장음표시 사용
17. CHAPs. X. III. 1. A conditionia sentenc in ind. diacourse. In suo cases alWays considerohat the direct form ould bo. 2. Omit. 3. Of. 4. Because. 5. Me eems to me to reproach. 6. -- cause L neglect. 7. mither. 8. Se 16 n. 7. s. rknowno in inat way. 10. f. omnium OBIBTum . . . maturitan . . . Tssint. 11. Not on0 Hid open, but also crushed.
20. ΗΑP. ΙΙΙ. 1. Mali ave hown. 2. Profugi6. 3. M116.4. Ipao. I. Observe the asyndeton. i. Se 19 n. 5.21 CHAP. IV. 1. Should Catiline Vise in the en or dat. 32. Follow the ex in repeatin M. 3. The Latin has no separate formo expres the Englis progressive. 4. Omit. 5. Abi ofectuse. 6. The various forma of the conditional sentenco fhould by this timete easti recogniged, and nee notis further referre toin these notes. 7. Acc in exclamation. 8. What tense 3 9. Notechange of tense. 10. S great. 11. Ηο great. 12. Prep. omitted before ictili. 13. miliarly but there is no objection to the super
34. CHAP. I. I. Sing. I. Use the prep. I. Notium. I. Omit. 6. Among. 6. mit in place among.V . Follo thes order of the text. i. Translate this rei clausea a participie. 35. CHAP. II. a. What tenso I. In that thata might sint l. 3. Gallic. A. Subordinate clause in ind. discourse. I. f. n. 2. 6. I so comprehend. 7. 6tua. 8. What the are plotting. . Mau
3. Rga. 4. Notis ait m in no manner. 6. moire in a rei clauseo proviso. 6. How much the can. 7. Translate by R et clause.