Exercises in Latin prose composition : for schools

발행: 1889년

분량: 96페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


4. here is no ne of these men hom liberi has notaroused to the defence of ur common count . . Is it




61. 1. The pro sal o Gaius Caesar is that os no

Whoris consultingrio the Aaset of theseople, and is asit mere a hostage for his perpetua good-Wili tomaro thostate. Nomne can douM What he thiis about the holocas Who Voted a reWard to the informer, and thanis totae investigator and Who, though a ruit an genue perison, consim Lentulus to perpetuat darknes and chians.


FOR 'RITTEN TRANSLATION. 452. Wheredire, is o adopi the proposal f Silanus, Iahad nos fear the charge of crueity for What crueit canthere bo in punishing Wit death a mali ho is in nosensin alitigen, but is an nem of the republio 7 hs propose of the Sempronian la himself as ut todoathi command of theseople. 3. When I se lin m mini' sy tho cit fallin inruin the Wretched eaps of unburie citigens, and Cethegus revelliti in Our lood, I cannot 'thin of

sit only the are in a tolerable condition o servitude, contributo ad the caesto the aset an tranquillis of

the state.


os nothinibu his domicile in Italy. . Lucullus did