogenes Laertius iii 3j,
rigida, in bendi ni cf. Lucan ii 389 os Cato rigidi seruator honesti Hor. N. i 1, 17 of the Stoic uirtutis uerae custos
risusque sates S. To the Stoic the Epicurean syStem Was tollis et e minata. 2 . ut non . . . uideatur, withou Seemini' so the constr. Cf.
g 5. 25. Menenius Agrippa cf. Liv ii 3 and soriis funerat in 33, Io huic, interpreti arbitroque concordia ciuium, . . SumptuSiuneri estiit extulit eum plebs, sextantibu conlatis in capita contributin lino inciae Piece).26. sublicRe gratiae expresses lia Liv expresses et te byconcordiae ciuium : Val. Max. iv , et calis him arbiter publicae salutis. Sequester is thus defined by Servius aut me ius inter duos altercantes, aut apud quem aliquid ad tempus e uitur. The forme SenSe, a mediator, go-between, is require i here. 27. Regulus : the sanae stor is tot by Liv seriocha 8, and Val. Max. iv the uilictis had died, and the mercennarius ad run of aking the sarm-stocli illi him. Regari sor his ath asno the ni virtve of Regulus: like a good Roman he wa also caressit os his proPerty.