Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


NOVICES.Τo his boloved brethren in 11R1si, Innocentius, Simplicianus, and the ther discipies of the Crucified, holove tho uiscipline of hol religion A brother, horis a


instructo astor tho ashion os tesse Gregory, I havebriosi adde in many places at the en of the Sermon, an for the reator confirmation of the truth, Some X- amples hichise vi re t m minit. Accepi brothors, With ploasuro that hicho osse to ou acto boloved friends. ray that allisa be to the honour of GOD, auditio profit os many.


Won to prove His familia friend by the oly Cros'


vitellior ine love Him nil or in proteneo, and whether

Principally, hoWover, the are prove by tolerane os injuries, and tho removes of interna consolations by

Dio Peaelior is reserena to the position os the reat rood in horood-lost, Wi elicis alWavs assimne by symbolicui riters o ooeupy tho ver centre of the clivi in beeuus the Tree fide stoo in the iustis the si ardenis Eden.


pressed Thou mites them that o uri Thou defendes them that re innocent Thou loves them thatare rue Thou hates them that re false Thou despisest the carnal; hou has regar to the spiritual Thou receivest them that come o hee Thou hides them that tae refuge in Thee. The thalcati upon Thee, hou earest them that visit hee, Thou rejoieest them tha seeli hee, Thou helpest; them that cry to hee, Thou strengthenest. Thou honoures them that honouae Thee Thou pressest theminat presse Theo Thou loves them that love hee; Thou glorifest tho that adore Thee Thou lessest them that les Theo Thou exaltest them that exaltΤhoe. On them that look to The Thou lookest them thalais Thoe, Thou kissest them that embraee Thee, Thou embraeest them that fosso Thee, ho leadest


against the poWer an crueit of the de vi, nono hichhe so eis a the signis the Cross, in Whicli ho broughtto pas that the SON O GOD should e suspende audstain, ho as innocent an pure rom ad pol. trul blesse Cros of CHRIST, Ost orth os allhonour, tot embra est,ith ait Iove that causest those Who love the to bear heir burdens illi ense, that consoles the sorro usu in endi in reproaches thatteaches the penitent ho to obtain pardo for very osseuce This is ver honovi able to the oly Angeis; mos lovet tomen, mos terribi to deviis despised


by the proud acceptable to the umbie rouis to thocarnes, Weet to the spirituat insipid to the oolisti, deliciolis to the devout affabie to the OOr, compaΠ-ion te to the stranger friendi to the amicted consolator to the sicli, comfortabie to the dying. Lay , there re ad the aere Wound of Esus, in thereceSSe of Our heari the have a mour beyondisti spices to the devout soles that is in amiction, and that

Cros to eterna res and lirat; eoaus is e re noWHis companion in tribulation, e id shorti sit do withmim at in heavent table in perpetua exultation. Plant in the arde of your memory the re of the holy Cross it produces a Ver efficacious medicine against ad the suggestiones of the devit of this most nobi an fertile tree, the oo is humilit and overty; tho bata, labour an penitenue the branches, mereyand justice; the leaves, true honour an modesty theseent, sobriet an abstinence the beauty, chastit undobedience the splendour, right aith and firm hopo; the strength, magnanimit and patience the lenoli, long-Aussering in perseverance theireadth, benignityan concord the height charit and Wisdom; the weet-ness, love and oy the fruit, salvation and life ternat.


There asino suci plant to e found in the ardenso Solomon, n herl so salutary for the vi in os ad diseases, a the re of the Hol Cross, hieli ear iis spices of dirine 14rtuo, so the obtaining of human salvatiou. Illis is that most fruitsul true, blessed above ad the

intro luetion, a the fondnes entertainest y both sor hymns . Os Lliter Te Bossehe, ne os their most ious and eulous Priesis, it is relato by Thomas a empis that When lying on his deuthbed, in S. Mar Magualene' Day, he uestred that tho sequence, irais to Thee, O CHRIAΤ, Cho artolio Creator the Reueemur, and the SAVIOUR,'shoid be sun tocivin me it,a finishod, he uix HowHevoutauit ferirent are these ord lon', he repent est ver again to imsel ascis he were pondering upo it the ne, at Oidd he have had, d sho an no received is, is her hysician ad Do been presenti 'Many good Person WhO ere presens audiear this cotisti no restralathei tears.' So Thomas ot vi here quotes a verse of the angelinoua lorio8i, o Venantius Fortunatus, ut refers severa times tootheria nus connected with the Cross. Thus, heu hecis si eukin ofit height undareadth, he has in his in partis a sequetice hieli isto be solvi in many of the Missalsis orth Germany : Quo sub ritu sorma prima Charitatis expreSSiVuLatitudo ponita; Consequenta longitudo, Qua signata sanctitudo

XV enio dwelis o the Dagrande oscit flowers, hecis imitatin a hymno S. Veter Damiani's :

The nectar that Dom theo distilla e bosom illicit Dagrane silla. Anythroughout he has in his tand the celebrate sequenee, the master-piece of Adam o S. Victor, Laudes Crucis extollamus. Thomas a empis soldo satis to evince ad the nationa love os his coimtrymen or ardens an flowers. Thus, the illes of two os his Works ure, ah Gardenti Roses,' an The Valle os illes.


trees of aradiso strutchin forti, iis lovel branches, adorne With reen leaves, extende With ich ruit through the world by iis altitude, ouehin heaven; by iis profundity, penetratin heli; by itS Xtent, Si roundin motantians and hilis; fit magnitude, fissingino round world by it sortitude, conquering Wicked Lings and the persecutor of the faith; by iis mercy,

set a nought y the Gentiles, reviled by the Wickeri lametited by the faithfui, implored by the pious

Blossed is the man, salthfulcis that servant, Wh perpetuali carries the acred ound of Εsus in his heari and is adversit meet him, receivescit a Domine Hand of GOD, and pioiasty endurescit, that he Vat eas in ome degrest ecome consormed to the Crucified. Forae is orthyrio be visite and consoled by CHRIST Who studies fallyrio consor himself in istandri deatli tomis assion This is the way of the Hol Cross, this is the doctrine of the S 1ΟυR, this is the wisdomi suinis, his is the rulem montis, his tholis of the good, this the lectioni clerks this the meditatio of the devovi: to imitate CHR1s humbin toui se erit o CURIsi, to choos the bitte instea of the Weet to despis hono A, to ea contemst Minequanimity, to abstatu Do erit delictis to sy tho occasiones of Vice, o moid dissipation to lament forour Wn ius an sor hos of thers, o pransor thetroi ted and the tempted, o rende thantis for bene- saetors, o mae supplication sor adversaries that the may