Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류


Hoc est meum conSulatis, Quod utrumque deponatiS,

Et rioris ot Abbatis Ad sua piloria. absit, dicit alter clerus,

Quia bibit parunt mePUS, Quod punitur tam severuSΡer noster consortia: assut enim hoc totus, Quod pro stultus horum potus Sustineret clerus totus Pudor et seandalia.




bus also in their merit, heiulnus os omo contrasted With a certain livetines of expression observabio in therAV-mayoasilyae explained o tho hypothesis that ome ere rit-ten other delivere extempore, and the latior committedio riting by more Orcios carosul auditors. Ah ali evenis thes discourses, fisos Bede's, ar of the age of ede; and that the authenticis of hieli is homost doubilat for Sunday, is a very curious Xample o an attonapi, by the relationis a legend to impressi rustic auditory.

ὶ This celebrate sermon the ero in Hor os the preasther, soms, ini Various Xfraeis, the Lessons, in atinosi ver Brevia , so the Festivallo hieli it adustesu an in many Churches it Was rea through during the colu se of the Octave.


ulso rigliter in iis tonoru)-because, lide ille batile tuerensed the lory of them that ought in it Was also augmented And the triumphi martyrdom is adornedii illi ho manifolii Lindi it torments because in more

allis that illustrious number Who sufferest imprisonmentor tortu re, With one and eques ardour o so the batile, for triumphaliloxy. trul blesse Mother Churoh illuminato by the honour of Divine condescension, o adornen by the glorious lood os triumphant martyrs, o declied iriththe inriolate confessioni suoW-White rirginiis Among

'o the fame effect a sequencerio S. Augustine' Day - Cum post peracta praelia Digna reddiuitin Praemia;

Pro passione OSOR, Pro castitate anclida, Datii et torques Rhu'en

Pro stoetrina Catholica.


superior both to this ori an to thei sex doublingili glor of theis artare virgins With outhS, hosurpassed thei tender ear by their Hrtues. et notthe alone, ut the res of the multitudo of tho faithful

ond of the ousehold of Goi heir of God, and oinl-heirsu it Christ. he nies of this it are pene to usi, fortitude an satili id assordis uiroad entrance. Letos consideri heresere, the felicit of that heavenlyhabitation, in soriar ascit is possibi to conside it sor


ivith the destro os honour, o the ambition os o very No ea ther of the Devit no nares ther of erit Spiriis no terror ther of heli; no steath here, ither

I cannot resis tho temptationis quotin the parallel passage Domthe Nonsterfuit beaut sui poemi Bernar de Mortey De Contemptu

Minidi: Luce replebere jam sine vespere, jam in ima, Lu nova lucea tu erit aurea lux erit ina: Gens bene vivida vitaque florida, sons David undans Lux erit avi ea terraque lactea melle redundan :Lin e Vespere, gens lue funere vita carebit; JESII habebitin , ipse fenebitur, ipse tenebit: Spe modo nitunio' ubere pascimiu hic ibi pane: Nox mala plurima dat stabit intima gaudia mane JESUS amantibus assteret omnibiis alta trophea: JESUS amabitu , atque videbitio in Galilea.


have both Washod their robes in the Blood of tho Lami

an are elare the Thrones of GOD, and servemim dayaud night. There is no id age there nor misery of oldage; hil ad come o a perfeci man, to the measure of the statur of the fumes of Christ. But albove est thes things, is the ein associaled in the companies of Angeis and ArchangelS, ThroneSand Dominations Principalities and omers, and theeHoyment of the niches of ad the celestia virtves: to ehol the quadrous of the aints adorne Mili

tho human ind. For it is reater than the lor ofes the salvis, ut to attain to that ineffabie sight, und

The preaehercis, of Ourse reservis to that explanation os the textwhich would euel that, as Our LOBD ros again in the ver bestiar of earthi Ese, o uriossies, at the Eestu rection, id e ruise at the fame age asinis asci an to this p pos the also quote that texi Isaiah lxv. 20 here halide no more thene an infant of days, nor an id man that at no sile his dissu for the chilii hali die an hundred