장음표시 사용
forenee Me no vive for constructio is continuat Murraneo, auo Maurieci nominative direct obieci, and the live, an ontra fem aro vivendor many othera that are uae frequently. The grammara referre in nro Allon 8 Greenough a A. , Gilderaleeue a G.ὶ,
1, 2. - 1, 2 3, 5, 11, 12 4, 10 6, 7 10, 2 27, 6;-6,5 26, 1 42, 4. - 2, 15 3, 7, 10 4, 5, 9 23,9 26, 6 34, 8.
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Lelana Stanfora Iunior Universitu,
This Series Wil contain hos portions of the Latinauthors that are suali rea in America school and colleges an to meet the romin demand o more liberat courses such ther portious Wil bo include asare mellinited for classroom use, but Whicham hithortolache scitabio editions. In ordor o furias permanent editions os uniform merit the or is distribute amonga, large number of special editors, and the severa editions mill o based for the mos partim approVed Germanoditio . Whilo thus profitiniis the valvabie resulis of Germanacholarsh. Whichisive the assurance of marhed excelletice to the Series, ac editor ill nevertheles verid est the statements of the original, and add to an alter them a much as may be necessis to adaptiis Wor tolli need of America studentS. The texi Willa carefuli rovised, and Willi foliomedi a separate par of the book is adest comment Dand
T. INSTΟΝ Α.Μ. LL.D., resident of the Universit of Nortli Carolina.