Exercises in Latin prose composition : for schools

발행: 1889년

분량: 96페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


6. Whon Archias rites,ith care and thought , pay the mos diligoni attention to im. 7. Me re tollby the mos learne me that meis are inspire is an enthusias that is almos divine. 8. M should eno admire a poet 'tho has litano the lor of the writor of old 8 9 Shalla no detin Archias in eve


71 1. hall, rejec Archias, ho has devote althis talent to celebratin the Hor of the Roman peopte 7


FOR ORA TRANSLATION. 53our arm have reached. 4. Thi ou Archias rites of Our achieVement in Gree Verse. 5. Fortunate are the

73 1. I cannoti dismi sed that every good mancis iis nee is a destre for celebrity. 2. Philosophersdeor Hory, ut rite their ames in thei Mori.

3. Even the reat Fulvius consecrate the spolis of Mars to themuses. 4. In a it in hicli poets are honore is generias, e uot no v be averse to the wellare o poets. 5. My W love o Horycis perhapsto ardent, ut et it is an honor te one. 6. I have neve Writte treatiae o the contempt of lo .


56 CICERO: ARCHIAS. times, ad ages, an ali places; ecause the reli eve mymind When it is ear Wit tho di in stris of the Forum; ecause is means of them this oratorices abditysiis improuod an because I am able no stud the pomirnyias os eminent men, hic authors have testis in thei books. Sottin these example fore me, I canoducato, min and judgmen by the Ver contemplationis excellent men. 2. Do ou as Whether allisur great commander MVebeon trianed in literature 2 o ali for there have been me of Auch pre-eminent natural ability that ove Wit, out theruid of te ning they have Ahom themaelves notoni brave and Wise, ut elbbalance an dignified. But it is, neveriheless, certain that te ning 'is of great assistanc in the cultivationis character.V3. 0 H have been accustome to admire Roscius, buto mon ur assectio by the activit of his bov; and shall, not also admiro Archias for the wonderfulaetivityy of his mines Why,V heia recite on the Spuro the moment, 'Nithout ritin a single ord, most excellent poet V o the ery evenis that are ining place 'around him. Other accomptishmentsin depondupo instructio an rules an method the poet reas his poWer iro natur itself. 4. 'et the men o Colophon etiam Homer for thoirown this Archias 'elonga torus, is his oWn destre audis ou laW8. His voico e like to ear bocause hecelebrates the nam an fame of the Roman eople. Grant that our Wn Ennius as dear to the oldor Africanus is no Archias dearly love by that distimmisite generat, Lucius Lucullus, ho pene Pontus to the Roman people, an routed th innumerable forces of tho Armeniatis 2


2. When Sulla a in Spain, he estome citigenshipupon many of the Spaniarda; and Would he have rejected Archias, i ho ad ovis his favoret e lio as Oeager o have his actions celebrate in verso that helent an ear to the oor poets of Cor Va, ould not, IS pose, me fought for the genius an abiliw of Archim. 3. It must be admitte that even thos philosophersWho rite realises on the contemptis glor are them-selves, neVeriheleas influenced by the ovo o presse; and in fac 'he est me are mos attracted by glo . I do no hesitate to confess o ou that Itysoli destren other reWard for in totis an danger in Ouraehali than the eternat heraldiu of in Viriues. 4. heredire, since Archias has done honor in his verse to the inlevements of the Roman eople and of your generias since he has promised 'o give an eternat recor o presse into ou in Viemos ou recent periis; and since hecis possesse of suo a genius that hocis courte by ur mos distinguished me es e reat ou, gentiemen of the jury to receiV him under Our printection, so that he ma seem to e relieVed by our humanity ratne than injured by your Severity.