Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


Hready hemito deSpala. An What hallo more a 3 It was by the Crossiliat tho in o Glor dolivere iis fro the fetters of the crue tyrant, an penetra ted by His might intotho dungeons of heli. Ho absolve ad His electi omino huius of the r ancient condemnation Whom also

en e said, ord, remember me hen Thou comes in


bosom. Blossed Cros inde xl Glorious illi thoastixture of the Redeomer of the orid, ompii lex ththu reolous Blood of the Immaculate ambi Thouar tho salvationis a ruinod race, Thou ar tho lirat of them that sit in nataness, the medicine of the sicli, the strength of the recoxering a harbour to them thalare in angor, a refuge to them that re scapin Domino jam os deathi Through thee, Wanderer beeOme member of tho family and tho Who hau long beensoreigners, are made selloW- iligens of the Apostlos. In theo, cruel death, hile it Slays, is lain, and the author

Santolius totorinus, thus mitates earlier Hyrum 'iters an perhaps, also S. Peter: mu sola languorum Dei Pennentis in te conseia l us dolores intimos, Dic verba die SUSPma.


triarchs, the prophecies of the eers, in senate of the Apostles the victorious arm of the martyrs the Om-pany os ad the aint venerate, proelaim, honouae The



stitit ut bimself is comitest Worthyrio enter into thonuptial east illi in glorious company of the electi Thiuli os lia dignit it is even to stand e re the Creatoris ali inings, o contemplate the beaut of most present truth sacerio face, to ehold Gom; to have Ahare in the choia' of the angeis; here ali are orassed vitii present o as neve tot anxious ouehin future adVersity Whore, hilo the quiet minu eujoys thopleaSanines of incircumscript light it rejoices also in-essabi in tho reWardi it sessoW-citigens There, hile


thlas for tho ounta in os life hecause there eitherca aridit heget passion , o satiet turn into dis-gust. An manifesti from his cause, beenus theyeve stan in the presence of the Author os Lila, theyderive the holo strengili of their tessentiess. Hencethe eterna greennes of ourishing outh; heno thelovelines of heaut and the indeficient rigouri perfecthealth. It is fro that ountain os ternit that theyobtain the pomer o livin evertastin Dand rejoicinginess lyci and Whicli is far more excellent, os attaining to the perfeci similitude of thei Creator. For, a Johuthe Evangelis testises, hen He hali oppear e hali beli elim, for e hali se Himissi is Then hali death


stones of Ophir an ali her streeis hal say, Alleluia. of this also Johu aith, Ever severa sat was of onepeari, and the street of the cit was pure sold, ascit eretransparent stass. An he presenti adds, The eit hodno nee of the sun either of the oon to hine incit, for the

there . here, tu thermore human nature, hiel Wasvitiated is purged rom ali corruption os passion indexulis and beta made unieavened persevere in iis pii it an incorruption. For the .flesti, mane sphituat, λagrees illi the spirit, and the hole man find no dis

Whicli is superfluous is ut ost'. Thus in human natur that hichio manu remains that hicli ho devit adde is talion Way. There the secret os ach reman est to the 3 es os ad There the qaris of ad, joinextogether in the unioni mutua love are seVered by no variety, ut are perfecti made ne in the ardo of a common id. With us, heu ne sestiva passes,another comes ot there the joy os ali solemnities is ever eupe together, hecause the are present ind


dows hicli are ver declied in the beaut of spring,pino no Hilyraeve dies ossi in purpi ros and the crocus neve sane. An si ely, heaveni Jerusalem, there is incompar ly more of Vertastingilessedates in theo than the human ear ca concere : and the