장음표시 사용
pare so thee, and the iver of the supper a betra edi, theo. O Wretchod Judas O erit consessori desperate penitent Thou didst say, I have inned in thot dare betroyed the innocent Lod and thou didst ang
thou consent notri Um se that thou bellovo no in him. He is a liar and the ather of it He destres tosta thee, he destros to destroy thee, he destres to minthe with himself in ed. BeWare fraus, beWare os piu se the are the net of the devit. las, ho many
Fλ'OSequere Evangelium . . . . Si vis, uper hoc con orda illud, Woeshalliave edasio herea terrio mention another celebrate Por-fugues preaeher, i ra, ho nis preaeheu in Italian illi the eas os a
So, at tho in os tho sermon sor tho Moncla in tho Mst,re os Lent: Narra historiam. Notat Rebecca Evangelium, ' o. For the Frina in tho amo eo Quantum ad primum narra historiam. For tho Saturda Narra historiam Achab, id est Daternitas Patris, omnem hominem significat, 'Me.
that is, illustrato his doctrine by a mystica interpretation
out the wo together. Sometimes in reatin on his inserted histo he' branches O to a Second, and occasionaltyto a third, involving one mystica interpretation in another,
more learlyn and we ill alio that for tho eventi Sund after Trinity. Tho subject is, the Miracle os the oaves, asrecorded in the ighth haptor of S. Marii. o dividos tinto CHRISΤ' compassion the relies of the multitude; thoralliti of tho bashets. The unge of tho .crowd is paralleled by tho famino in Samaria, in hieli ho mysticisses the ames o Benhadad, Syria, and Samaria. his ead him to quot tho account of tho oor man that delivered the littis ity, Eceles. X. onwhieli ho goos o at great longili to et serti the mystical interpretationis that history Roturning again to the lege of Samaria, he explainscit ver fully-d et ling speciali ontho mystica interpretation os tho eight pleues of silvor that
Ho the continues his origina subjeci; ut in commentingi ou LORD' Woriis, Idave compa8Honin the multitude, horis remiudsed os the occlesiastical introit, Vera ave received Thy loriny-kin ines8, O God in the miri of Thy temple and immediatet pro ped to explain that tho Templo consisteno Dur paris, hieli e compares, at great tength, illi thelaur horsus in theraevelation. Cominibael to tho miraelo the even loaves ivo hi in
occasio sor another exeursio into the histor os Naamati,
Thera, roturniniso the last timerio his subjeci tho evenbask0fs-fidi remin him os the so of the Stiuuaminito, and his neegin Seven times aud ith a long explanation os the circumstances of that miraele, his sermo coneludes. S. Anton frequently--but by no means univerSally- divides his dise0urses into eads. The folloWing may Servea examples. In preaehing on the miraele of the Syrophoeni
alis ovout supplicatio of the petitioner Have mercyon me, o Lord I alie perseo restoration os tho patient Lecit uni thee
alio ain demand of the preparer os calum . alio iis dental of the Consutori malice.
vations and remariis hicli illustrate the secular character of the times. In a sermon o Quinquagesima, ne mightalmost imagino that the reache was addressiti a sashiOnable modern eongregation, he he expatiates on the hard-
Shi of sendin soruatit ost to hospital directi the aresfiged With any liness, instead of vied in them a memberso the family, and nursing them at homo. In another Lent Sermon, he has a curious discussion os the question, hyghosis do uot commoni appeam an in a Lent homily onthe stor Os Jonali ho malles the first Xpres allusio that
I have everraeen to Sea-Sichnesso a mala lyrio hieli akis ellhnown no reserene is made in the writings of the ancients. O the wholo, haleve reputatio S. Anton had asinpreaeher amon his contemporaries, the merit of his Sermons, a We have them, are far eclipsed by thos os many is uot most, of the writers o hom reseretice is made in thepresent Volume.
From the sermon in the secon series, o the Seeon Sunda in Lent.
2. ho Transfigit attonis CHRIST. 3. he Aipparitioni Moses and Elias. 4. The vorshadowing of the bright cloud. 5. ho protestation os the Volce of the ΑΤΗΕ con-
ledgmenti th sin. Which consist principali in illuce
In the pridem theae t. In the lusis of the flesti.
In the avarice of the orid. Tatio, ulso, James,-that is, the supplanter os theso vices,-that thou mayest rea doWu unde the oot ofreason the wickednes an pride of the Spirit, mayest
Tho ex has assumpsit but it is clear e ought to ea in in the
the id os abor, signis the excellene os, hol lise,
Ρeter-that is, he ho et nou ledges himsol to' a Sinner, Carries three kids. Da kid is se sortii tho illsavour of sin. In the three kid are expressed the laree Liud os in by hieli e principali otand that is, the ride of heari, the petulance of the festi, the avarice of the orid. He, heresore, that id ascen to themounta in ostight must carry these three kids; that is, mustacknowledge himself tolera inne in these three things. He that supplant the vices of the ea, an carries three Ioaves of breud Siguisies Weetnes of mini hich