장음표시 사용
trullis of tho Christian religion certa in salse things, Whicli in no ise hould e lone For it is vritien, alitile leaven Laveneth the whole lamp. When, Some dab Ssinoe, I vas sitiin quieti ut home, and thii in hoW might assis 3 our progress in the LoRD, Suddenly,
Ρassove of CHRIsi is in Linguom of heaven the salvation of the orld the overthrow of hed the loryof heavenlyio vers the lis os bellovers the Resurrectio of tho dead the testimon o Divine mercy the price of human Redemption tho ulter destruction Os
doath. Whioli Festivat, ullomon by the Alyster of
W have latoly celebraten that Festivat, eloved
men, Mi diligenti fought after it to the eradie.
GΗOsi, and by the proclamationis the ΑΤΗΕR' voice. Beeause, also, at Cana os Galilee, in the edding-Dast, He turne Water into ine and a the Gospe bears
Witness, by the eginning of His miracles manifested forthmis lory, and His Discipies belloved on Him.
myrrh. ut there is a three id significatio in thesethree id gisis. In the Dankincense, the ostere toCARIs the honour os Gom in the old the dignit of Κing in the myrrh, the sepulturem His Body. Andiet iis Dr, elove brethren, sincere and holy dicto ou Gom: that is, aith, Hope, an Charity ae us
osse the old of isdom; ille Daul incenso os devout prayer myrrii, in the mortification of the osti. Lotus osse devotionis ony honest os ord probit ofWork. Leto osse purit os solvi chastit os flesti; and tho atch of humility. Letos osse Sympathy,
LITTI E is know of S. Atto, Bishomo Verceii, in the province os Milan, an commoni called Junior, o distinguishhim rom a form0 prelato in tho amo Churei, of tho amenamo, ut that he was et up as a modet in the good governing of his Diocose, and that ho die about 60. Thogreater par of the eighteen sermones hichasve come downto us ero si si published by Cardina Mai in tho ixth volum os his Scri) fori ni Veterum Nova Collectio, Rome, 1832 ut many of thom in an Oxeeedingly mutilatexstate. They ar remari ablo sor nothinibus a certain pious simplieity, hieli Ahows that the reacher, is no eloquent, Wasa leas in earnost. S. Atto appears o have adis horror os a long Sermon. His eleventii the greator par of whichwil be presenti given might perhapS, occup te minutes incit dolivory ut tho tWolfth boars this titio, alio amo Sermo abbrevialed, est the common eoplo Ahould odisgusted.
W trus in the promise of ur LORD, elovenirethren thatio tenor has oppressest your heari concerning His glorious Resurrection, o doub has entered your