Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


much it might be impossibi to ouch pitch ithout belu defiteri so that Dougias, the defenderi Scripture


have sat something of the subjecis, and of themanne os reatin these subjecis, hichiseeupy medi-

tion to the orne in hieli, in both instances the pariso a sermon solio each other. Ono ould hink, to ea some of the essay Mittenon the subjeci, that in construction O a Sermo WaS liko a las of the Medes and erstans. Look at r. Simeon' one-and-tWent tedious volumes of Horsa Homileticae.' The orthy ma evidenti considereuthis the Teates system os divinit Whicli Euglisti theology had ver produced. And of ha does it consist 3 Os severa thousan sermon treatest exacti in the Same Ways, in obediencerio preciSely the fame laWs, and


do in Certain ules, and Simeon' discourses ere their exemplification The laWs ero a invariabie for the pulpit as a Dr Watis recipe or a prayer -

In like manner, Μr. Simeon' type of sermons may bevery eastly described. The reacher pens ith a hortvte os the circumstances under hiel the textoas spolien This is a very convenient exordium, ecausei filis Wo or ilire pages illi ut litile trouble. The Clergyma has ni to ut Scripture language into his o , and hecis atri lautiche in his sermon ithout an effort. nother almos equali eas method ofoponiniis found in dra n a contrast betaueen the person or thingi Whicli the passage in haud speas, and that to hicli the writer a Wish to allude Anxit has his specia advantage that i ho is univoli in sudiu much likenes betWeen the Wo, hecis ure to


i a- l. Again the beeome entangled, and this timolio etines himselfio a l . The congregation admire thescriptural knowledge and the logical depilii thoi divino;


With a great deal more truthine miratina a question hich Would have occasione the orth Rectoris S. Mary oolnoth ome litile surprise. Is it possiblethat they, knowing-or, at least, pretendin to kΠOW- more than others, the ossice of a Christianiries in referene to me unde Such a condemnatio a that toWhicli the extrae resers,-is it possibi that the could destre to eram doWn his message here, to pare it offthere, to elongat Orito abbreviat it ascis it value de-


pendedi it inches, o spli itin into A many bundies o facis, o mulie an introductio an in applicationessentia potnis, instoad os leavin him to spea out of the fui nos of his eari, to e interestin in his o

It is remarkable in o se sermons, ither of the


early o the iddie ages, is there an dirisio at allanalogous to that o modern Heads. I S. Ambroso orS. Augustine uel a thiniis scareel tole ound In thoseventi and ighth centuries, sucti Writer as S. Isidoreand the ronch schooli divine somelimes dividen their

Whichris in heaven is meredes.


vere suci bon things a this extrae to a common congregation; ut either the were implfhoad sor his Οὐ Se or so the employment of his rethren, for os benest he a compellied to publisti his Sermons. One might arrange mediaeva method os dicissing Sermons into three classes. The rst that in hichthere is bonci dein texi, orke out illi reserenue tothe contexi the second, here the hole contexi istinen asine Subjeci, an no in Separate and successive

paris, hichris the method usuali employed by S. Antony, and recommende by S. Charies Dorromeo thethird, hon the Gospe o Episti is realed by Way os postili homily one verse after the ther, in the holeis one through. An this a the favourite praeficeo Frenet theologians, such as S. Hildeberi, arbost, S. Fulbert, and thei contemporaries, ut carrien ut more persecti bymone thau by Ruper os Deutg, hose commentaries De Gloria et Honore Filii Hominis, Deoperibus Spiritus Sancti, and De Trinitate et peribus

Et tamen cum concinnator debeat rerum doctor esse magnarum, non Semper ea debet granditer dicore, sed submisse cum aliquid docetur temperate, cum aliquid vituperatur Sive laudatum cum Vero aliquid agendum est, et ad eos loquimur qui hoc agere debent, nee tamen volunt, tunc ea quae magna Sunt, dicenda sunt granditer et ad fleetondos animos congruenter. Et aliquando de una eademque re magnu et Submisse dieitur, Si docetur; et temperate, si predicatur; et granditer, Si aversus inde animus ut con-


ΙΝTRODUCΤΙΟΝ. lxxiii vertatur impellitur. Quid enim Deo ipso majus est 3 Numquid ideo non discitur 3 ut qui docet unitatem Trinitatis debo nisi submissa disputatione agere, ut res ad dignOS-cendum dissicilis, quantum datur, possit intelligit Numquid

hic ornamenta et non documenta quaerantur 3 Porro eum

laudatur Deus sive de se ipso sive do operibus SutS, quanta faeses pulcrae ac splondidae dictionibus obnititur ei, qui

potest quantum potest laudaren Quem nemo convenienter laudat, nemo quomodocumque non laudat.

It is to the ornate style, ascit used to e called, lint Vieyra IIudes, musingly uough, in in extrae gi Venat page 333. Lam remitide os in auecdote of that great criti in

sermons Charies Simeon, o hom e have o ostenreferrest. Aboun compose of sermons a renuin u


the last Went years e have gone is attering urselves that tho Church o En and was the very attem indquiritessene os apostoli purity, and that in s sar asan other communion dissere Dom it, o sarrit Was atvarianoe illi the perfeci modet, there is no Somelltti Darclest a se amon us hould ruri into the opposite extreme, and imagine that neve Was an Churcha suci, a distance ro primitive excellenee, or Oulteri infected With corruption To any one WhO Π- tertians these opinions I Would recommendis preseription, hich hould o involve any great degre ostroui)le, anu hicli ny have ther advantages besidein specifie ne or hicli I Would adris iis adoption. I Would prescribe a coi se of sermons say of the eleventho tWelfth centuaries, delivere to Synods, hether io

Cesan or provinciat. It is curious to se ho the fame complaint have been made, in nil ages, o remissuess