Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


to Ome Eve vas formed and by the blood that floWod, together illi the ater of sanctification rom the sideo Cnu Isae, the Chii ch Was made. In the seconu age of the ortit, in the eight ouis delivered rom thedeiuge by the arti, the fame Chureli is prefigured, Whicli, in tho ope of the eighth ay that is of tho ReSurrection, by the ater of Baptism an no Without the heli of the salutis Wood, is reed rom thedeiuge of boundin temptation Then in the hird age, ille eople of GOD, freed rom gyptia Sime , pas the Red ea the aves ieid, structi by the rodo Moses a Way is pene to the eople o Gom; theonem follows ohin unu is vel ri holmen an here again is nother figure of the sanctificationis Baptism, consecrate by the or os salvation. For, both tho Se is red, and Baptis is red, as hallowed by tho Blood of 11R1sae. The nomio that ollowed belliud perishod, because past sitis ure lotted ut by Baptism. exi, in the laurili ago, the kiugdomo Dari flourishod in that arthi Jerusalem, prefiguring the Lingdom ofCΗR1s and of the Church for of his foed the fame CHRIS Was orn, Who spirituali reiguin in HisChurch, hali in duo time gloriousi ero 'er o herobedience. Theno it is that the who are to e baptizen o Eastor ve are in the murti mee o Lent,

Whicli minister to iis the arm o continence, an On


bo baptigod in tholopem future tranquillity Then, ter the time of the Ling o Israel, he the fifth age

Was eginning on account of the perversit of the Oresaid people, it Was ive ove into captivit to the kin o Babylon, and Was carried Way to that ity; and the who hau voluntarii been lave to ConfusiORWere made involuntur servant to the Lingi Babylon, ichi interpretation is confusion But, after SeVeMyyears the Same eopte returned to Jerusalem, Cyrus, the LORD' anointest, s orneriniit, a firs Isaiah aud

gone besore in the types of Sacraments.


be restore to immortality. For in ille fame ordo in Whioli ho ad orishod in that orner eoas to be

tion of the flesti by the departur of the soles. Thus, there re the rs resurrection is justification the


r Oices in the destructionis it foes To-da that Flesti Which has been uisest rom the eurili is set ut the righthaud of the ΑTHER,'ecauserit has been exalte above


descende that He might hecome a participator Os uruature H afterWard ascendest that He mira mine usparticipator os glo . When He descended by His conversation in his orld, and His risibi miracles, Hesed, scit ere, insanis illi milli; hen He ascended, Heiave sist to men That theyaein taught y these, and educate ascit mere to the fidi strength of memmight no longe destremis tempora vision; ut might stud to solio Him With ad the eurning of thei hemisto that place hitherme has one es e. Where re, since e re depriven o His tempora presenoe, et Ahasten illi alitur strength to His ternat rision letus a tomim a the salmis suilli, My eort athloiae of he see o My Face e Thy Face, Lord, ill I see . For the whole dispensatio of the humanit ofCHRIs propose nothin else, di nothin else, ut to



This ex is universali Oxpla nod by mediaeva a mellis primitive Writers either as S. Ivo here interpret it, or of the desilae of the sat nisto Dedin the LoRD' Bod at the Utar. In the magnisident hymn os S. Peter Damiani, o the Joysis Paradise, he eem to embrae both


guria, ut Sued his studio at Homo in the pontiscat o S. Gregor VII. Some filios geat so the resormationi tho Chureli rom tho horribi provalone os Simon he eem toli avo imbibed. Tho talent ho displayed in the controversywith Berengarius procured hi the Bishoprie of Segni and, a Prelate of that 00, 10 a present at tho great Coianellis Clermons, hero the First rusade ad iis origin and took a par in the consecration of tho then utarivaliud Chureli ofCluny. He resigned his Bishoprie, much to the regret, and som0What to tho indignation, o Pasea II. and retire totiae reat abbo os Monte Cassino the ea of tho Benedictitio ordor, o whichaeaeeam Abbat. II could seareelyhave horo obtaino tho repos for hieli e longedri or o

years later a canonised by Lucius III. V havo romaim abolitine hundred and eight Sermons, the reater pars arrange tu a coursu os homilies for tho Chureli's earn the est in tho last three book of his inen- tenues. V They ars distinguished by thei plainues and


and that many of his discourses, i litorali translatsed, and dolivorod in an Englisti pulpit of this day, ould bo thought good plain homel Sermons, illi nothin very remari able

The work O S. Bruno ero first colloeteil and odiised by Marchese of the abbe of Monte Cassino, Veni est 165 1. Tho sermons ad long eon attributo to Eusebius mis- serius, the heretio contemporar o Constantius Baronius ascribsed a large portio of them to S. Eueherius o Lyons; but Marchese suem to have vindieated them to their rightful