장음표시 사용
I dolight tho hoarto celebrate ille present, et ustali plensure also in expecting the coming, FeStives. Let that teuch ius to rende thaulis to ur Redeemer; let his Lindi us to the love of the colestia Count . In that letis learn ho much Go suffered sor man; in his letos meditate, o ho greatis height of so man has ascended by GOD. In that the Only-BegotienSON o Go was umbi presented in tho templo in this His most lesse servant res elevate in glor tothe palace of heaven In that His parent carrien uxRedeemerito Jerusalem that the might present Him toth Loum in his the oly anget carrien to the hea- veni Jerusalem the soles of this tesse consessor that the might present it to tho preseno of tho Di fine Majesty. In that the Mediator of OD and Ian, after Hi Circumcision, as presented as an insunt in the temple in his, the confessor, after layin aside theload of his arthi hody, ascendest in Deedom to eaven In that He ho west nothin to the iam uid the tribute of the law; in his, he, ho a OhΠOXiOuSto death, scapod the dominion o steath. The ne in
the Evangelis relatos, saying, hen Iesus rei nig to IeruSalem, and was come o Bethphage o)id the Mount of Olives, then sent He tw of His discipies, styliis G in to the illas ove against you, and ye hali stralyhtwaysii an os lieri an a colt wit her; Dos them, and bring them unto e. his indage is the orld, hieli ages against tho ou audiis discipies, o onl by persecutis them filii reproaches an injuries, ut byinflictingit them a mos crue dea th. y the as and tho coit,hicli,ere test in the villago aro signised thepeople of the eWs, and that of tho Gentiles, both of them in bondago to the cha in of thei sinS. The SS, accustomed to the oke typifies the demisti eopte that Were subject to the ok of the lam. The coli, that WasWanton and unbridled, denotes the Gentiles, ho Wallied after the lusis of their Wn hearis. The tu o discipiessent into the 34llage are the reacher of the Wo Testamenis endue With tWosold charity the love of GODand the love of ur eighbour; or else eter anu Paul, of Whom ono a the Apostle of the JeWs, themther of the Gentides. Wheno the fame aut Forte, horeorked in Peler his postlesh, worked ais tuit me among the Gentiles These loosed both eopte fro the
error os infidelity, and by the or of thela reaching, brought them to theriaith of JEsUs uuisi. The LORDAat upo them, penus He justised them by sutili in Him; ascit is ritien, The out of the righteous is thegeat of wisdom. Concerning the justification os both, the postlo thus rites: sine the God of the eresonis Is m notis is of the Gentiles P es, of the Gentiles also seein i is nemo inhio shali justis thecircumcision by faith, and uncircumcision thro h Iaith.
IF then, e Xamine ad the pages o Hol Scripture, We liud sciscet find that the Spiriti truth has spolienWith greater care or lacumspeetio by any other hani, blessed Marti so that he very ordor of his narra
Whicli a sorbidden Lindled in Um, ascit ere, thebeat of a burning sever. But Adam, after tha b his consent he had asten of the fruit of tho reo, a forth-With infecte With the lepros o ad vices and last fall, lilio the an that ad the pulsy, he as inderenseo the possibilit os ad good Wotas by the languor of
Jolin the Apostle aith, came to destro the work of the devit ho attacked eath in the fame a by hi licith ad entered into the orid. Anu hen the olson four destruction had been infused the hysicianis fouis introducen the antidoto os salvation and by the fame Way in hicli the orasty enemy had rought in deuth, ovi Reddemer eiustated the eginning of returning life and thus II compellen the devii to hol his duce,
o hau spolion totur ruin, an freed Eve rom thesevo of the lusis of the flesti and liberaled the man, no ont siro the lepros os vice and Michedia ess, ut en led him, in sociar a he a palsied, to exercise themotas of charity. As, there re in thos firs men the ole human race ad perishest; so in them that more cured by the SAVIOUR, the Same race, unde the mysteryo a type, as restored toriis firs condition.