장음표시 사용
consist os humilit os lieari, hastity of Ody, and love
Esau in tho 27th os Genesis He at supplanted me these two times. In his lem Behol the grace of GOD,
Whieli ives in flee o quiet and peuce It is veli, therelare, sald Jacob bellet a Iaddor, by hichthou mayest ascen to Mount abor. Noto that this
spitiing Whenoeme salthi Isaiah, I hone et Mymaee like a sint. For a sint, heu it is structi, doth not
Dus is a very sala specimen o S. Antony'scies elaborate Sermons, Where he impi explain or mysticise his texi, withou bringinti a parallel assage seo the old estament. The si agmentar character of the ollowin notes must, hoWever, striis eVer reader.
The mystical interpretatio oscitones, originali derived Do those of the breast-plate, an homoliose of Ne Jerusalem, as a DVO te
prudenuo against ignoranee beeauSe, a Sonoea nys, it bear a lanternio re the ther virtuos. Os this thereare three part memor in respeet O the pnSt, under-
standiu in respect of the present, forestra in respecto the futuare Memor refers o tW things. l. Tosius Isaiah xxxviii. 15 halliso Utti ut m years in the bitternes of myuoul. 2. o the meretes of GOD. Lam. iii 21 This I re alio ni minit there fore have
tation, and in sure wellinys, an in quiet reSlinymiaces. 2. The consideratio of the punishment in hieli arethree things, he bitterness, the differetice, and theeternit of the patri.
These three paris os prudeno are et sorti by thothree ise omen Judith the Wido of eLoah, and Abigail. Judith is interpreten, he that confesses i. e. Oitherher in or her mercies. ot on thi Judith iii. By the idow of Aoah is denote understanding :
life it the Lord thyiod Here e have the considerationis the reWard. That of the punishment is added, Where in suilli, An the ouis of thine nemies, them halim ling ut, as out of the id se of a ling. Sapphire, the secon stone, hich lay blood, is temperance. his consist of three partes of hastity, sobriety, and siletice Note thes three things of Johu Baptist in iis hymn. Chastity, here it Sab SQ
hos cumili stream, hose ood, illi hone misen, The loeust gnVe.V Sapphire is homin os tones, ncoordinis mediaeva Writers : Quem natura potens tanto ditavit honore, Ut sacer et merito gemmarum gemma VOeet .VΗenderit is generali mast the typo os ou LOBD. That is in tho amous hymnis Paulus Diaconus o S. JOlm' Da D: Ut queant latis resonare Iibri r liene the Olia gamul.
this there are three aris obediene an reverene to Superiors, Coi sellandineis to equias, care ani disciplinoto variis insertors Care, that the may bo on theirguard against sin discipline, that When the have beento litile ou heir uarii, the may by O mean go unpunished These are the righteous meu Noah, Daniel Job. The meruid, tho ourth stone, hieli is green, Ssortitudo. For the heurti a brave ma remnius in iis o vn reen es iness. Os these there are three paris to attempt difficulties, to e patient in adversities, orae even-minde in the frequent anil sudite mutation offutu e and fortuitous things These rure the three
The preaeher is quot in the hymn in the Commonis Consessor : 'Iste consessor Domini saeratuS. S also Marboctu : Qui protinus aera Sentit:
Nubilus obsevi o rutilans clarusque Sereno.V
But om iis assume power os givin vigo , it is generali made em blematical of the Resurrection. This sione is usuald made symbolica os the Passion I gather With truth,V says Michael Ayguati, in his commentar on the OthPsalta that this tone has te virtves, significative of the te utilities of ΗR1AΤ' Passion For it mi illipties iis Vs, assist in batiles henis the Sich gives et earnes to eloquenee, amplifies telies, temper luxu y, e ghtens the yes, strengiliens the memo , Sterminate phantaSmS, rejoices the troubleu.
for themselves by gratitude to the justice of GOD. The murth is thecio so the perfectatiora tedge, and Duilion, and paternit of GOD. his is in the fore pari, and is the meruist, hieli confront in Sight. Thus the whole os terna lis consist in eoin GOD. S. Jolin xvii. 3. his is life te ut that the might knowThee, the oni true God, e.
in halcis, the wor aquila is derived si Om acumen.
himself. Which las love hecis bound to expet alto-gether fro the est of his conseience Notealso that the amethyst is a principatiem, os a riolet colour, hich hoot out flamos and is markod illigoiden anu purpi spectis and it signifies the lis of CHRIST Whieli as of a violet Coloured overi and humility, and sho sortii goiden flames in iis reachinga nil in the operation o iis miracles, and was markest With purpi spectis in iis assion This amethys therioteous man is bound o place in the nes of his con- Seleuce, that serpents that is, the suggestions os deviis,ma be repellest Dominis oung ones that is, ro his
Y that re os ne ind, ohol the mas in hominille of the his that is to su unanimit o faithun hear in the Chur h. The multitude of them that