장음표시 사용
ingis Such plays pon ord as ore ashionabi in tholi ulliit os Charies the econii' time, and in hieli out haud Echard so larget indulged,-lliings intende Dra thorto display the wit of the writer, than to promotu thoedissention of the euror; ut os Witticism introitu ed villi ho honos purpos o dolia good, and On the principi of eoomin ali hings to ali men. Under his head ali uel ingeniolis contrivatices a that of the Spatij h BiShop, ho havinito reach besore a crou dedand ashionable auditory perceived on mounting the pulpit, o rori S an aspect in his congregation, that there a litile ope of his mal in an impreSSion. Looking therofore, to that par of the church in hic sat the authorities of the Inquisition, he ega thus:- I dony, and Whateve tho Catholic Church may say, shal alWay deny that in the ne, selDexistent OD,
stanti aroused The Bisho of this place ooked attho Archbishol of that the ossiciat os the Inquisitionturno thei head to variis ach ther, Ome of the grandeos arose a i abolito leave the chureli, heu the reacher quieti continued; alius, ni bruthren, spealis tho Arian, thus spualis the Sabellian; ut me, Who have been bulli lipon the mundatio of the Apostles an Propheis V and o foeth. ne fraterne' Sor- mons egitis in the fame offensive Way. A stor is
relatexo a popular dissentin preache in Wales, lio, finditi that he had sor soni time been ad Messin his
Some of the more occentri os mediaeva proacher Wohildhave done such sor example, as in Italy, Jacobus de Benedictis, hos familia appellation o Iacopone revenis omething of his character and to gorio a disserent par of the orid, Basil, tu named Iorodevie, that is,mad sor Cunisi' salie , at MoseoW. Is there ere OVe any ne ho understoo ho to move an to eada popular audience, it Was Hura Latimor; and veryonean s that his sermons bound With tho broadest sarco, and teem illi expressiones hicli a modern riter could not for a moment venture to transferri his pages. Lam let it e remembere meither defendiug nor et condemning the praetices of hicli I have been speakingo allo a is that he have been sed by the
preacher Who have been mos efficacious, illier forgood o sor ovit Neither an here e any doubi that Englisti Priesis, generalty have so reverent a Dar Ofdegradin the dignit of the stabiistiment of getting
sibio muchis ilio character of S. Jeroine n the noli anil, and Wistin the ther. In occasiona tui iis osiliought an collocation os Nordes, Andreu e comestistare to him than an other English writer; ut is Andreu es possessos his piet anil his carning Andre vos has uot hal his it no the tentii par of his eloquenoe. One os the mos curious Sermons ver reached is the discourse to the fifties, hom hicho have ivencopiolis extracis, hicli e delix ered ut Marantiao, usui days usore embarkiu sor ortugal on usi essconuected With the mission in Bragit Marantiao, in the oursu os a se years lacteam a reforme tot Ti, but hether the Sermon to the isties ere the causeo it reformation, may perhaps reasouably be dot ted. It is no v time to turn to the hir distino uishinuseatur os mediaeva Sermons, on hiuli, must d vel alitii more a leugili. I very one ho has studied the ritual and the calendar of the Chureli, must have speedit conuiueed himself that iis hole in an design is to b dramatio. It is notthe mere reciter of evenis hich happened centu te ago, nor their Xpounder nor, a the Puritans ould avesaid their improver. I set them sortii l)e re the yes of man the weremo' happening a is they erescenes in hieli e urselves ere alitii a pari ascis the were evenis occurring in ur WΠ times, an in Whicli e bore a livin interest. The Church oulduo represen to us the cycle os event in tu LoiiD's Lis and Death, as i the had ocem'red, ne sor ali, eighteen centuries ago; ut Would have u rogard themas is the happene again and again very ear, and Were occurreuces to hicli , rahould look for varii,
lviii INTRODUCTION. ratho than look bach. his characteristic remaliis verystrones impresse on Our Wn Prayer Book here, bos ore eaeli recurring Festivat, ne pra in Ome Ortthat the event may appen, as a future thing, hich
sueti exordium as e no v ave a calicio Leci in indili coming of the ΛVIOUR, nee in great humili ty, heroaster in great majeSty. The reacher lit unges his hearer at ne into the caligationi tho saet whieli ho Chureli commemorates, an announces a good idingsto his audience the fame neWs hi his many centuries
No v compare this illi the pening os modern sermons On the fame subjeci. Thus it is that Bishos II Orste commences a Christinas sermon Ilii forty- fifth salm has for many ages, made a State pari filio public service of the Chureli, on his universarysostiva o our Blesse LonD's ativity. With GOD's assistance, Ppureos to explain to Jo iis application, both in the genera subjeci, an in acti pasticula pari, to this great occasion, hich ill assordioth soasonubio and odibin matteris discovi se . V illi Bisho Hors-ley then, the Nativit is regarde a an event hieli Oeeurre many Centurie ago, in ordo that it might be 'improved,' an mane matter of edibin discol seno v With Abbat Guarri it is a present reality aspresent i himself as to the hepherd to hom the
V turn to another Sermoni the Same subjeci, und
us. For Go knoweth that the senses of men are inca-
celestiat, and are o Without dissiculi tot persuadent belleve, utiles the hin Whicli the are exhortexto belloveae visibi presente to thei Senses.' But,e, Soriar hom remembering this dissiculi os salth, do ad that in us lies o retide itoet harder studiousty
Whicli,e find in earlier ibiters are, ut least, incomparablysuperior to the eighteeuth centur system os exordium.
Wo sint a littieno vard it in Dr Dolino. Thus hest)ogins a Christinas sermon hath boon suspicioust doubted, and more than that, reel disputed, and more hanthat, Oo, absolutet dented that ΠRisi a boni thes ve-and-t ventieth of December that this is Chrisimas Day; et, sor ad these doubis, an disputations and denistis, e sorbeariot, illi the whole Chureliis Go D, constanti an confidenti to Leepoliis sor His day.
or tali another instatico, and ea S. Fulber of Chartres, in otio of his assion sermons: Dur ORDJΕsU CHRIsi, tho Great mysician, is no preparing the medicine that is to e the salvation os ur ΟUS. Wheres ore Christia brethren, it belloves Ario receive
INTRODUCTION. xiii reaches sortii the cui of ur salvation, and e must Stroteli sortii ou haud aud receivo it 'Look, O v, to ur Wii earlier diones Bishos Andreu es, reaching on the Verse, Is it nothinito ou,
in that disti ess havin non to rogari him 'Is it nothinito ou 3 V Bisho Wilson degeneratus into his commen ement: Tvery one of the Apostles and Evangelist Who have imitentur LORD' Lise, have iven usa ery particular account of the anne of His ovilirentinent, His usserings, audiis death. Nox theserere ad read in the ad scri ice of this ech, as ullis instruction, aud prope to repare iis for the lessed Sacrament, appotnte to e administere on undaynext. V Imagine Eastor a belli principali distinguished a tho undanon hicli tho Blosso Sacrament vas appotnted toto administered heret, Wo learnwhat our Lollia sussore in orde to obtain ur pardon, anxio restorem to the grace and mero os an osseudod IOD. nil a last e come domno suci a Lind of openingis is that o Joseph Militer: Ilio ord Whicli I have no v read o ou contain the portioni Scripture appotnted by our Cli chrior the Episti o Eastor Day. And perhaps, there is no a portio of the Nord os Go more suit ably adaptexto the occasion os that sustival deoply and so o vectuli do cit represciit tota the right iii, and proper improvementis ovi LoiiD's Resurrection This great ventris os vas importante. V