Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


this raee, the LoR Wil neve den remuneration to oui meriis. Forme lio illiive a ui ple oroum sorthei passion to them that conque in persecution the fame id esto vin noW-Whit diadem, a cordin to themerit of theis righteousness, to them that triumph inpeneo. Forteither Abraham nor Isaarimo Jaeob,ere statim: nubet, honoured by the merit os thoi faith and righteousness, the Were rectione the rst among the


This allegor is Dona a sermon Nithoiit a titio, hieli has the Si place ut De among the horte discol ses hiel, close the volume Iis rudenes an incompletenes Would se uo mar itin extempore.


could e compared in isdom. He had also a Certain Servant, hom te ad exalte and Miche with great honour: sor o ad mane hi after his W likenessan similitudo, and that Withou any precedin meritin the servant' part But the lord, ascis the custom illi Auch fise asters, Wished prudentinio explore, an tobeeome aequaintest With, the character and tho Bith fhi Servant, hetherio ere trustWorthynowarns himself

Τhis prou servant, stiss-necked, ad of contumely, and pussed iis citi conoeit, Aought in XeuS hi transgression, and retorte the hole saluti his Lorn. ForWhen he aid The ooman whom thou favest orae it me, sh deceived me, o thro ad the uult On his u liner. His ord, more angry for uel contumelious Conduet, than for the transgression of his command Callo four mos eruet executioners, and commande one os them


nanee, an meditatin on a ries hicli ho ad notexpected sal to her ather, a noto thyinurater Justicet ar thou not callo jusj I thou ari just, thou Wilt exercise justice on the transgressor i thoudos no exercis that justice, thou cans notio just isthou ur no just thou cans no have me, Justice, sorthy daughter.' So here ere Truth and Justice on theone iste, an Mere on the ther.' Ultima coelicolum terras Astropa reliquit this means that Peuce sed into asar distant country. For here there is stris an contention there is no ence and by ho much greater the contention by so much furtherieace siriVen ara V.

The passage is o corruptis to mali no senseu ut omething lihetlais musti the meaning


Ha 4n iliore re received the roya mandato, ille Sontook his sister Mero Hon With him, and levius reponthe molintains, passin ove the illa, came to the prison,

and lookiny thro h the indoiss looking through the lattice, he )eheld the imprisonod servant, hut out Do the present lise, devolare os affliction, and rom the sole of the

fost even to the crown there a no oun es in him. Ho

into the prison o steath, conquere dealh bound the tronyman, too hi goods, and distributed the spolis Andascenditis p o hish, ted optivit coptive an save fifts for en, and brought uel the servant into his Country, oro est,ith doubie honovi', an endiue With a garmentis immortality. When MercyJoheld this, he hadno round sor complaint Truth foundis cause of discontent, eius her ather a soland truo Theservant badia id est his penalties. Justico in liko man- ne complained nos, ecause justice ad been executed


Probabi by the misiiud standis of the auditor ho ook ownthis sermon the reacher quote Job xl. 19, falsely. Behemoth oesno devis the oganning of the ways o GoD, ut is himself the e- nning Or, as ovi translation has it the his , of thos Ways. The