장음표시 사용
FOR 'RITTEN TRANSLATION. 33order of the senate, ad disclosed haly h knem, and the auis ad Vive evideno rogardin Lentulus and the est the documents ere brouo forWard. 5. Lentulus, Cethegus, Statilius, ach ' identisio his haud an seia The letters ere read Cethegu Wassilent. Statilius confessed Lentulus, though at rsthe devied, a Whil afferWard confessed, Suddent and
3. In return for in important services, felloW-cifigens, as for no mute memorial f praise, ut that mydeed may be cherished in oti memories, aud may be perpetuate in the monuments of our literature But since inust livo illi thoso I have subdued, I hope
the deat os a brave man. 5. Ut cannoti but that Pamassected by the ear of a lovin Wile. 6. I anythingli pens to me, I hope the republic Will tine in iis arris 'hat lituo boy of mine. 7. I hope that ad mill e sala, rather than that Nioleno Ahial overWhelm inem. 8. Comside ad the storrus that threaten, is yo do not/' devote yourselves to the silet of the state. . It is notatberius Gracchus h lampere Wit the Allobroges and calle out the flaves. 10. Gaius Gracchus di no formitie desim Vos sJayin ad the citigens. 11. No oneris testrio amat therissu of this day.
52 1. Silanus sis of the opinion that tho death pomalty ought tot employed against bad citigens. 2. De his nodi potnted by the god as a punishment, butis a necessityy o nature. 3. Wo ind of punishment aremade use of in this republio death and imprisonment fortife 4. Caesar favors' one Silanus the ther. 5. Has notdeat been appotnted asin est iro totis and miseries 7
53 1 It is di my interestrio second the propositiono Gaius Caesar. 2. It is for Caesar's interest o follomine popular course. 3. What is the differetice et oeninen Who are tres popular an mees Who isti to be
54. 1. The proposia o Silanus is fari mildor than
gunce been indefatigabie, but the destre of the Romanpeopte to retia imperial Way has been much greater. 4. M Forum is the oes place in Whicli here is a sufficient guard. 5. his is the oni cas 'in hic linighis
and senator 'liave ne and the fame raeling. 6. Theseare in Oni me ,ho cannoti rechoned in the numberos citigens. 7. Whyrahould not ali conspire for the common Mety 7 8. e tot to them superiorityi rank ni t vie illi them in patriotism. 9. I assure Outha the hole multitude of hee-bor citigens is present.10. For hocis here o homon erit an come here- after 2 CHAPTER VIII. 56 1. It is Worth Whil to observe that even theslaves are contributin to the common Mety as ueh